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…poetic error dares Truth socially…

out of Context – ‘…conduits of myth communications trial and tribulation outsourced from larval layers unable to commune directly because of these strange intrinsic meanings with simple symbolism satisfying favored irregular mutations deep in memory patterns tending toward personal masks the kinds of social camouflage corresponding outward to our animal cousins imprinted by retained mention effectively digging into nature that allows for such without wasted moments and nothing to lose unlike our humanity lacking respect for the many things that can kill us pathogenic suspect whose silence stays relevant lingering through naturally recurring systemic golden ratios fluctuations sending out signals Here universal vibrations, tempering materials in this furnace as inspiration setting about to rekindle fiery excitation reiterated with curious sentiment weighing in what hope can be culled…’

…raising antiQuity out of pity…

‘…lessons not to shy away from frightened so quickly that it betrays our personal character and constitution so we must turn back to face the conflict ourselves as selfless as the wagers force us to be Here catalyzing what instincts we may have to survive the ordeals as they arrive then to taunt and deceive our senses just as words can distort the filters of individual perception leading us through tensions highly tenderized by the cavalcade of lies that happened to raise us all from thinking differently, when as the children we were imprinted for the future by incomplete adults who chose to doom everyone for the sake of their egos being trampled over but nay Here we are required to revivify what has been cursed to be forgotten in order providing amenable saviors…’ – out of Context

…dysCardigan in whether…

out of Context – ‘…parameters in which they are initiated needing the greed as context to crave more substance over filling the inner sanctum shaping us as being participants whole occupants we wish to see inhabit this planetary realm without fear, the same kind that currently arguing suppresses our heathen earth using disposable excuses instead of based on facts utilizing shifty foundations to pass judgment as though exclusion were the final word but no there are so many voices Here that each line of forward momentum establishes singular strands weaving this collaborative identity together weathering any storms collectively instead of independent lessons which can abrade uncomfortable truths out of us sometimes against our will to leave able to readily absorb the moments as they happen perhaps most difficult skillful trick to command while within this constant dervish whirling…’

…What of the lutocost..?

‘…once the parts resume the whole purposefully fulfilling physical orientation within an indirect world inundated with multiple forward motions spilling out into these streets, seemingly at random though only from the outside curious tourists attempting to understand what defies logic Here superseded by impulse in a sense meant to break through monotonous routine and behavior shattering with precision the calcified portions preventing expression or inspirations keeping the minds from being open moved in this particular journey by the Muse whose passions are the fuse in confusion igniting as much uniting the untied ends loosed by passing forces unaware of their effects upon others even from at a distance we hear and are become echoes reflecting and reflected by culture as it tries continuing, the perfected narrative initiating prospective devotees to the epic saga…’ – out of Context

…wHine diamonds…

out of Context – ‘…damaging through worded manipulation provoke cautious exhaustion weaving deftly between moments cluttered and flustering solitary cuckolds using technology to appease their bodies signals expressing carnal lust stemming from unsatisfactory straight out of the sadist factory indeed each one of us a variation on forms shaped by warping the unseen with invisible hands until the ideal somehow functions within the material source distanced away as tartarian emetic myth acidic strangers being trained becoming stranger, looping re-calibration sometimes synchronized with succumbing to numbing agents to some degree repurpose of empty platitudes and promises revived to give meaning to conspiracies replacing the cold sauce of tartars with the hot sauce of barbarism instead slithering back to human sacrifices appeasing the gods in question such heaven erazed by those villains…’

…tones lacking of pygmAlien timbre…

‘…false heroism used to justify ignorance that can turn deadly incompetent as motions reinforce the caliber of devotion and loyalty tempered to serve under disgusting dictatorial movements subjugated as all of our ancestors collected together in grandiose shame thrown to feed the fires to be as erased as can be from this mortal world of rotten material before then getting exiled from common thought… anathematized by official decree of demon liege interpreting through papal bullshit saying whatever all-seeing sky father believed there is unhappy and nasty requiring virgins blood and torment are to be donated to whatever cause in its name attempting to assert authority that is not rightfully theirs to make certain of the execution in all sacramental sentiment absorbed by one god forcing its loyal subjects to be instruments affected by its whim…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…growth through mixed messages further crossing territories unknown for people quite fearful not wanting to die or sacrifice too much whose transition to something better is held back by preconceived blinders applied notions, excited particle zoo dashing around the spheres of influence that orbit affecting the society we inhabit currently always under constant change somewhere details consistently getting overlooked dismissing parts to the whole picture genuine not lacking seams proving some artisan perfected the touches making that which is average into the extraordinary as we have imagined it reaching out closer to an epigenesis of conclusions patiently hanging potential for those who can witness its presences as gifts not demons or spirits to be banished with choice comes understanding if these sacred pieces are left unmolested which is growing ever more difficult…’

…ergodic hypoThetical politic…

‘…systems already in place to reinforce the new world turd reich fascist regime trying to fatalistically overthrow what little charity that is observed from that automatically civil standpoints getting abused or walked upon because of being confused for doormats Here, weak people whose attempting to get their revenge out of spite liberating the people with hatred and mayhem invested to cloud those thoughts of truly baseline simple people even those whom have the animosity to claim being better off than anyone else without fearing some snap back from the peanut gallery Here tossing off vomiting their lunch onto the world stage wretches wretched raining what appears at first as water but does it quench thirst before it sickens the drinker quicker and quicker until released from the trapped organic maze we feel inside…’ – out of Context

…hell is people in General…

‘…torment distinctly expressed as fantastic riddles synchronous with all the various phrases for the catechumen questions of life to a catechist acting as catalyst to initiation atomized and condensed down to essential oils with which we anoint ourselves in the passion thus released by the freeing our spirits… but not all teachings are squeaky clean instead not being for the squeamish characterize the bad things occurring most frequently as ways to traumatize youth via arcane rites of passage whose grotesque practices yield ghastly yet offensive outcomes figured then as predictable for resulting in the personal choice of abstinental orthodox preaching on upon god luck and good speed handed out as communion to initialize radioactive retrospecting mind virus wiping us pure from the mind side out keyed to comfort zones in our brains like switches attached…’ – out of Context

…prurient subLemon…

out of Context – ‘…degenerate mockery goes for normal these days trying to find fitting artwork to indulge in affairs of perspective somewhere Here styles of realism versus imagination and where the divergent points intersect all throughout the interpretative minds of artists to create such works that intrigue us more than as memories from some distant dream fighting with the thing inside ourselves that wants to enact motions of dreaming while awake and seeing substance manifest or that elusive potential in attempt at tempting reward to value ourselves with as well as others in this biased expression of leadership fraught perilous, continually renewed shaping a bit more each go around in social orbit of the fringe crowd cringing in grief ripe slaves to habitual rituals that succeed through their sacrificial sacraments suspending the critical disbelief…’