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Ocho de Verde

out of Context;
‘was there ever really anything left?… or was it all just a series of facts?… the poetry translated through a tormented scripture… no, just the repressed buttons and switches and levers that resist the finger, we down play the mutant suffering motherfucker unaware…’

in the time of Busker Du.

out of Context;
‘to play my songs somewhere Here close by, busking on the street corner or open-mic night for small amounts of plundered coin, and is this the part-time scale that will please?….is this my missing need that i crave and ache to please?… we shall see, we shall see…’

Dee sees.

out of Context;
‘from mathematics and the divination to perceive the variations as they wash over the milky opaque film as it is played by the players like a game, and no gestures alone seem to fulfill the semantics either… we are obviously more than mere puppetry…’

Accept the well tainted.

out of Context;
‘we are never wholly bound by this crazed contrast of ideas made manifest, we are simply conjunctions responding to the tug and ebb of dirty words and dark thoughts, and sacrificing too much to the wasted and vapid years as men that we might try to boldly ‘cowboy-up’ as the retarded emulsifiers the male of the species ill-bent…’

Where is this going?

out of Context;
‘obviously not everything i write is going to be a jewel, but it is the effort of working through what isn’t just meat and tissue that makes this exercise worthwhile, not every word stands alone…. because you cannot understand the story without reading every word….’

Like life mechanical.

out of Context;
‘my skin crawls every single time i make a mistake, creating a vacuum in anticipation of the next mistake somewhere in the back of my mind, intimidated by my crap-abiding personality… a fever pitch of dissatisfaction, and where am i in all of this?…’

Sinister droppings.

out of Context;
‘the slow means of moving along in life provided by the filtering process unique to each individual interpretation, the path reinforces itself as the being travels along that channel of energy, and it does take longer than expected when the mind allows so much from the outside a residence inside the skull…’

A skeptical analysis.

out of Context;
‘dropping the eyes into the windows of the soul, where does the spirit jump out and play, but my thoughts always seem to make haste for the mechanical pulse inside of things like you or me… the dragging negative anchors…’

Hallucinating bewilderments.

out of Context;
‘the grinding autonomous press printing the crest of gather living eyes to sway, and utterly repress the instinct which before now had come so naturally to one, though there are few ways to survive this information as such without the erosive feelings one gets when reading this…’

Learning the curve.

out of Context;
‘sometimes i wish the emotions didn’t ride so close to the surface, just layers of the holographic barriers we project from ourselves, the core being sheds to expire with the goals of experiencing like all the rest of humanity… what does the spirit crave?…’