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‘nobody ever feels as though they are on the same page as the rest of this humanity, but the paranoid and tinted blinders do not have to last even this brief lifetime witnessed as a forever perhaps if only from our situationist roots as beings stuck in gilded scenes that try in vain to repress the acceptance of one’s roles within the grand theater of the absurd abstracted to burn the flagging will of individual in light of the pack mentality… to whom should i give my excess baggage to?… the stink of the ribald humors drifting under the nose of the indifferent sloven beast who cares not for the destiny of compassion among friends, the civilized demeanor among enemies who hear the voices of hatred…’
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‘deriving pleasures from the decrepit and lonely even if only inside of their bedrooms of ivory suburban towers about to collapse from the changing world striking lightning upon their sacred structure wet in the appetite once the digestion has it in its swallow grip a shallow grave into which those indifferent beings are flipped… as the sacred begin gathering for an evening of the newborn annual rituals to again pivot upon formal format of the social breakdown as made into oblivious yearly calendar sequence to party the night away, where people degrade themselves as puppets to the fascist state from which history has compiled its survivors to be lead around by their psychopaths and a sociopathic corruption of the human trust sequence as evolved through the brink of distinct extinction of various other traits…’
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‘in this stylized inner circle jerk… still locked within grasp of the Opportunity expecting so much when it may finally come with less than that expected, yet we might keep the idea intact in our minds that this is what we really want whether it means sacrifice or not, and we are much too willing to sell away our lives for the jingling change that might be an extreme windfall of faithless science projecting success in through our odd fears… we desire faith in its most certain of forms so as to transcend the fool that all of our inner children are made out to be by the savage re-calibration system that takes place in the futile society of today to our mutual chagrin, not enough funding as the corporate beasts sucking the common wealth…’
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‘to shock and amaze you with my strength and skill even as i deny myself the praise that naturally involves the person this way to behave, but i relent Here as this is my space where the mind can dispose of its weight in the possibility that any one person would read this trash is an ungrateful fate… this opinion masked in words that disguise the acts as they occur to in fact blur the lines between exact and vague restriction with the chemical plastic symbols at my fingertips slightly constricting my movements on the keyboard that opens these gates to the greatness…’
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‘the myths and issues that lure in the psyche from afar capture thoughts of those of us undisciplined and novice on this planet of apocalypse-wasted messages spent with misunderstanding for all potential possibilities that contain us and our myriad tragic ways that are both of a good and evil dichotomy functioning on corpses and survivors to get away with its torture of truth and the Muse, and yet the other end of the spectrum beckons as equally plausible a turn of events as those very same tragedies on the verge of occurring are warm places to release the burden of active drive and participation in this reality…’
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‘we must yield, the Man states in an unsettling way, to the mischief of the Muse who laughs at us through the mirror of our dreams as though to provoke a particular reaction from the empty space looking back at us when we turn our heads into the outward direction… away we are drawn through the mists that the Man’s finger points, into the trees with make-believed humane interest as he does this to the hordes of a human idealism that has left dust and waste in the tracks of this beastly fake of humanoid tastes whose raw animal place has grown out from the earthen crust itself only having bored of the horizontal plane of unfathomable fictitious legends on parade from age to age as locked in a maze never opening to an end…’
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‘this is how populations have exploded while at the same time consuming each old “limb” to make room for the new one by cannibalizing and regrowing the pieces as desired, destroying the decadent once it has become too much of an inconvenience that the whole governing body needs to amputate whatever is seen unfit without exception, and at times the worst of our primal nature shines true by the light of a pyre burning bright what remains of the victims from the very hands fueling murder by proxy in this system of ‘kill-or-be-killed’ gone awry for too many centuries now without a thorough correction until people actually start waking up to make a serious act of direct change with respect for the environment that was Here long before we ever were… we are creatures from its womb…’
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‘the ideas that assume to make one sexy or sellable by the backward standards of almost religious proportion on every billboard and television set in the world, it scars the person into thinking and adapting to this shock as regularity that cannot be avoided by everyone everywhere, and it is the fear of this viral information getting in that makes us this paranoid automatically… what are we missing that we need this abusive control to take place?…’
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‘perpetrated by the humans who have started considering themselves “saints” which is really not a part of the human scale of progress at all… the plants inhabit a kingdom just on the outside of spiritual perception for most of us, disguised in myriads of subtle forms that appear perfectly harmless to a casual physical inhabitant of this world, but still other arrangements of plant life fill in the gaps where non-ordinary states of consciousness are necessary to function beyond a certain block in advancing the wisdom through into this incarnated form…’
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‘too many questing visions that boggle the time and method with which to manage such endeavors as Here there are no ways home that don’t involve sleep or death in the mists of the mysterious mind as a place where the savage and the intellectual meet to harness the freak of nature reality we have now become, the secluded hole inside the head where knowing enters the face and soothes the negative impulse of the mind to keep the perception of reality in place, but what of this distant case that functions on the higher level of overt displaced knowledge as we act the participants wandering the maze?…’