out of Context;
‘i write to soothe the ragged tectonic plates of my mind while the reality quaking potential moves on from where it last left droppings of something wild to say as mutants on the edge of description… we are those mutants of previous generations always on the quest for that something which suits us best as opposed to what we are forced to accept as the best of all possible outcomes, impressed upon us the ideas that we are uncertain until in that mighty career is found the way to contribute to society as a hole that keeps vacuuming up the debris as well as the great notions that change how everything works Here, but it is only up to us as we are ever-developing into a different creature altogether in this strange cosmic incubator…’
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‘everything in this critical mass together weaving a tapestry out of the cosmic and that pulsing real suspended by animation of the human form as the current meaty vessel in mind, a robot gifted with the access to other realms of thought than the trained response which makes the human being much more of a dangerous creature in the kingdom than a weakness might betray to the rest of the tribe, and the dishonored pariah walks away to start new colonies and associations as well as new references for a larger collective unconscious of shared experiences to coalesce into actual reality…’
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‘we are struggling to hang onto our own versions of reality in ways that tangle with and engage other glorious wave-phases in the out there held in for the potential surging that the living crave to savor, and manifest into dreamy creative reflections of what they would choose to believe whether multiple lives all at once stormy with its own mad eye in the center sweeping over genealogical lines born from the tides of trust and lust in the strange simplicity so scary when it strikes the steps to light the path into the fray, this struggle living conflicting lightning as kinetic description or scarification ritual written in this space as a timely visual with rotating appeal from various audiences…’
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‘affairs of the casual human being, and it is at this state we have been in for too many centuries to count where we secure a frustrated impatience for a situation so out of our hands we become impetuous and brash to change things for the “better”… what is this ideal of better so unique to each of us in our time Here that we would get so completely distracted from the point onto other more tangential issues as they swirl only to get flushed out by the ignorance of Mankind’s approach to living best above all other inferior beings in the out there, especially as we get into a kind of apocalypse fever where culturally we crave an end to the static monster thus created…’
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‘the larger conscious swing of polarities constantly adapting that raw power of true knowledge to this animal world, but a savage emotional undertow curling spirits and souls of all forms into the works of fluctuating particulate realistic and within a material universe where multitudinous are neural varieties all channeling energy to and from multiple other parallel organic networks and levels of circuits within the use of the overall system… we are defined as human clone always searching for an oblivious projection of perfection to last the ages as some symbol of reality to be guided and carved by the chosen artisans behind the dark curtains of secret ritual, in the personal performance acting as the counter-balance to false modes of wisdom which twist and worm through the brains of men working the human electric devil…’
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‘working the human electric devil like a puppet to fuel the dishonor in detailed displays and reenactments on the grand scale a cruel theater would require to happen correctly, or at all for that matter as things do not manifest cheaply even as cultures of quick disposal have aspired to for centuries on end as their history might have us to believe in cryptic classroom settings of betrayed logic and lore declassified for the general public to absorb and ignore…’
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‘from our collection of cells with our army and defense of the proof as we know it… whether you strum or blow your wad through a bell, the musica diabolica remains within everyone as fragment of the curious and rebellious interjection as an opposer residing from inside the mind, and it is these perverts of the real that have superseded the culture with their secret and most hushed rituals of self indulgence breaching taboos housed in the matter of the grey…’
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‘within the continuum, the human being as one step before the human doing in action is able to reduce the total baggage that plunges each of us into the dark cesspool like an anchor pulled through by wave after wave of bludgeoning pulse holding the breather to drown, and much like every other true landlubber so far gone wrong as offshore we have discovered what lies are over the edge of the conscious world of sharp and flat shit piled and burying all the necessary manners and motions in polite forgetfulness…’
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‘i am a Window into a Vision of Change, and i am but One of the Many, the need for an honest supplement to life that smashes the overt savagery common to Mankind in its raw and bloody oblation in exaltation of inappropriate destructive behavior that eats resource and relevance alike… needing to see the social consciousness as more than some animal or insectoid collective hive mind, constructing an actual useful tool to understanding our place on this earth as mutual pieces of the cosmic and universal whole vibrating attuned constantly in motion…’
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‘beyond room for breathing or thinking as the vacuum taps into our collective soul transmitting a signal that breaks beyond those simple distractions that anchor us to trivial sacrifice and useless artificial idols drawn from the myths of age it is vital to coagulate these entities together into the cohesive ride which is the inspired individual, and when sacred wisdom can align itself with the modern age looking for inspiration universal as legendary cure to the infected dysfunction that has crept into our hearts and minds of dynamic yet cynical source…’