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the leper Erotic.

out of Context;
‘in demand from birth once they learn to sell themselves properly as the repetition kicks in… demon genes that filter through the possession of mankind in the grip of defaced treatment by displaced human rage, we ensnare ourselves with obvious tricks and torments that somehow keep us all in pace with one another, but still it seems a disgrace to be a cruel and inhumane risk to the rest of this specialty grouping in the annals of a distorted history… a compassionate heir to the victory that might be human but more than likely but will be truly alien to us, and we are living in an age of the living aliens walking amongst us at all times, watching the angelic beings perhaps traffic with those perpendicular of mind below the surface of the waves turned particle…’

Eight days, a weak.

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‘in at first subtle ways into frenzied wringing of the vocal cords… one, two, three Guinness in my stomach that night… to be topped by two previous blog posts, and a wonder what the next open mic night will be like then, finally though people seemed a little tired of pointed speaking of personal wreak as the time grew wee… the friendlier i became after the casual ranting with aftermath involving two more alcoholic beverages along with a jib provided by these newly acquainted friends and i, loving every minute i was allowed to bleed my heart and head right there as it was such an involved process that summoned so much inspired positive bliss as have never had before, and that followed me half-asleep all through the next day as i truly could not express…’

a Goon from the womb.

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‘i am a piece of shit with genes this unguided, but what did you think?… did you think it would just smooth out eventually if you just sat back and made money like some bloated old fat cat?… i am amazed how things twisted and turned to make things this way, and all throughout this cycle people just kept making stupid decisions without being honest with their stupid behavior, always causing more problems because you and i aren’t honest with each other… oh you can criticize me until you are blue in the face, but can you actually see the person you helped create?… no… you just abuse words to throw up a defensive act… generations raised in ignorance can’t be blamed as the bad parents…’

views from the Oblong box.

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‘some folks take to the extremes like its water for the bottle-nosed dolphin as they gang rape their girlfriend until she drowns, though infrequent among these aggressive cetaceans as the metaphor stands aside for the common ass-gaping that the government parlays into blue chips and stocks that won’t quit, but what is the poor little consumer left with when this is so much the case recently with these hungover modern nights?… the will of a people is subdued to put into place a tolerance for the rude and oblivious taking the respectable jobs away from those more deserving because of treacherous about-face plays for dominance and control as though the boardroom were anything like the wilds of a natural scene where beasts fight to survive this way…’

Alert & Timed-Well Taxonomy.

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‘do we really need to take ourselves out of the game we play for keeps as the imaginary fiends with their very real friends manipulate the urges out of us in massive doses to eject humanity for a pure and specific pyramid scheme to make us stolid robots of flesh and bone, and easily killed or expendably removed from play like the chess pawns in the strategy of world domination with so few becoming compassionate and determined enough to make the world a better place instead of the selfish hellhole it has been, few dark aged mental states have truly transcended this space because they were anchored in this material miasma distracted by ego fulfillment… if time and space make you uneasy, then you are not alone…’

RAW awareness…

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‘something that remains remarkably important to the many but restricted by the few… there is virtually no one to make these difficult decisions for us even as we fulfill tasks set by bosses and supervisors as though there was a trusting soul somewhere embedded within, but there isn’t going to be a compassionate soul in there until the master/ slave dialectic becomes a partnership without bias or unnecessary altruism to lead the masses toward extinction, no one who saves unless we can save ourselves as individuals from this orgy abyss we writhe inside of as though it were a womblike bubble holding us back from cosmic harm…’

return to the Refl-ex-orcist.

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‘the normal human citizen has been indoctrinated into a once ideal structure of human ingenuity, but one that has devolved sooner than expected into a mess of greedy and scandalous arguments that reveals nothing truthful about humans except the disposition to evade responsibility and take all the resources for themselves, isolated inside our own minds we are capable in many ways that cannot be defined until achievement has been attained through the person’s own deliberate determination to achieve… anything less than that feels like a waste of energy…’

no Quotations.

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‘we are predictable pieces of meat that fit into a grand structure ideally of autonomy in daily life, the human being is one of many tools that can be utilized for its ignorance besides the fact that they are so convinced themselves that they are rational creatures, but here lies the crux of the situation that we can see a brilliantly hopeful horizon in the distance even as we stand amidst the trash and debris that the mad wealthy allow to tumble through the streets because they are so “happy”… which really translates as indifference, but the wealthy have infected the common working human with these skewed ideas as well…’

Lost edges of the fringe.

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‘as this perhaps proto-cultural immunodeficiency gone horribly awry where the white (people) blood cells historically go crazy from the heat of inbreeding becoming much like isolated viral strains of the same weird quality… a cherished state for the murderer at large provoking a set responses so ingrained in the nature of the human animal that communication does not diminish the horrible acts as they take place and come to public awareness, and we have such a heart for the dark predator of humans in the back of our own subconscious desire to die, wondering if we shall be the next victim of that killer on the loose…’

the Optipesst and the op-positive.

out of Context;
‘spirits moseying throughout the ages that humanity has bared its place on the earth to intermingle energies constantly in order to accentuate new combinations of this reality into the various displays of exploitative powers… given a conscious force to better understand our plight as humans while in the middle of all this passion, the beatings and mutilations and death all as fleeting labels to endear emotions to a cruel and unforgiving world wind blowing all the parts around, and planting these new seeds all over the world under the disguise of human ingenuity… the hollow cost of instinct and intuition considered the truth-finders inside of a corrupt system…’