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‘the ignorant walls that were built to close the stupid into their place instead of roaming free like true wild life… we are roaming throughout the terrain without any leaders that serve a purpose that allowing for the empty authority to use the term ‘leader’ as a total directive to tame a people that eventually grow indifferent to the razorblade hands trimming like a gardener for the topiaries of the flesh as the certain pieces of past incarnations as selves creeping, crawling are falling further down through the layered foliage and branches as the species collectively reaches for the fruit of knowledge that requires compressing concentration and patience, but are not limited to the scraping shaping raw power of government taking our minds away from us in new and intriguing ways…’
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‘even as a new age dawns there still remains a very ancient mindset locked on channels too fierce to describe as you really must experience the cold and chill as denizens of the lower class do whose true power still as yet is reigned in like a slave to the fascist capitalist system that complies with no people’s demands, but instead respects nothing exceptional but a stabilizing command of the real as it is now made of quicksand peaking for temporary spans only in this survival-of-the-fittest bullshit in a patriarchal remnant of prehistory that prides the negative and the masculine drives to conquer and succeed at others’ expense, we have retained this way for too long to work in our favor any more as the odds have become too stacked to one side’s interests…’
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‘they kick and scream their way into an orderly fashion for this mad all-consuming drama as it moves minus any obvious human masterminds as it has since inception of this “sales holiday” in particular, but it was due to the guidance of the earlier wealth-mongers of this timeline that had put the organic machinery into motion once it was realized a massive profit could be made via the sheepish traits of the herd… we strain and stress against the waves of mind-numbing boredom that will strike without warning once the decision has been made to seriously relax with some random acts of thoughtless recreation…’
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‘to say the least, the odd turkey-related behavior in praise of the god awful with its unholy seasonal shift once again at the edge of vision beginning with the usual feast-to-end-feasts as horrendous numbers of the nuclear family radioactive citizens waste without undue mass mimicry in one great conjoined ritual of these strange yearly increments that soon become followed by the decorations that signal yet another year leaving us by ourselves as the next year comes to quickly fill the place of the last one…’
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‘indirect tidbits gathered from those on the park grounds as well as any follow-ups by the resident network news stations, but no one was harmed except for the shooter himself being injured by a shot in the leg from police officers on the scene there to confront him… but why?… could it not have the same reasoning for conspiracy as any other seemingly random school shooting commitment in an age of a hyper boredom without compassion or curiosity because it has been bred from the general populace just enough to warrant serious consideration from the people behind the power in the thrones…’
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‘quaint rational sources of explanation are not enough for the truly innovative to advance the rest of us past the moronic oblivion we seem destined for by allowing others to lead with such authority, it seems wholly insane to my senses to give those bitches the power to control the many with such strength of conviction and confidence that heroes previously needed, but then again the demons inviting the disaster creep delicately through the human forums easily when no one sees their face because the influence needs a disguise in order to manipulate so many of us at once… influence in the media allows for that “mask” to be flexible and tight enough to sometimes keep out the leaks of disdain and impatience for humanity instead of a fiery compassion that would need no masks to hide…’
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‘we want the same things separately as each one ignorant of the other’s motives and desires… we attract like ideas to our own even from the earliest of beginnings, but they can become lost in the struggle with retaining a sense of Self through twin distractions of guilt and shame presented by the governing system forcing our emotions into a predictable place where ideas are opened to the random and sloppy manipulations of another person’s stupidity and ignorant haste, where the more predictable elements of the human machine that defy proper definition are the negative ones resisting the positive to create a charge that further propels us forward… but we are completely hostile toward another system even though it is easy to turn misdirected rebellion into misanthropic rejection in a culture that assassinates its free thinkers…’
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‘it is us that see them as it is they that see us so clearly and yet so distinctly alien as we touch another realm of time set in existence where there were few things that went as expected in the greater whole that we know in the Now that we summon from nothing, the parts are all Here just floating and streaming through our heads in holographic fragments waiting for us to get a clue into tapping our personal threads of Self to unify as opposed to nullify the threshold of destiny in overprotective and zealous acts…’
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‘the fear of mistake is what makes us repeat things that defeat ourselves even as a population like this allows for mistakes to happen naturally because of an idea such as total certainty as so certainly absurd… the false face first through the open window of opportunity for the time being as though there were always a guarantee of substance to be delivered on the other side of that thing crawling through the desert of the real built by the hands long deceased but committed to the labor, a spiritual foundation as represented by the symbolism of the buildings and archived philanthropy in the semi-religious writ of all previous generations who figure they are somehow linked with the greater understanding of everything…’
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‘concrete straight jacket restrictions implying that only a specific number of lives may ever be saved as from presupposed apocalypse death of the earth and everything on it is still as yet completely absurd and without end it seems… the slow stoned mind comes to perceive these things in ways that are distracting from the normal scope of the accepted average that finds a mantelpiece glory at the drop of a hat in the entertainment ecology blinding its denizens with such dark lights as revealed bouncing from such abyssal features reaching to cannibalize the meat of the issues surrounding our thoughts, we make ourselves empty by giving these thoughts over to the deity figured as it eats away into our field of dreams…’