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the Acid, Man, Cometh.

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‘my fellow proles and i organizing for anarchy’s sake, out on parole from the police state statistical prison in which we are key and gate, and prowling the midnight nightmare monopoly in its own streets and backyard retreats to make absolutely sure that the wealthy never escape from their own damnation stagnant in the one-sided capitalism that has made it easier to get Here from the place that was then as right now has no end for either of us as we decide favor on the grey area that reality truly inhabits as neither this or that but a combination of all sides at once… it was built into our genes which we wear out so well…’

New Year of the Dragon.

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‘cannot out Mankind’s inhumane instinct to assimilate and digest the roles of the natives as well as absorbing the culture and creating an oblong box containing the very narrowed concepts of containted (contained contamination) and conformed broad generalization until the extinction gene kicks in and finishes the job that the “white” blood cell set into motion devouring the world slowly through intrigue and obnoxious calamity, the very real and impossible to further decapitate with praise the living human gods as they strive to live like everyone else Here with the executioner paid by the most money by the highest bidder with no point of reference that isn’t a personal ideal of “good vs evil” as an epic struggle that hits too close for comfort sometimes with the world demanding some kind of a sacrifice in retribution…’

the AlphaBeTarot

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‘his feral pack type and tap away like a grand organic motor grinding away to hit the one-armed bandit square in the jackpot, but we can only achieve that through realizing the symbols don’t manipulate us any better than we are capable of better managing them instead whether they be words or syllables in this dementia… dimensional travel always in flux, and perhaps a long fabled dimensional quality at which is constantly being reached for and striven after by the experimenters and shamanic sorts who perceive greater than the mere happenstance charisma of the living world, one sign apparent to me as the Lord is merely a supervisory role with strong evolutionary characteristics of vestigial realities as shit it clings to the digestive wall in our imaginations… a collective story somehow in ways taken for granted…’

the 13th

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‘there are many Here among us who think that life is but a joke, and the ideas are always changing places as the trivial creatures reorient themselves to understand better the flawed system that has made itself capable of eliminating certain problems while retaining the ones that would make the most painful difference if solved today, there are bogeymen everywhere in the nowadays where you cannot even see the face or reveal the truth without a dark cloud hovering overhead low and wet from the rain… and it is a rain supreme, by god, when the acid hits your face like a packaged deal filled with chemicals that should not be engorged on this watery medium with its viral droplets reign falling faithless to still the wounded crying in their graves…’

As the Mirror Reflects.

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‘all modes of functional reality are the people defined as raw bytes of data by those lacking a humanity to call their own… a stupid mistake that will erase the decades of cover-ups and manipulation to promote the contrary as the opportunists flock to be flogged and tortured by their own ignorance, when one looks into the reflective face of the other it is not always guaranteed pleasantness will stare back, and in fact the complete opposite almost always holds true as the witness takes a moment to define themselves by features alone… all of them come together at this one point in time…’

Mind like a Steel Crap.

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‘the beast we are hides its’ grudges deep within a wilderness so primordial before the soul became a spiritual thing… the animal from within is now the fiction where once the civilized attempt was nothing more than a fancy dress, a Victorian myth that merely glossed over the surface while the rest of the creatures followed in line for the very same gimmick, and all this before such things as civic duty and moral foundations to build a structure into faith that might resonate with the more sensible among us as we are all tugged into that vacuum of hell…’

High Jinx.

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‘vibrations through the eye of experience, a narrow eye of the needle through which the thread of individual experience gets woven into the tapestry of what seems like only empty space, but there is no one frequency that does not rely upon all other natural frequencies to sustain each other to create a universal certainty… an order so-to-speak amid the islands of chaos is created when vital connections are made, and thusly resonate through one’s life continuum as the individual like the ringing vibration we are solely tuned into as beings, so the phrase ‘spaced out’ is a very apt expression…’

On Writing At All.

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‘the burden of the beast with mind alike in such a way as no casual joy can be found in the simple words strung together loosely as though interjected by the amateur who is in this merely for the money, and knows a way to find a profit or a prophet when they seize one, this oily discharge the wrath of god whose bones were used to make my bread fluffy and rise with only the effort required of the artistic shaman at work in the modern sense of decay… not a baker’s dozen for anyone, to mean there is an end is to end by all means the expression made-up to look pretty to anyone who might fall for the trap this crap made from symbols that i have whittled away…’

Little Bored Fauntleroy.

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‘retract from these strange and excitedly shallow people, and the ideas that they try to spread like some kind of low intensity germ that slowly begins to bring others with wealth around to their purview of rationalization… the Little Lord pandemic hit in the late 1880’s, and the denizens of this time period were so in love with the carrot waving idea that they too could be a prince in a pauper’s clothes that literate madness the equivalent of Potter-mania today became a show-stopper as the clothes made the young man, the idealized form of boy-king turned into a fashion statement back then… the prince and the pauper, show stopper, babbler-dabbler self-confessed criminal…’

a Technical AtheoCracy.

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‘the religiosity of some people outweigh the possible compassion for an honest greater good because the former lines pockets with this Taker wealth hard-won on the blood of all native peoples, from Roman to Catholic there was never any real love for the human creature except in the rare instances of a few genuine popes and ministers outnumbered by the corruption ever-present in a cruel world, and yet these other atrocious individuals call into play the polite veneer of the politician or diplomat trying to coax converts on a regular basis over to their side of an argument too far gone to be anything other than a subjective reality… jesus as an eso-terrorist…’