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‘onto legends that status which cannot be transformed supposedly by the lashings of mortal fascinations when unfolded into diseases that have yet to reach the ground zero to assess the damage that will be done later that quakes and collapses the foundation of medical science and academia to an extent that will register a lot further down into the content of the realm we inhabit, and as them we are left with very few threads to begin following out of the maze contorted by displaced facts and the twisting of fiction that creates a tension palpable in detail that trivializes the compiled experience that makes us the who we are today almost set as self-aware prototypes of the opportunism rife within this feckless microcosm mushed and misshapen by the magicks of more than just some stage act…’
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‘nothing makes much sense without so much as a road map to triangulate a pathway to attack upon the basis of a stratagem that will be striking out against those naysayers trying their hands at a sooth as a truth saying whatever they wish to create a fundamental though not fundamentalist shift in these self-evident truths vibrating no matter the person vying for dominance, but figures who do come to power are not ever what was expected when they apply to rules that give leeway to certain groups opposed as to those viewed as being the inferior and lacking any appropriate traits to pass on to those of the future of the evident species though this of course is all a game played to keep the general population as paranoid as possible…’
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‘yet still so many that refuse out of stubborn instincts to be as contradictory as possible and stand against the grain as a living resistance in one form or another whether as good guys or bad ones each pushing an agenda of goals that we as the masses have no other choice but to try adapting ourselves to or die swallowed by conformity or to have tempted fate to absolve us of our suffering in Here venturing to appease the unrelenting with ambiguous motives with plans to subvert and infuse steady torment within the daily death rituals… as condemnable focus for the multitudes reinforcing their lives to cooperate with the rules of some vicarious idea of mastery thrilling tyrants who have been given as archetypes televised and utilized in modern mass pacification…’
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‘still shooting the seed trying to reach the stars without realizing that the help of others is a necessary practice among our fellow human beings whose separate glories are just as valid, and as these supposed truths we are locked within by our subliminal subversive devotion to are also those cures that kill the familiar with rituals undermining truer happiness to create the saddest faction of humanity separated by us as an accepted deterioration that becomes reality over the fantastic coordination that shuffles our shit off this mortal coil and on into the love of a void that annoys us to be this out of touch with our heads hearts and a harmony that could right the wrongs made so righteous by the wrong people pushing out through our history as a menace of phantoms…’
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‘a whole awareness in order to find the golden fountain like a sucked cess that pours out wafting harsh waves of diesel breeze lapping at the triggers of the human genome who becomes used to hormones and pheromones as long as there is no need to think about it too closely for comfort… trained to bend our opinions to dead defacto rulers measuring these homogenized stakes to claim to their graves with thoughts of revenge in heads that merely transmit these patterns wanting to translate themselves because this is a part of the unique programming made to conform to the standards upheld by people little better than dictators or tyrants ranting in timely fashion the bells tolling away for thee…’
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‘those inconsistencies that riddle our system with pain and suffering, but even in the concrete of care-taking what gives way to the decay and lack of improvement even if no one is devoted to making things better as though changing this by anything other than a humble mindfulness can distract from identifying with a confident version of the Self that is able to act and be responsible when needed as weeded out from the resting wicked Here in a kind of purge that keeps the outsiders on the fringe that bursts loose from the seams making it more madness than we ever could need… keeping oriented with the ticking away of clocks into oblivion as time is something easily referred to by the upper management whose presence is not ever seen only felt…’
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‘in revolutions of shameless surprise trying to wield opportunity like a hot knife to easily cut the butter of this fatty stubborn resolve that puts us at odds with ourselves much easier than with those narrowed sights we perceive being the reality in this case the burning window to the soul as hoop aflame to leap through forced when it seems that we cannot be the ones required to summon the courage to confront our fears as much the perceived flaw a shedding of tears is considered bad form or rude manners even though it is a catharsis for those so cryptic emotions… that we can be assured of anything is wrong and always is ending up fueling that sacred fire that is our divine being in the various forms of not only gods and monsters within…’
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‘the radical consonants constant throughout revolution as it evolves to become something more than a caricature of society whose intent and content have been welded and looped madly together selective and with deliberate motion to inflict a particular notion upon these wary people as a framework for puppetry raised with guttural symbols to places of power, and used as figureheads for the authority speaking in harsh voices forcing bodies to move in the directional options given them as though any children could possibly learn from these proxies as mocking the real debate of issues necessary to confront the heart of many speeches forming the basis for all of our theories and argument…’
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‘the words are used to condemn as reflect what we see inside of other souls our cells as soul are power that is scared by vulnerability being defensive at any and all costs to protect that only inner child as hidden as it is rambunctious and juvenile fighting and resisting both tooth and nail at the stolid solid sold-out adult as an authority to indoctrinate the youth through a charming swoon as call and response to the troops, it is this way that the novelty breaks out of previous molds conforming us to what we are told in a style that is reminiscent upon the term ‘learned helplessness’ that you could say drives us to herd as like single-minded the pack of cattle squished together and crowded mewling in panic…’
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‘for oneself much like any a modern magick is formulated to pull those blinders off our senses to clear the lenses of their obstruction as they dispose of our ability to move fluidly through in this ‘maithunam dravyam’ as the unrefined feel from an intercourse we as multiple parties share twined together either through intimacy or the relationships to each other that sustains and gives us some purpose to defend, but not to the extent then that lessons remain carved onto our foreheads as an external reminder hazing us in the present day no matter how the modern accessibility dreams between soul and functional as when that surging hot thrust of sexual play occurs momentarily that has only seemed to inhabit our fantasy lands until Now when we are out defending the castle or whatever it is…’