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…exit Wound roustabout…

‘…searching for personal truth as much exit strategies and covert schemes as knowing from below though unwilling to see it or achieve it because as human animals it is so alien to be conscious Here foreign fantastic and frightening delivered by unstable voyaging hundreds of years ago dressed in our ancestors tossed around rag dolls in dark cargo holds that it is an ultimate reminder for all of us to share the ride without apprehension about disturbing established stable conditions whose peace remains as temporary regard for everything shifting romantic idealized models, for those practical sometimes do maintenance requiring that we update and upgrade our perceptions separately and as whatever whole glory collectively instead of those diametrically opposed to one another vibrating at various frequencies whose states of the immediate makes them obnoxious people…’ – out of Context

…lost At scene…

out of Context – ‘…executing frenzied still tortuous extractions activated though we can never unsee threats compelled by the sights witnessed to endure haphazardly innocent as ignorant to these things that surround us enmeshing our energies and presence with static analysis of details cataloging and containing the catalytic controversies, Here causing such moments of agony in contrast as ecstasy reduced to contentment in such a critical age that excellence cannot be registered as it once was so effectively with mere technically descriptive accounts in writing laying claim to our thoughts digesting the thinking works of others prior to our compartmental genetic process imparting to parents the gift of children in order to keep the seeds flourishing upon such heathen earth local gods shall reign supreme again in that overwhelming fear made literal…’

…drinking up the Cruel tea…

‘…sides to our features creating monsters from gods once praised before their madness inflicted its infections upon all shapes and sizes in varying states of maturity, no one left out of these natural cycles ostracized when seized by the moment contrasted against others faith keeping them composed and collected though calm is another issue entirely when no one knows what state the cat is in as long as it stays in the bag choking hazardous fears caught in our throats aligning central to losing control and getting nowhere wheeling and dealing to survive by bargaining with entities one cannot see but must believe to perceive in an ocean of lies that show we all float down Here tethered to life and death scarring our discontented minds, apprentice wreaking of havoc spinning bullshit in china shops…’ – out of Context

…semet Ipse…

out of Context – ‘…if agreed sequence of events disallow it, Here few clues are left that have not been presumed interpretative dances to be used for other interests spun out of control just enough to disrupt the flow of energy always collecting charges fetish sized for ease of ingesting personal indiscretion absorbed into routine now though where they go we never know until we do that those first approaches are done one has to climb or crawl to absolve the compromises that have people staying attached in toxic ways to radioactive intensity cleaving off the surface tendencies to breathe autonomic gasps of stifling sterile air no matter how error proof, feeling that how dare we should be Here if we cannot do what personally feels right to us though this solipsistic snare is set in youth and fails…’

…to interject only with Jest…

‘…or lack thereof in others hovering just above the precipice as coherent civilization careening over the edge as aptitude and attitude exchange places any order that works to salvage this savage troubling unity, beneath the meddling skin of civility divorced from ourselves we shed layers of phase denoting change as the years advance us forward through the densest parts of emotional distress without some life preserver shifting the sifting sands to liquid rising higher and higher until drowning becomes priority concerning issue as much suddenly disconcerting to muddling the flow of destiny spark so small feeling diminished anonymous underneath enshrouding organized oppression aggressively played off as genius work ethic generating on sequential objectives to reach for consoled by the urge before any agency can blind you with degrees of perspective grating nerve…’ – out of Context

…states of chru Fetich…

out of Context – ‘…as obtrusion in waiting for the right time to become unstoppable convincing others of this creeping finality making all of us paranoid of consequence to some extent causing the caustic karma police imprinted to act calling out injustice if even for selfish reasons more often than not, utilized wedging or fulcrum leverage pointing out weakness through contradiction where one sees it obscuring the corrective process with bullshit and excuses is never advised because even those simple strokes of luck which manage to prevent violent social disaster before it strikes out somewhere in the night camouflaged while casually stalking out prey worthy of inclusion into manipulations of grandeur fetching for another as runner to glean the gross gods out of these damned impulses shedding human clarity in layers of flesh congealed from blood fat and bone…’

…to what fLuxury is this…

‘…harnessed for energy covertly replacing the horsepower guided into place by pressure of your peers scat singing our way through liminal eschatology whose escalation as wielded into tools of ethnomethodology versus sociology, we are not worthy in our secreted excretions seized pleasingly sized to objectify as fetish holding certain mojo about it symbolic of particular peculiar sensitivities some would call mystical in this essence heaven’s lobotomy preaching at us how to live properly via interpretive temporal advocates playing devils wishing to be redeemed by whatever savior we have for the time being justifying our maleficent influences creating tensions between people as though social constructs to be toyed with in sights solipsistic amounting to who we decide to listen to with undivided attention accounting for little as pity party wallowing in psychic wounds…’ – out of Context

…nemetic Quiddity…

out of Context – ‘…this sense of essence being not wholly of some substantial creation yet undeniable that we are living spectres of deviant behaviors attempting better lives, in magical processions of spirit through their ancestors colluding in quivering flesh repressed by the moral standard whose aptitude lies in reinforcing suffering we all feel obligated to the swoon under auspice of guilt and shame blundering on into soft parades of whimsical decadence whose passions remain furiously stroking out those whom cannot take the unrestrained ablyss inviting itself to be contained within one who dares think they are capable creatures on the actual brink of notions toward nervous breakthroughs in spite of the pathway being littered with multiple fundamental lessons of nervous breakdown instead left passing time to examine, whatness or what it is as considered essential Here quiddity…’


‘…nothing makes any sense except feeling substantial malign sources are out to throttle you with vengeance unattached from relatable perceptions interpreting many things differently unleashed upon anyone whose rules and personal boundaries disagree by avenging as right to bully whatever everyone may have in common never acknowledging these facts and raising tensions though one never knows until one decides to test those boundaries and barriers by not admitting to having them until now, all having our flaws in relating to ourselves and others through ways in separately derived incidents though requiring consent to reform or repent our emotions becoming reactionary involved in apologies banal platitudes or proving that oneself is right in those narcissistic acts of superiority used counteracting valid arguments of another in an empty pursuit of personal validation…’ – out of Context

…what means to Draculogize…

out of Context – ‘…fangs sunk knee deep into whatever this desert of the real for creatures of the wheel happens to actually be as we begin this life to some as pets attempting to learn more than they should after certain ages are reached living aspects keeping us from knowledge and experience is something asserted to try and define discipline of self somewhat better than when last we caught up with our miscible collections of personal heroes, or villains whichever the case may be whom are ready to act as archetypes initiating one into the practice of mystic rites to mythic deities searching for personal forms of divinity Here upon the heathen earth constantly recycling soil dirty with our worth grown from being torn from either natural plant or animal parameters to become and evolve as conscious creatures…’