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Where the heart is hung well.

out of Context;
‘that there is a different being than what appears at first through the skin, a crevice of complicated stubborn sense crying out that life isn’t fair, but fully aware that no one wants to listen to that droning on… there isn’t much that isn’t make your own luck…’

Sleepy sounds of lazing awareness.

out of Context;
‘the resistance does seem futile, both to observe from this outside perspective, and to involve and cross that imaginary line drawn inside the mind… the choice to direct oneself through the din of narrow voices…’

Ha-ha, the gang’s all shit.

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‘that icy glare that represents a dynamic constantly fluctuating by time’s incredulous disguised laughter, a slaughtering of the average castrations constraining of that rusted reliance on that menacing industrial waste, but is that really surprising with a taste as culturally empty as ours?… sometimes i cannot disagree…’

A is for ‘asshole’.

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‘to grow from pets into people as we take turns soaking our bones, washing the conformity into our minds, but without the discretion that ages left… some people see the patterns inside the ones we are all given, the symbols that trigger the fireworks rise, like acting the phoenix willing to able…’

Suffering succotash.

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‘where the rest have become friends, we have become enemies, but only in haste do we strike that turning page that neither of us tends to be on together… the stormy weather hits the boards with pleasure stinging as the anger and insults stack higher and higher…’

Muses mistak’d.

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‘the muses call to me, but from underneath the taint of centuries gone by, hardened into phallic symbols in the fear-based economy… not everything is so romantic… the pigs’ skin sheds itself to leave fresh the surface for a new hide…’

Teasing the touches.

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‘the insulting linger as the words muster the effort that lacks a meaning, the nonsense becomes indecipherable as the emotions stream into the skull with a momentum all their own, and the villain either becomes vanquished or has more power for that day…’

Shifting plates, the tectonic way.

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‘as humans, we might have to fight to understand anything that isn’t handed to us first, and then fight with ourselves to manage the information well later… multitasking this is no easy feat…’

Revival of the khet.

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‘colors and symbols and sounds, all of these things blend together in my soul, and resonate deeply with my true self as through all my potential selves… holographically to some degree… a projected copy that “lives” as solid material in a space/ time continuum…’

Thought provoking change.

out of Context;
‘My hard-won love is really a very depressing cycle of manipulation that we have built into our culture, the speed with which we crash and spin to the floor when there is damage, and how survival succumbs to this game of psychological warfare when what we actually need is the collective welfare… Where does this insulting drive stem from, I wonder, because the more I resist the greater the pressure seems to grow… Bursting like condensation from the storm cloud, the hate from within pushes others away, radiating like a void suckling nihilistically at the life energy of everything…’ – from the 777 words