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‘…unpleasant truths that squeeze and ooze from our pores poor you set in your ways leading to fatigue and horrible hygiene one step closer beyond to something other than this accepted exception to the rules only where applies best with salve or cream overnight a sleeping remedy because awake life is too much to handle simply or easily thanks to the complicated stakes omnipresent in suspension of disbelief to search out adventure as the next martyrs to be assaulted by a cruel real world, where the smallest parts one does participate within creates ripples dependent upon spreading ideas within context easy to understand being too shrewd through vague communication getting others freely telling their viewpoint to one within patience and silent contemplation feeling sorry for your story line in this brief chapter of life…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…driving coffins on wheels a rare breed hoping not to die as it crisscrosses the highways and frontage roads weaving maps into existence that never existed before the journey creating stories to be recounted by those who were there are the most genuine and emotional pulling us in to depict life juxtaposed from memory into immediate company relating experiences to one another this way bonding and coming to a mutual agreement which depending on persons may remain unspoken as long as it remains Here energy converted into an ephemeral concept connected to various impediments of perspective from our singular viewpoints, collected at precarious moments when straying away from nonsense makes the most sense even if the massive might disagree with your lone point of observation lacking respect for what prospects in what context remain unmolested…’

…notions of something wUnderground…

‘…even if that means sacrificing civilizations to the context of a bloodthirsty beast let out on the loose to reign havoc intruding mayhem into social events flipping their stability transformed to become orgies of the macabre decadent and affluent, as it has always been with power-hungry minions of perfection seeking fuel for the fire in their heart of hearts beating profuse with professional confessions the edges of which tell tall tales of wealth and resources as though this were an optimal delusion to suffer from over-extension of selfish hoarding universally paranoid and protective represented by facets of one’s possessions held dear but restricting any vital access to energy flow required has led to obstruction in avaricious treasure hunters using whatever gimmick it takes to change spontaneous fortunes instantaneously with the right formula of determination…’ – out of Context

…mercenary Position…

out of Context – ‘…eating death as a treat when lost on the scene that coagulates on the bones as structured escape from the tragedy we see every day singling out one at a time condemned, this flesh that bends this substantial leaning against a system in place to protect and restrict by making certain of interjected complications and altercations exist Here through repeated patterns of dissonance defined through training rigid discipline into oneself desire and determination creates soldiers to be decimated but for a cause unknown how uncertain obstacle placed in front of us as we damage the topiary hedge maze that exits thanks to funding persistent in its relative established creeds and bullshit radioactive and irradiating prolonged funk transfer into the immediate atmosphere with urgency of fear feeling all-surrounding chamber of many loaded statements…’

…reTahr’d-ay-shun, eschewed complication…

‘…biblical verses as this obverse observed in skewed and chewed up essay format perhaps more in the questionable style as sort of slab poetry written as though scrawl sprawling upon this supreme of screened in window to connected tissue issuing forth battles and cries because anger turns to sadness turns to madness so often as catalyst converting emotional baggage to avoid hemorrhage the brain dead from stresses unhealthily unhelpful no matter how stridently nice seeming we cannot be solely floating dreaming beings, embryonic brine seeking caricatures of creatures thirsty for accusation to become the worst version of oneself layered and recursive as curses become blessings as they converted over generations Here curing us as though that isn’t complicated enough travels finding the morale pursuing putrid virtues whose skin falls off in rotten chunks thoroughly vice…’ – out of Context

…better death through Science…

out of Context – ‘…in the form of inspiration unsullied by the corrupted thinking that cannot help being grotesque and feral and recklessly unleashed upon the publicity stunt of running amok until having to be put down for such a damaging reap for rewards in the form of bodies whose inner worlds will now be lost because in some minds there is no hope, not by request but by wounds that weep angelic filth resembling blood to those that would ache for it to be seen running like a faucet dripping torture for the sadist and their victims scared to know any better because the light burns extremely bright in the eyes of dead souls ignited alight by purest psychic blindness pushing violent ideals for an agenda that excludes humanity taking place everyday the sounds of lambs silent…’


‘…currency of the current society whose digital whispers condemn each other in subtle to extreme competitions to get ahead of the train wreck approaching us with barrier-deflecting power that be in order to make an escaping that much easier than not knowing what to do Here tricking oneself that everything is calm on the surface but struggles underneath from where there is no retreat tend to burst through in knockdown context defeating apprehension triggering suspicion that everything is bound to fail Here can we ever dissuade ourselves from perilously moving forward to excise the torment seeming endless, attached to our familiarities as the repeated patterns plague us into thinking their continuity as absolute when it is as mutable as the spirits and moods that shape our personal behavior ideas and the aspects of our character…’ – out of Context

…dreamcatcher in the Rye…

out of Context – ‘…superficial assumptions evoking troubling sleep patterns when the stress pours over moments for relaxing and resting in peace with that nagging fear and dread having morbidly ceased their quest of infiltration that finds us scared to metaphorical death dealing with the feelings of an emotional journey ahead, instead of waiting for a casual consumption of guilt and shame and isolation pushing my defenses empty that one cannot commit to steps that would balance out this picture diminished enough that self-esteem feels lacking to extents of damage mining the memories for reasons to hate and worry and consume what one should profess confess or express to fullest equivalent that leads one to the best of all scenarios for them that can execute gathering momentum conceding wisdom where steps were dumb prior numb to the conditional stupiditah…’


‘…affects rendering our influence null and void screaming in profanity at this tiny window from which we see the universe so myopically tainted by the variable perceptions lodging themselves Here in attempting to deduce discovering ways out, just as to why our always-searching-for-civilized variant of the species exists in the first place remaining enshrouded mysteriously as shards from an outer power released aeons ago mutates and re-calibrates shapes and states of being facets of a greater emanation whose awareness of itself filters through us each in our own series of personal timing layered with further collusion of variables making up that distinctive pattern toward individuals fetishizing each detail we may surmise of our character petarded Here unique by our naive phases of ignorant behavior managed as strings and threads of intent culminating in theories…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…redundant pressures that repeat surging circuits into place promoting a taste of unmanageable mess that living has become now locked in step still hashing out harsh raw edges of the machinery thus built tough enough to survive to the last one of us cannot remain within an organic suit of fragile armor that heals and adapts trying to prevent diminishing returns as cycles start renewing themselves to flex natural will as the world heartbeat palpitates and resurrects another series of seasoning rich within our own fluctuating historical notes narrowing down definitions to their fundamental parts structured, demanding punctures through collected integrity varied between stated beginnings toward inevitable conclusion though sorted in a variety of ways fashioned Here out of pieces placed together wedged creating some drastic connections when chaos ashes and subtle hints…’