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‘…nothing makes any sense except feeling substantial malign sources are out to throttle you with vengeance unattached from relatable perceptions interpreting many things differently unleashed upon anyone whose rules and personal boundaries disagree by avenging as right to bully whatever everyone may have in common never acknowledging these facts and raising tensions though one never knows until one decides to test those boundaries and barriers by not admitting to having them until now, all having our flaws in relating to ourselves and others through ways in separately derived incidents though requiring consent to reform or repent our emotions becoming reactionary involved in apologies banal platitudes or proving that oneself is right in those narcissistic acts of superiority used counteracting valid arguments of another in an empty pursuit of personal validation…’ – out of Context

…what means to Draculogize…

out of Context – ‘…fangs sunk knee deep into whatever this desert of the real for creatures of the wheel happens to actually be as we begin this life to some as pets attempting to learn more than they should after certain ages are reached living aspects keeping us from knowledge and experience is something asserted to try and define discipline of self somewhat better than when last we caught up with our miscible collections of personal heroes, or villains whichever the case may be whom are ready to act as archetypes initiating one into the practice of mystic rites to mythic deities searching for personal forms of divinity Here upon the heathen earth constantly recycling soil dirty with our worth grown from being torn from either natural plant or animal parameters to become and evolve as conscious creatures…’

…Mogwai or the highway…

‘…though through distant fogs preventing us from being able to see more clearly as instances appear that any closeness to the name of death is difficult truth to confront especially when kicking and screaming for help and life revived somehow more genuine than our previous miscarriages of justice to others undeserving of abuse or punishment even as we occasionally coerce each other into doing stupid upset things whose snares serve the undeniably serious purpose of each instrumental lesson in gravity annihilating those unwary hopefully with painless celerity dissected, to which we cannot provide proof of assurance that we will survive this ride complete or in charge while having to submit to bringing ourselves for self-inspection through circumlocution to sell using that what seems authentic yet is mere gobbledygook taken shape and bought by bewildered masses…’ – out of Context

…magically fRictitious…

out of Context – ‘…wage-enslaved and obsessed what may trigger us soon preemptive before calamity has what details are necessary to happen that even secular professionals and scholars cannot foresee what mighty waves are challenging our survival opposed to imaginative actions which would promote growth across the spectrum in humanity’s purview simply perverted by propositional suspense appearing to exclude any wavering stages set asunder and surrendering under anxious tension to perform as narrow-minded society we are Here conflicting much as contradicting ourselves and weighing in against what is said with what is being done, a tragic revolution resisting ourselves shattering our own expectations for what we believe as solid stable and above all sensible while in the comfort of the strangulating safety net sheltering us all to death through empty platitudes and offense taken…’

…lost whirled within tSundoku…

‘…gestures to propose new strands of light tied together bridging gaps with conveying of signals whose goals stay reciprocal as long inconceivable pressures hold us in place with the threat of things falling apart at a rapid pace as the momentum goes into overdrive once the first domino falls igniting chaos at the soonest opportunity gathering godspeeds turmoil instantaneously of weakened mental states unleashed by exploding back to simple worlds spiraling out of conscious command whirling as bedeviled dervish whose dance orbits the brightest thing to blind us we have ever seen, all these things and more harnessed with words to justify means by translating those hidden pieces of similarity and difference through near-universal contextual clues that some take sadistic pleasure in making games of communication by prolonging the curiosity of others until upset…’ – out of Context

…what jest in digesting hezBiloba…

out of Context – ‘…to perceive on the social horizon vertically rising rhizomes searching for light instinctively can be reached breaching states of ignorance-held endarkenment which defines backwards progress to that assured enlightenment of possibilities feeling it without eyes, something better to see instead of this constant thread of critical analysis threatening what is already Here to be judged by maladaptive individuals difficult eccentric voices to track though worthy enough to speak up which all of us should ideally be appropriate for peace being there when necessary not getting lost in fantastic implications that have no bearing except on individual sanity and stress reduction skipped by in resolving cursory glances to discern definitive proof with canonical clarity to which all people must yield to information in its ever-changing phrases as faces of life not death…’

…Vomiting out antagonism…

‘…when things go our way blindsided to suddenly see for ourselves decrepitude behind whatever masks conceal the individual truths bent to human will masquerading as manifest destiny localized so finite as to be imperceptible with naked eyes witnessing the atrocity and havoc occurring damaged collateral include manipulation to take as much advantage as possible draining vital resources from others justified through monied powers washing their hands clean utilizing outside forces pent up and trained to reign hell over their targets under extreme prejudice and discrimination when we are the enemies Here, ourselves forced into harm to savor the sadism present in our simplest actions methodically mutating what we cannot believe as real or our fault taking responsibility to make sense of situations finding reasons to accept some renaissance of resistance serving itself…’ – out of Context

…tolerances from the pHarsickle…

out of Context – ‘…corrupting our youth when we were them accepting that gift jumped in by familial plugs doing favors for another customer in order to be favored by the company when the need arises shifting sides of the spectrum optimally deluded by systems within the machine having staked claim in prolonging our existence Here as much anywhere else with our track record archived and memorialized for each individual happening to get past this threshold, once seeing night skies turn into early rays of dawn it might be easy to have interpreted planets as people who cannot be loosed are tethered whole severed from clothes slightly covering our humility rampantly indisposed to our toxic humanity consistently guided by influences from outside as much within flagellating those deeper ideas of control stress and the pressures to perform as expected…’

…struggle of the Kerfuffle…

‘…when taken as antidotes in what we require to achieve full cognitive function believing ourselves somehow unaffected by warnings ceasing to sound off so alarming toxic talk sick of sick sad worlds colliding frequently enough to raise valid concern even though nervous about lifting any false flags amidst surveillance culture warfare so cold it recalls tensions of the near past now micromanaged to seem insignificant from the distance of passing cars quickly engaged with the surroundings as opposed to living inside of thoughts feeling better left unsaid when every utterance feels wrong, judged Here as inadequate descriptions falling out of the mouth manifesting as crucially sensing synchronous certitude of error and guilt admonishing by way of psychic link deciphered through the lenses as instinct intuition and intellect in currency crossing our organic circuitry…’ – out of Context

…time is Not divinity but our time is…

out of Context – ‘…described as being hypocritically apocryphal or an unsound pontoon trash raft of news, constantly making our fragility known when we are feeling most certain that things will go correctly one more time around on the life lesson wheels of fate spinning us faster as we understand better further secrets aphorise becoming mystic enlightenment paid for when the dervishes whirring whirled starts stopping completely leaving us all to question our guiding structures of logic and reason in pursuit of survival re-calibrating what was once there before apocalyptic armaments and dystopian dreams filled the streams live with people reiterating the same garbage to each other until one of many lies sticks or makes an impact, as it used to be with breaking reports on nightly network programs then programming the chosen viewer with critical impairments…’