‘…mutilated out of place through whatever means necessary by missions of mercenaries each taking their shot at the prize having surmised what others lack in ability to advance the humanity critically, contradicting everyone else before this sudden need to change course midstream in the mainstream screaming for proper leadership to be found when no one steps up for themselves Here with some cruel bravado or masochistic machismo laced with golden silent poison godless warships worshiping mighty dollars earmarking finance and industry for victory beyond merely bread and circus peasants presented with pleasant options should they only obey the rules that were set for lab rats in mazes of manifestation to follow orders counterintuitively at times to define specific routes determining feasible alternates to this bizarre currency laid bare electric circuits snapping…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…human generations more than expected penetrating into the next dimensions before they are even mentioned starting reduced as scenes and local communities underneath layers of time and effort to push movements forward Here hearsay heresies seeing what sticks it out able to progress and evolve energy constant and getting resolved in ways that counterpoint as contradict our arguments reinforcing mass debate over being missionaries necessary emissaries capable of turning mercenary, ninja motions at vital moments at a moments notice and without a moments hesitation becoming the embodied warrior in spirit amped up and already offsetting other missions than yours making available what personal time and energy can be devoted to this demoted specialty of labor driven by authoritative directors needing not to dirty their hands if they can convince enough of those people…’
‘…perception… how we perceive thinking as wet networks of unseen and seen concepts as content connected together Here flipping doors open and closed constantly we are the ghosts haunting these machines into motion fluctuate plates of tectonic seismic shifting seizing us all by surprise as we defy our own preconceived notions in our actions under stress much as any other outside pressure put upon us singled out to take the brunt affecting our attitudes directly with consequence attached to curtail overt expenditures taking away more than is produced continuing the process of abuse looping for however many more generations to come, expressed in physical extremity translated into various distinct points of humanity leaving their marks echoing long after initial impact is felt progressively concerned with the meaning of this collapsing of trust in others…’ – out of Context
‘…predecessors we could relate to because their circumstances are extreme reflections of ours sometimes on cycles of repetition before them word processors that came and went venting their own frustrations with the world as they knew it then still more life lessons to learn if only we had the time patience and access to those mighty memories yielding results, complications riddled all throughout this chain of deceit extending to dark ages indeed and by duty bound only by fact in spite of all administrative authority absolutely certain thinking their directions correct are digesting our creature features through conformity laced with poison forcing us to submit to these dying cycles having grown up with change surrounding our lives Here sometimes as under appalling conditions of wealth hoarded resource beholden to hundreds of years of social vampirism…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…this sense of essence being not wholly of some substantial creation yet undeniable that we are living spectres of deviant behaviors attempting better lives, in magical processions of spirit through their ancestors colluding in quivering flesh repressed by the moral standard whose aptitude lies in reinforcing suffering we all feel obligated to the swoon under auspice of guilt and shame blundering on into soft parades of whimsical decadence whose passions remain furiously stroking out those whom cannot take the unrestrained ablyss inviting itself to be contained within one who dares think they are capable creatures on the actual brink of notions toward nervous breakthroughs in spite of the pathway being littered with multiple fundamental lessons of nervous breakdown instead left passing time to examine, whatness or what it is as considered essential Here quiddity…’
‘…nothing makes any sense except feeling substantial malign sources are out to throttle you with vengeance unattached from relatable perceptions interpreting many things differently unleashed upon anyone whose rules and personal boundaries disagree by avenging as right to bully whatever everyone may have in common never acknowledging these facts and raising tensions though one never knows until one decides to test those boundaries and barriers by not admitting to having them until now, all having our flaws in relating to ourselves and others through ways in separately derived incidents though requiring consent to reform or repent our emotions becoming reactionary involved in apologies banal platitudes or proving that oneself is right in those narcissistic acts of superiority used counteracting valid arguments of another in an empty pursuit of personal validation…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…wage-enslaved and obsessed what may trigger us soon preemptive before calamity has what details are necessary to happen that even secular professionals and scholars cannot foresee what mighty waves are challenging our survival opposed to imaginative actions which would promote growth across the spectrum in humanity’s purview simply perverted by propositional suspense appearing to exclude any wavering stages set asunder and surrendering under anxious tension to perform as narrow-minded society we are Here conflicting much as contradicting ourselves and weighing in against what is said with what is being done, a tragic revolution resisting ourselves shattering our own expectations for what we believe as solid stable and above all sensible while in the comfort of the strangulating safety net sheltering us all to death through empty platitudes and offense taken…’
‘…glimpse in vain into the future to set precedent which cannot be prearranged in this state of temporary flux in the metaphorical furnace Here trapped with the other souls fighting to escape the pressure… can you feel its presence as it creeps ever so subtly away from the brain and into the limbs usually forsaken to cursory glances when wounded that self-soothing behavior one tries to fix themselves with because it may be too vague to grasp right away feeling more like series of difficult tasks to perceive these ideas as self-affirming patterns in itself the living gaze society imposes through humans that we think can cause reality to react violently as if nature were buckling itself from those tensions arisen with ultimately destructive aspects fostered over centuries where one neither cares nor approves…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…to accept any outcome when every avenue of decision seems inherently unfair from beginning sense of being applied… not disguised as other misfortune we are stuck without sometimes easy or sensible remedy to our situation if we can only recover enough to obey gravity symptoms of the deleterious regime using artificial extractions of natural primal forms to build upon the works of civilizations prior to this self-condemning syndrome undermining our stability whenever weakness reveals its variety of effects inundating the multitude seeking solutions superficially interjected striking out in the worst of possible options normalized into rewarding psychopathic convictions lacking of civility let alone respect enough for others to move forward thoroughly throughout intermediate cycles of failure and contentment, finding meaning while we appear to only live once Here…’
out of Context – ‘…damaging through worded manipulation provoke cautious exhaustion weaving deftly between moments cluttered and flustering solitary cuckolds using technology to appease their bodies signals expressing carnal lust stemming from unsatisfactory straight out of the sadist factory indeed each one of us a variation on forms shaped by warping the unseen with invisible hands until the ideal somehow functions within the material source distanced away as tartarian emetic myth acidic strangers being trained becoming stranger, looping re-calibration sometimes synchronized with succumbing to numbing agents to some degree repurpose of empty platitudes and promises revived to give meaning to conspiracies replacing the cold sauce of tartars with the hot sauce of barbarism instead slithering back to human sacrifices appeasing the gods in question such heaven erazed by those villains…’