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Friction in Conviction

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‘i propose the terms “cowardly” and “courageous” to now signify negative and positive in human speech respectively, and more so reflectively to allow our conscious minds to breathe when there is already more than enough of these cluttered points gathered together at this razor’s edge of thought space, it is where anything and everything can foment a reality from the ethers of nothing as we might perceive to “know” them with our scholarly senses at work…’

Oh, Not Us.

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‘i stand up to rant my heart out with words cultivated from the mental dirt we all dig into facing an audience without fear, it is a temporary catharsis against the backdropping sounds and dim atmosphere of the places we fit as the design or location may hint with its’ own symbols and grounds as foundation for the drama unfolding, but this is how we create art that seems as to pull right off the pages before these very eyes that decide to see it all scattered in the pattern-seeking brain informing…’

Parking, Not Driving.

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‘before entering the human being phase of the training, and not all can hear the bells ringing as though school were utterly always in session to reach the next lesson on the syllabus planned as taught in holy words and jerks that spasm against the natural laws that Mankind so detrimentally needs to learn…’

Prohibition’s Edge

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‘deceived by all the right words placed before the ears and eyes of that individual’s intake of information, and thus a strong clutter of emotional static can affect the rational person like a psychic attack minus the warning as a surge of the callous general law flooding through and channeling its way into our stream of speech as tensions rise… i took the role and never planned ahead the slightest, except to buy a microphone for my bass amplifier that would have come in handy and still will no doubt though it was my own lack of any forethought that subdued my participation in the occasion…’

a Christmas Lost

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‘the map out of this complex phase has been built by hands that weave the differing truths complimenting stark contrast against the unforgiving masses engorged on the wars and blood of their brethren as we starve to make a home out of survival… a revival of the passionate pleas crying for satisfaction from the rogue lovers whose goals are only to achieve an idea of status as quoted in this day and age of sovereign debt and high dark arts of manipulation made manifest…’


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‘disguised to be the “normal” childhood for an American boy in the modern decade of the Eighties, when the corporate corruption within this governing system reached a new and despicable high in mass mind control as the consumerist plague wiped out most of the decency left from prior ages leaving fear and paranoia as replacement in the wake as this side of humanity starting to drift… this idiot whose works you are reading now…’

the Ultraquiot – part deux

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‘more than just purely the impulse of imagination, as it is the intricate and complex webbing of a layered acceptance of all those winding routes of knowledge and manifest experience to be intertwined as the “ultraquiot” accepts both life and death through the filter of reality… perceptual reality or “un-reality”, perhaps the word ‘Maya’ as interpreted into a whole culture called ‘Mayans’, but instead of prior ancient peoples we will refer to our ‘Mayans’ Here as the materialists enthralled by their materialism in play as masses obey to their sway… so let the great shit talking begin, i am a walking conscious disease as perhaps previous posts have stated or implied in all too many vague ways…’

Ultraquiot – part one

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‘even for as late as the game is now, i need to adapt or die in this newly informed social order that has accrued without me, but what use is it to give out this much clear information at once?… i was enjoying a slightly better mutual friendship with my longtime live-in lover, many times i have been the untrustworthy one between the two of us and for that i have piled regret up to the doorstep in the demand for restitution, or even the one without the same mapping of mutual benefit that would have naturally lead to a more profound relationship instead of being tired and unfulfilled…’

Operation for a Freedom

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‘pushed onto the mass mind by a general authority’s idle wandering sights devised and fronted by the public face of opinion believed justified to lie, but where is the dignity acted out as preached by the hypocrite humble instincts that cow down to and cater to the whims of the wealth and its dirty money hands as the strings whip about the limbs to yank and distort to fear machine manipulated Mankind mentality to terrorize a dysfunctional mirror that humanity has become for now…’

Where To Begin…

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‘the vines writhe alive weaving the pattern together an unknown growing from a root of dark potential learning something for itself, a wisdom subtle and lurking like the lady of the lake to present the weapon of truth to the right person who will charge through lessons and make an example for the rest of us, but we each have some variation of agonist/ alienist heroics deep within us timed to be patient with the action though it would appear to ooze slowly as the lazy avaricious desire of the population so thoroughly comforted and sheltered with no role specific until we discover it on personal questing to reveal the self as it appears to each of us… we were conceived with an eye toward the ideal of the population becoming enraptured with its convenience culture jam…’