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pretty vague Rant.

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‘the Man that tries to control his own destiny perhaps tries to dam up the river that needs to flow as the better metaphor to give when all else seems fake… the strange deprivation of time and space that dissociation from local area gives you after the intoxication wears through enough to allow clarity of vision in the age of gruesome decisions made by real versions of evil that take the game of life too far to be understood through their cruel eye for pain and oblivion made flesh, where these trained dogs render the wounds upon the human as stain to be somehow seriously addressed by a system that cannot handle itself as it proposed it could back when there were actual patriots and not simply some act or provision…’

percentages and Ratios.

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‘a horizon we may never reach from this centered perspective filled with all the shapes and symbols necessary to stage an escape sooner than later from this watery grave, the dreams get recycled when they cease to live up to the lightness of being which brings their essence in contact with the gravity to this realm perhaps, and the confrontation with matter knocks us to some primal state where our suffering and triumph on the individual level registers in that spiritual space that reflects our progress and learning in some cases revealing that selfish and courageous urge to rise above the muck and the grunge that falls onto those of us who are many bearing the burden for the few that have the time to sort their plans…’

As it applies…

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‘revolutionaries were kicked out for their romantic ideals of leadership and it became a job for someone like us… someone easily distracted by promises of higher power and better money as the system is now built to reward these attitudes most of all these days as oil and labor are in dire circumstances while moods run the gamut back and forth reflecting the indecisive nature innate within the qualities of the ‘human being’ who merely seems to take what is handed to them and will expect that from now on, there are devices used against us which only serve the purposes of those who know nothing but that most miserable urge awaiting in eager expectation of the proper respect the most truly deserving never get served…’


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‘the only way to free oneself from this bizarre disbelief that is in an interdependent relationship with the manifest humanity has been to allow “space” for mind and body and soul to be suspended separately while still within the solid confines of the spatial body, and this usually is only to be enacted as a form of life-changing passage rite to adulthood in most cultures whose previous stance on the thing called ‘humanity’ as opposed to this supposed civilized nationality which has rejected ‘ancient knowledge’ steadily in the last two thousand years or so since… the debacle involving remnants of both bestial and social humanity as ritual myths began to change again since their primitive resemblance to interpreting the mutation of humanity from the base animal roots to the present aspect acting as social cog…’

Residues and don’ts.

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‘herds of followers whose ends fall like martyr hammers against the bloody anvil to create a weapon of mass destruction that intensifies with each sacrifice made in this way… the art of war when winning at any cost is the first priority ahead of many others in the way as interests of related parties though not the one we are here to participate in right now, we are artists flocking to cause to biggest upheaval while describing the truth in all the many faces hidden and just as alive as any other whose names act as skeleton keys clicking the turning mechanism into place, but are we ready for this kind of traveling through the depths internal that constantly changes into things that might seem representative of the reality of a hell at some point…’

today, the Eighth.

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‘automatic response instead of humane self-control is just as necessary to the quotient as every other articulated human trait possessed by this animal flesh we see in the mirror when we need a naked reminder to show us where we are at in the crisis of aging horror, the paralysis that exists from the mind down into the reluctant state of catatonia as the official status quo has been snuffed from the books along with the debt accrued by all the strangers paying through the teeth to buy back their souls while being able to live a life aside that fact, but in the same way that system also succeeds in making robots that breakdown appropriately enough to make it somehow worthwhile again under the conditions that benefit the wrong party overall… the money that buys…’

the autoNomous anoNymous.

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‘democratic general assembly pulled straight from the coffin that corruption commercial and industrial incorporations have shoved it back in the day before all this insane internet bullshit materialized, this where the interests acting in our interests have lost their fucking minds by corrupting democracy with a tainted taste of weird capitalist voodoo that uses words written in triplicate to define an angular place where self-interest is often lost to profit and bottom lines that get crossed in the real world that cannot be replicated on paper with harsh analysis alone… the ninety-nine percent of us feel used by this intricate system that defies explanation as easily for those who prefer to strategize struggling with the absolute terms relayed from others who might remain faceless voices for the rest of their lives…’

the artist Ablaze.

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‘the animal urge produces no synergistic commodity, but instead an art of shuffling all of these objectified lives around us and even our own sometimes, sucked into the maelstrom at levels that reach beyond the soul and even this conscious awareness of our eventual oblivion… it tricks us and learns ways to get into our heads disguised as divine madness, but perhaps this is the repercussion of cultural changes as depicted by the artists and scribes divine in some way that eludes the direct mention under fearful oppressions that whine like a siren, that of the oppositional tool in the midst of a proactive awareness that sees only this excruciating cynical witty anomaly of human heredity and instinct… this animal trophy for a base opinion be quelled and dispelled of its fury in matchstick blaze…’

the cunt tree in Vain.

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‘there is only a temporary haven of the ‘out-of-sight’ kind of sanctuary as darkened forces pervade every molecule in the cosmic stream whether we like that or not, the loose ends are always being tied by someone somewhere in the hiding shadow falling as the sun moves further out our unwieldy orbit a MAD extension (Machination Attempting Democracy) in spite of the corporate fetish fashionable among the TV watchers watching us right now… the monitors hidden by the heads thrown back in sad laughter at the state of things today, and the inhumans trained to dis-involve their true humanity until the time card is punched out…’

a raise from the Grave.

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‘distractions to kill off the remaining few who can actually do something for themselves, we are tricked into thinking this sheltering ray of false hope is the god’s honest truth through and through, and this might seem to limit our skill of finding self-worth where the need for self-confidence arises between employee and employer in their shared and hopefully symbiotic relationship to one another… a mutual benefit that might recall a certain form called serfdom, and at what cost the levels of comfort we try in vain to indulge before a godless systematic end in less than pleasant confines at best, oh the dread that closes this slight gap between the being as human and the human as being machine the ideal goal of this profit/ comfort-driven mortal called employer… most commonly the Man who holds all…’