‘…spent on constructive criticism not destructive conducting symphonies of crass observation and calling it insightful is preposterous dreck from the mouths of lost babes bewildering those not professionally-trained to manage Here the more remote places caught where civilization doesn’t touch because literal dangers lurk trapped in the woods trying to eat you and digest the rest in the gut slowly churning dissolving worms before loosed underneath spilling bilious mass attaching at the roots bloody roots as the rest of this body conforms and conjoins to express itself through our personality walking in and out, modes of safest communication betrayed us submitting our civilization to villains Here trying to play the hero though failing miserably enough to spread the disease around having to deal with their decrepit deceit design and retreat into themselves helpless…’ – out of Context
‘…searching for personal truth as much exit strategies and covert schemes as knowing from below though unwilling to see it or achieve it because as human animals it is so alien to be conscious Here foreign fantastic and frightening delivered by unstable voyaging hundreds of years ago dressed in our ancestors tossed around rag dolls in dark cargo holds that it is an ultimate reminder for all of us to share the ride without apprehension about disturbing established stable conditions whose peace remains as temporary regard for everything shifting romantic idealized models, for those practical sometimes do maintenance requiring that we update and upgrade our perceptions separately and as whatever whole glory collectively instead of those diametrically opposed to one another vibrating at various frequencies whose states of the immediate makes them obnoxious people…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…if agreed sequence of events disallow it, Here few clues are left that have not been presumed interpretative dances to be used for other interests spun out of control just enough to disrupt the flow of energy always collecting charges fetish sized for ease of ingesting personal indiscretion absorbed into routine now though where they go we never know until we do that those first approaches are done one has to climb or crawl to absolve the compromises that have people staying attached in toxic ways to radioactive intensity cleaving off the surface tendencies to breathe autonomic gasps of stifling sterile air no matter how error proof, feeling that how dare we should be Here if we cannot do what personally feels right to us though this solipsistic snare is set in youth and fails…’
‘…or lack thereof in others hovering just above the precipice as coherent civilization careening over the edge as aptitude and attitude exchange places any order that works to salvage this savage troubling unity, beneath the meddling skin of civility divorced from ourselves we shed layers of phase denoting change as the years advance us forward through the densest parts of emotional distress without some life preserver shifting the sifting sands to liquid rising higher and higher until drowning becomes priority concerning issue as much suddenly disconcerting to muddling the flow of destiny spark so small feeling diminished anonymous underneath enshrouding organized oppression aggressively played off as genius work ethic generating on sequential objectives to reach for consoled by the urge before any agency can blind you with degrees of perspective grating nerve…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…as obtrusion in waiting for the right time to become unstoppable convincing others of this creeping finality making all of us paranoid of consequence to some extent causing the caustic karma police imprinted to act calling out injustice if even for selfish reasons more often than not, utilized wedging or fulcrum leverage pointing out weakness through contradiction where one sees it obscuring the corrective process with bullshit and excuses is never advised because even those simple strokes of luck which manage to prevent violent social disaster before it strikes out somewhere in the night camouflaged while casually stalking out prey worthy of inclusion into manipulations of grandeur fetching for another as runner to glean the gross gods out of these damned impulses shedding human clarity in layers of flesh congealed from blood fat and bone…’
out of Context – ‘…fangs sunk knee deep into whatever this desert of the real for creatures of the wheel happens to actually be as we begin this life to some as pets attempting to learn more than they should after certain ages are reached living aspects keeping us from knowledge and experience is something asserted to try and define discipline of self somewhat better than when last we caught up with our miscible collections of personal heroes, or villains whichever the case may be whom are ready to act as archetypes initiating one into the practice of mystic rites to mythic deities searching for personal forms of divinity Here upon the heathen earth constantly recycling soil dirty with our worth grown from being torn from either natural plant or animal parameters to become and evolve as conscious creatures…’
‘…gestures to propose new strands of light tied together bridging gaps with conveying of signals whose goals stay reciprocal as long inconceivable pressures hold us in place with the threat of things falling apart at a rapid pace as the momentum goes into overdrive once the first domino falls igniting chaos at the soonest opportunity gathering godspeeds turmoil instantaneously of weakened mental states unleashed by exploding back to simple worlds spiraling out of conscious command whirling as bedeviled dervish whose dance orbits the brightest thing to blind us we have ever seen, all these things and more harnessed with words to justify means by translating those hidden pieces of similarity and difference through near-universal contextual clues that some take sadistic pleasure in making games of communication by prolonging the curiosity of others until upset…’ – out of Context
‘…of what cellular genetics they have been reduced to that can as randomly get passed along dependent upon mutual receptivity from organically complex beings stuck inside machines… an arcane arcade of evolution in progress beyond this visual curtain spread wide open as knowledge taking one so far as confusion does leaping in loops and forward delays weaving words around to the satisfaction of none though plenty of redeemable rewards when the time comes for legacy moves in darkened rooms facilitating others into going on doing wherever the trails of happiness lead Here in amazing patterns that gradually extend free from being constrained by natural convolutions revolting outward when their time comes to plateau feeling only slightly vindicated among remains so pulverized as to be unrecognizable statistical detritusphere, conscious context crawling from wreckage…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…at best in Here, illuminatus trilobites caught helpless as the fossil record grooves as it slowly plays over time only audible enough to hear whispers from that cryptid performance piece called civilization taking on many phases and ornate forms as yet explained that exist while stuck in the daze and haze of mourning sickness not acknowledging the grief of loss so overwhelming yet repetitive to the point of depressing expectations of failure and being corrected if wrong in levels of severity depends upon the perpetrator whose delight must be in making others suffer as they believe they must have which makes them more untrustworthy… criminal cash crop of humans born and raised under loose loyalty to the state they believe they live within interpreted in many ways that differ and then direct us the opposite…’
‘…tension upon people to maintain fitness as regards being in poor health combined with bad hygiene rituals overwhelmed by guilty feelings we cannot escape because they are planted firmly in our minds and self esteem, so we look to poop for physical guidance once aware in this affair so not your average gherkin importer if not your first ride in a down rodeo laughing and crying inherently symptomatic of mental defects caused by the environment Here as the poisons digest through stillborn fertilizers instead harvested to feed the organic matrix at our feet undefeated by nature we succeed in filtering the cesspool of genetic anomalies if it fits into our hopes and prayers preying upon the hopeless and unaware planting bodies in the ground transferring energy as easily when people are pushed to talk shit…’ – out of Context