out of Context – ‘…innocence and ignorance to counterbalance precarious circumstances wherever humans can be found locally engaging in wrong attitudes on sex being surely distorted, allowing abandoned people lodged in their beliefs as those in sects to die because of shitty neopopulist politics denying acknowledged layers of significant spiritual relevance inherent in everybody as common people to promote that ideally utilitarian perspective acting as jurisdictional authority set to convince others of a gods honest truth that their weaknesses are permanent Here there is no other option left but to submit to these imposed rules in order to stay afloat upon this biased rulership sailing on through rough liquid doldrums of stagnant stillness fluctuating in transitional states as bodies wrestling with these aims torn between arguments, sacrificing superficial opinion for learned experience…’
out of Context – ‘…dismantle and destroy already established structures under the skin of this general body politic exhibiting signs of infectious conscription for us all in our time as no one left behind Here, forcing ourselves to stomach this brutal inevitability that haunts as much allowing from blessings and curses to become scared by circulating rhythms of weakness and strength in others as we witness similar designs in our own behaviors attempting to overtake our sense of self unique to each of us Here wanting as much as we can get out of life while we are still living within its spheres of influence though no where near influencing others as they cause consequences for me in my situation in crippling cartography mapping emotions carrying me forward afloat but on hope not as often…’
‘…mayhem as it befalls suddenly with symptoms attached serving disease progressing as much as ourselves if not carried along, riding into the ablyss as quickly as the sequence of sentiments thicken to sediment fomenting some fundamental social slab foundation we are supposed to manage in obvious maintenance to retain these structures for the future generations ahead or so we surmise without needing to be presented with much evidence to be completely convinced of the oncoming apocalypse of nightmarish contaminants coating the continents and their citizens with terror hatred and horror spilling blood and offal as madness fills the streets unseen because we project these scenes before they are anywhere near relevant to vital truths we desperately need to absorb… Here aborting the mission before we get too far into the mistakes that make us human…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…with emotional energies unable to describe accurately though not so easily dismissed either when forcing the hand of discovery and innovation as vital industry turns to require technology, advancing what we thought we know further through expectation and speculation into artifact not fictional content elaborating upon cryptic nuance within the deep range of sensitive materials in fluctuating volatile states of being doing death and rebirth in colloquially casual communication when conversation contains pregnant pauses in order to thoughtfully dissect that aspect to everything which remains unfinished if only temporarily Here switching text as code folding corporeal traces deduced conclusion reasons romantic censure varied oblong signals of attraction and repulsion looping a drained magnetism sustained from our characters of common mistake replaced by ideal caesura…’
‘…metaphorically speaking about indeterminacy of sentence translation distress through maintaining stasis and struggling with stability Here because there is no tone or body language combined with single words to form a whole sentence self-inflicted to witness digitally extruded upon this page you are reading myself encoded folded in text thoughts not in a physical shell freed in the channeled frustrations and confusion, as formula of free variables whole sayings become punishment as we anchor ourselves to shapes relevant to surviving this place and its obstacles strewn about for anyone to face beleaguered by traits following that internal wiring made in creatures for desire and damage floating by with broken souls set out of synchronous timing with humanity as the beast appears today unable to interpret localized information strained taking form as radical translations…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…barely visible at the surface level casually glimpsing the human in its grotesque glories as though alarmed at being caught doing awful things to others that humiliation and anger sets in changing an attitude that might have been placid and calm prior is now irate as an infantile adult who has breached, blood-brain barrier to reach autonomic cognizant dissonance birthing emotional tumult scaring children of the atom whose lives were planned as cells grown in labs that attack social cancers we deal with in many ways that cancel out our dysfunction being undesired ego trip dominating remains the trait from accumulated generations before the us that lives through whatever now has to offer as regarding the damage already done and preventative measures for futile symptoms of cataclysmic seismic shifts in gossip and reality…’
out of Context – ‘…seeking refuge within our systems of management putting bureaucracy forward while damage done and shifting attention away Here catching humans contradicting themselves purposefully aware of the lies they tell themselves and each other to cope with this natural mechanism within us that this body uses to reference other systems outside, classifying official records to play out a different saga conflicting the general narrative assumed to be real and true though oftentimes baited to click the only mass debate construed as contrary commentary when rage has become a commodity and been wagered as warfare when there are embattled sides to be taken seriously when carving up sizeable chunks of land that aren’t yours amidst armed conflict spreading over countries left clinging to what is believed are the objects of life as reward for our individual diligence…’
out of Context – ‘…parts of ourselves Here when there are no other commodities to trade or services to render the time letting decisions become overwhelming to such a degree we are frozen in option paralysis as consumptive oddity, staring into the screen whether computer or television makes no difference as they are one in the same at this point easily adaptable to all the latest updates in the available technology as free as taunting a subscription subdues all ready players having won nothing yet still the desire is there to defeat the final boss as much as wire a way through a maze of levels where effectively there is no turning back once indeed these requisite achievements have been acquired within succession of goals met with deformed compliment signals Here yielding to none but savage idiot savant instinct…’
out of Context – ‘…aspects to our lives in order to achieve fulfilling points of reference to allow us some positive light on through those darkest nights each ahead of us in our time, Here questioning the tempest that arrives to sequence our living systems differently than they were before maybe more primitive than alien as mind-body dichotomy attempting uncomplicated understanding that might mean a universal enrichment throughout grandiose profane scope of an endless or eternal being absolute without any kind of breaking down made apparent somewhere as proof of something we were unaware of prior to absorbing the examples and experience for ourselves thus leading us to evolve in whatever ways nature makes possible for us to make things happen with freedom of choice or obeying the fist when it strikes us down, survival through the unrelenting violence…’
‘…who strikes again unwittingly drawn to say chaotic insightful comments that seem to have unless thought is applied to the questionable meanings no rhyme or reason Here laid out by the speaker using implements of humor such as satire farce and other gimmicks to gather attention in otherwise boring discussions and absurd poetics actively switching out concepts, making haste for the exits if and when the distress gets to be too much Here for our emotional compass to guide us amid severe social static constantly reflective gestures on the quickening as we each sometimes sideways ride the frightening grabbing life by grave movements at stake under a disguise of atrophied lies defying logic and wisdom turning tricks in the streets getting broken coping mechanisms working when acknowledging the mind is a labyrinth matter of opinions…’ – out of Context