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Mood Swings of a Death Culture

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‘as if this could excuse the behavior that throttles the human spirit with other spirits that do not tread so wisely as the human remains vessel for the other mutinous dogs on this ship of fools we are timidly traveling within, intoxicated with desire and need and want as we bleed for truth in this culture searching for an ideal monotrauma as though in some single violent awake synchronicity as the act which will somehow speed us toward a unified enlightening of thought or body or control of the soulless commodity passed out like candy…’

Friction in Conviction

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‘i propose the terms “cowardly” and “courageous” to now signify negative and positive in human speech respectively, and more so reflectively to allow our conscious minds to breathe when there is already more than enough of these cluttered points gathered together at this razor’s edge of thought space, it is where anything and everything can foment a reality from the ethers of nothing as we might perceive to “know” them with our scholarly senses at work…’

Oh, Not Us.

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‘i stand up to rant my heart out with words cultivated from the mental dirt we all dig into facing an audience without fear, it is a temporary catharsis against the backdropping sounds and dim atmosphere of the places we fit as the design or location may hint with its’ own symbols and grounds as foundation for the drama unfolding, but this is how we create art that seems as to pull right off the pages before these very eyes that decide to see it all scattered in the pattern-seeking brain informing…’

Parking, Not Driving.

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‘before entering the human being phase of the training, and not all can hear the bells ringing as though school were utterly always in session to reach the next lesson on the syllabus planned as taught in holy words and jerks that spasm against the natural laws that Mankind so detrimentally needs to learn…’

Prohibition’s Edge

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‘deceived by all the right words placed before the ears and eyes of that individual’s intake of information, and thus a strong clutter of emotional static can affect the rational person like a psychic attack minus the warning as a surge of the callous general law flooding through and channeling its way into our stream of speech as tensions rise… i took the role and never planned ahead the slightest, except to buy a microphone for my bass amplifier that would have come in handy and still will no doubt though it was my own lack of any forethought that subdued my participation in the occasion…’

Eve of the New

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‘where the only access refrigerator is always locked closed with the cabinets and cupboards nailed shut as the room begins filling with gas from the stove left on high, but no one is getting anywhere in making a wistful final countdown admonishing a god any god that might listen to random pleas sent skyward as the reversal of fortunes makes the heavens fall to earth in impending doom raining blood upon the scourge of humanity killing itself… i am passed out yet again, my friends…’

a Christmas Lost

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‘the map out of this complex phase has been built by hands that weave the differing truths complimenting stark contrast against the unforgiving masses engorged on the wars and blood of their brethren as we starve to make a home out of survival… a revival of the passionate pleas crying for satisfaction from the rogue lovers whose goals are only to achieve an idea of status as quoted in this day and age of sovereign debt and high dark arts of manipulation made manifest…’

Paradigm Shift

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‘choking on the seeds of the eras left behind by those cruel and unusual pushed around for the sake of keeping the winning argument forced upon the majority… a synthesis of all these factors and more is what we call ‘soul’, sleeping like a ghost as it trots through progress upon a high horse like a trojan decoy made to look and feel like the way it is supposed to be subtly shaping our thoughts in ways inconceivable to those not there to witness…’

Dys Grunt

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‘subtly haunting the bodies committing themselves to this nonsense as ever in motion… striving to hide the hive mind behind occulted rituals and subtle stinging words used to manipulate the population into subconscious fear games that push us all to compete in the great hunt as predator or prey, and as some of the more deluded prepare themselves to die in the struggle alone as wild beasts…’

Of Satan; a modern essay on evil.

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‘reckless after money and power in the face of oppression just to be looking right because no one wants to be caught dead and wrong in the same breath while breathing asleep from the heavy things that drop onto our heads everyday like masochist balloons weighing down the end before it ends like a curtain falling over our outlook on a reality that doesn’t believe in opportunity or happiness without suffering… A trick of the dicks who think they run this place to get anywhere you need to be tamed by shit as beginnings come so quickly before the sweet individuation truly occurs to the newly human guinea pig in training on this animal farm experiment where you are the dead to remain exactly where you are, make no move…’