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Gonzorro, Gonzarro…

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‘each age that we remain lost children killing other children without conscience to bridge the schisms that form and enfold us all others affairs too often than we are able to stop and see while actively able to affect the change by choice instead of being blinded by distractions and decisions made for us well beyond childhood to adulthood, and wanting to understand how these changes occur beyond one’s own awareness of the surging pulse humanity represents to itself by focusing in on fulfilling of dreams in pursuit of happiness an ideal over contentedness a reality, and try as we may we cannot obey all the orders handed down to us which makes of arts subversion and social dominance of the mind through mind games played to extremes leading us to change ourselves out of fear…’


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‘lack of respect from anyone else who might but couldn’t care less… or listen well to instructions to the best of their ability responding as spite when resentful of those fuckers delighted in putting you in your place when they want to out of a despise for your hopeless faith in humanity can this world really be called “just” as in any true justice under a general opinion or public law formulated regulation simply avoided by dismissive agencies that shelters a suspect as if they were that prisoner caught snared by these restless silences siphoning the jolts of kinetic effects we ascribe to “jest” doing anything, can this activity be worth the energy put to it to carry the burdens a little further down paths left unspoken for the most part as exclusive intrusions…’


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‘the game cannot be told to the outsiders and those that happen to have their eyes sight exposed then opened to these shadow tactics hidden from those who sleep deeply enough to just slip away lost very casually almost trivially these souls and the ghosts left wandering between worlds of past future present and all locales interstitial to the dimensions greatly speculated over by physical scientists and philosophers and seekers of truth made manifest by the forces holding us to our actions until we respect our personal steps and imprints placed Here in a series of sections some may consider as chapters simplified for the many who do not understand these things… as biblical proportions go we are cut up in a few dozen billion pieces of partially conscious information in walking living organic portals…’


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‘the purpose to pose as victims of that deathly taste the faceless true god we have all submitted to gracelessly slipping from this conscious consensus bequeathed to us to hem and hum and hah overtly over and over again, or are we faithfully faceless merely as anyones forgotten the centuries drift dripping by as these sands we have convinced ourselves is all Here short supplies on these heathen islands called ‘planets’ by a contrived concept of historical frayed ends left questioning what this is exactly whether really as the scene was specified comes around to our way or not in resolving the personally bitter end increments of any endless wanderings meandering towards those vaulted spaces taken when granted we tried to grunt as specific syllables in the form of fragile bridges that we do eventually abridge…’


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‘dysfunction fashioned by some as being hip… these people are idiots and in the long run we all die anyway so what other conclusion does one need except nihilism and love when the crass and embittered sides of our thoughts require that fuel surging triumphant fury through the furnace a soul becomes channeled properly though never with the programs one sees upon the tv screens causing bewildering patterns to emerge when no one else yet is to look in timed harmony with the rest as humanity stacks its invisible odds on the worst bets, surrender was never words talked about when heavy doubts are revealed exposing the trends for any possible mends for that cosmic tapestry we are caught lounging on as seen by some perhaps as a still life from afar on islands of free will…’


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‘tactics followed since birth for many of us scraped off the shoe in a time of needy betrayals and unfit figures taking turns or letting go once things turned sour as milked wounds pushed onto burn over sparking nerves left to drag the dark past open to flame on charcoal balefires scalding those persons who were often women in ages comparable to those cultures now who were wrongfully condemned to be put down after being chased and hunted usually as a game played by the richest for sport while few of those skills were able to actually apply as those same distracted eras thought to have separated completely from medieval times are that wrong, and far from truth as though gods would say anything was deserving of painful punishments that could ensure that death wouldn’t be quick…’


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‘plot twists become more apparent or transparent as the case may be sooner than we think as the destroyed pieces left charred creating itself anew remains untouched by human frailties to subsume again by authority of nature’s grasp held highly above the heads of the Mankind who has force fed the mother on His poisons distilled from Her beauties borne each children of the surrounding territories as shepherds and friendly families of farming as communities respecting the inherent beliefs instilled by godless signals communicated directly from one source toward any of the one’s who would listen though few are true to the response the consensus godhead would allow reality to form into, but the Now takes shape anyway no matter the differences as created awkwardly distressed by this life or the next ones…’

a Memes to an end.

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‘casting that saturnalian cornucopia set short against a backdrop of Clemmons’ situational aesthetics in principle becoming action gashing out the eye of a preconceived notional taboo with the one long goddamn motherfucking pinkie nail that says …”maybe you will die from this or maybe you won’t” though survival leaves all sorts of scars behind into wounded truths half-abused to our deaths respectively wrongly conceived as badly running gag force fed what another’s understanding meant only to them beginning and ending as butcher and meat considered a crude symbiosis gory slick with blood and oils in a quicksand vacuum then of Manmade toxic creation after the fact it releases into a time-sensitive exhibit extolling virtues by the dozens and the vices wrapped up tightly nightly are over guilty feelings whose self-discipline makes for unique relationships between people…’

Deductive confusioning…

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‘finite capacity overpopulated with potentiality assaulting our senses cryptically crawling to heights unheard of until the talk of perspective catches with a mindful existence tracing lines in these timESPace wanderings conquering a continuum of continental divides soured on the certainties of collapsing graces and habituated bliss warped the sharp shape toward the ablyss bound to pull us into its swirl of gravity well above the rest of those repetitive traits overlapping painful surges taking self toward selfless levels of conscious collaboration, but we are not merely possessed seekers searching for conclusions…’

the reMoval…

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‘as butcher chop in twain animal calamity whose sudden and starkly strange contrasts are between a cursing and blessing sped by gravity insanity magma hot hand-eye coordination stationed in a few roles of performance metaphorically spoken for when animal distracted as aren’t we all some tragedy waiting to strike happening dumbstruck as if not accidentally on purpose enough for some of us depicting deviant sides of nature… the truly graceless face taking on the human miracle…’