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‘shapes moving and shifting into other pronounced objects of abjection as the will wanders closer to an edge perceived on the fringes of polite consuming urges as though quantified and qualified by the lack of respect we claim not to adhere to, but a lusty whim exists that reaches for the exit of every creature in order to have fabricated the next movement as something more ever evolving in form… a collection of traits and tainted repercussions as the face distorts and chortles with that demon laughter from the abyss or well of souls that awaits our return one day too soon, and some of us we pray that we do not become as prey…’
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‘trying to seek out a reason or an immunity to the caustic toxic fear embedded in the human psyche, and yet few of us have learned to swim in these troubled waters of the world pool with each of us tallying the notches scarred in our bodies as painful lesions locked in the memory of what we try to achieve as robust fact beyond mere fiction as delivered by the heat and sensitivity to friction both mental and physical… we quake in our skins for relief of some dagger thrust deep in the conscious mind pulled from the stoned flesh that a holographic firm fixation on form projects among these structures of concrete and glass that have forsaken us as but temporarily tolerated beasts in the whole of heartless refresh…’
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‘money forgoes the need to interact on the spiritual and emotional levels as a chimaerical go-between subduing these previous elements of existence for the clarity of mental and physical accord as they relate to practical survival in the realms of abuse and pleasure, disposed by the profit to fit into whatever categories or consequences we are told make sense early on in the education process from pet to person in the gradual teachings spread out by the human indulgences which we allow to distract us from shared goals through the symbolic consumption of money and wealth, but few have necessary resources that do not attempt to hoard them or subtly manipulate the others to keep them to their secrets…’
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‘even under the realization that nothing forever lasts in this odd world as one permanent form, this emotional erosion via the winds of change and smoking embers of the pillaged ruins of our ancestor spirits transforms us day by day into these physical beings as we try to become something more than this… there is never a permanent midnight just as there can be no permanent daylight as the tides turn much like how the waves ebb and flow, pieces of this grand cosmic puzzle…’
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‘we are all incarnations of worlds and words and desires come Here to live collecting this raw data as experience to further manifest a universal connection through the void, but does that necessarily mean that one has to sexually procreate in order for that knowledge to reach the other people taking up their time and space as it is that we are all meant to be wherever we are in the Now, that greatest of the Mysteries we find ourselves beholden to even as the cycles of life and death and rebirth continue… after a year of living without this sexual burden, i feel more concentrated in everything else i do as an expression of me, but still realize this is not my last life to learn from…’
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‘the time comes to shoot through to “true” enlightenment, in a way these systems are all pretty similar both because they inevitably lead to the same ends of forgetting the previous Self in anticipation of a next life whether after or otherwise makes no difference, but each argumentative viewpoint also anticipates skeptically that in this current life few things are worth the time or effort to understand by forcing one to shed the skin of the personal Self for the possessive Self in its Selfishness and reptilian potential for amassing useless crap worldwide as various perceptions of the one-percent collide creating volatile shards in this oh-so perfect place where the average person proliferates sending the confusion into many controversial directions at once… so we need a bad guy to impress us with an image of wrong…’
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‘Man-handled by the state of things into toeing the line managing to make humanity a naked animal in the digital wilderness where it might just become like those war-torn olden days we have seen so many movies about, but this is where the sinister have their stock and trade in those subtler arts beyond surface awareness like masked feelings and ulterior motivations mocking the ideal of a greater good for gain instead to wield about like some Quixotic windmill which really is a dragon or giant terrorizing us behind the obvious scenes… this is why the battles are never shown to us for what they really are in order to subvert one’s control over their own opinion because we are all just another form of commodity whether urban or rural, we all seem to serve the purpose…’
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‘with rancid and hollow expectation discomforting the general masses to sickness and death… the sea of shadows dances across the night dismal as it approaches unsuspecting prey for a transfusion of the negative phantasm abysmal coming from the yelping mouths going on to make current situations worse by leaps and bounds of faith in bondage by the narcotic eroseptic (septic and erotic) swaying of the beasts upon their knees, praying to the gods they cannot see even the gremlin cancer shapes itself under the skin of a decadent consciousness enraged as much as it is engorged upon the bloody succulence that comes with this kind of absolute devotion to praise and bewilderingly vague ideals that command to hold holy not the logical respect given to creatures like you or i…’
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‘real guidance as opposed to the shallow dance that some believe fits into an ideal shamanic stereotype, the wellspring of ideas exploited for the trivial amusement of the masses in their unaware crassness malformed by the diversity within a culture of insulting behaviors, and penetrated while sedated by that programmed glow as it projects desires and propaganda into the collective subconscious stream of mood and thought in a world where we need to realize that in civilization we are all artists in interpreting…’
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‘those hidden facets of the real apply, we cherish the products more than the people who work breaking their minds and bodies to produce those goods so prized today… the worker and the work are not separate, but part of the greater whole which relies on us to be the go-between for the energy to manifest into something more than just dream, as all worlds link and quantify the data bleeding through all points of reality not just our own myopic spin on this subtle harmony making us saints and demons outside of the invested interest of the other forces which couldn’t care less for us… we are the human debris wiping the streets clean…’