my art & dreams Archives - Page 29 of 63 - All The Wrong Topics dot com

everyone is going to lie…

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‘ideas are shit to be spread around and loosed upon the world by reckless the people who always remain nameless and faceless until such a time comes to punish both ourselves and the offenders, and we howl for blood whenever justice is not delivered as others deem it should be in depth of clarity that these truths are undeniable though at times difficult to triangulate among those elusive and reluctant whose stubborn assertion of righteous and evil are personal and often not linked to any truth that could be considered objective within the animal hive consciousness as found qualities and traits that humanity keeps controlled by any means necessary…’


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‘to stay fixed taking the oomph out of the step of anyone wishing to die boldly in an attempt to overhaul this desert of the real stiff and inflexible to a warm touch learning how we all choose to die for these vague rewards when it comes to wars and the stubborn desires that now fill our attention until the periphery gets blotted out at the edges, and perhaps this is where we only care about being lonely or when the integrity of compassion finally strikes out felt opposed by the enveloping decisions to act the prick pushing a vague sense of needing to complete moves tainted by a wanton approval from those darker forces of meaning…’

speaking in fractals…

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‘lingering feature of this chain gang spiraling out on merely a planck directed by self-propelling charges of assertion defining the mechanics of the paranoid analytical paradigm as constantly shifting all systems in place as with sands in the hourglass slipping into that lower vessel awaiting another grand rotation for the pathways to flip again after what might seem like another hundred years or mere moments… a residue of the douchebag vendetta that Now appears to permeate all the aspects of a common sense as taken for granted and abused with nothing less than a reckless abandonment of priorities and mutual respect that may have been built up before birth though officially this means nothing today as changing things always has a way of changing things, this crazy Cosmosis as some membranous filtering…’

space feces

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‘a wilderness under our feet seeking more out of a curiosity we cannot explain, though always wondering where we end as the cosmos begins again by ways through some sort of a blood/brain barrier where the seemingly endless flow of a traffic from the material gets registered in with an indefinable quality lingering as residues paid in full by the presence having been inside of this humbling social experiment utilizing the human animal as its guinea pigs ground up on the machinery made by a Mankind whose unkind esteem has guided this perpetual looping beast to live and breathe…’

enANTIodromia TAGmeme

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‘ideas and rhythms in tandem throughout the cosmos without a host to allow access to all the spheres of questionable matters while at once inviting the drama that humans enact with each other, compulsively in shuddering against the acceptance of a Mankind as dirty plague so above so below for those of us as lodged at the bottom of this gravity well of souls magnetically-attracted to Here like so many a soul before us called and culled to integrate into this anything you might refer to as a god even though it is these loosest of interpretations i summon now to your mind through your eyes as a sight compelled to understanding what it is i am telling you…’


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‘best interests in focus unless there is some ulterior angle to maintain a privilege as an edge one step ahead of the game played defending a droning atmosphere of dread and paranoia as better of the many evils pervasive in this world scenario estranged from a species in duress as the modern burden of conformity to bare as emotional weight constraining any social movement from place to place when there are so many unwanted offending swaggers… gestures as the codes we speak with driving us to try to understand what others are saying to us through their exaggerated symbols and syllables woven twisting meaning and the moments we spend trying to interpret what it means to being this human…’

heavens to murder droid…

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‘the epiphany of integration finally perceived almost religiously, swaying system as authority to put pressure where called forth by the contradictions that raise tension to a heated and sometimes violent level when the process of integration doesn’t hold and an estranged hope of control is outsourced to all those voices without sound whispering inside ones’ thoughts as the cells collect and divide having their versions of a say in how this thing is kept in motion by creatures so inept, but i digress this as yet another argument in the human denatured by their own pursuits for dominance being intelligent though flawed in the perception that humanity requires strong and yet conflicting governance…’


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’embrace an open mind in which to view things by a variable light… as it seems to me enlightenment is what we are all striving to shoot for through our dreams though not in a truly ideal civilization where today a drama of society gathers like a sinister momentum Now summoned up by political ticks and distorted by facial twitches with their cheap false politeness draining the guts out of this nation of saps dripping out purged energies and the victimized citizens whose consumerism changes them into the same vicious predators as the victors who pillage and conquer, we laugh at the jokes that are made in the expensive selling of others as sense of the objective this way a struggling and suffering that leaves us rude as we adjust our perspective filters to fit…’

to untie the psycho knot…

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‘fearful suspension in a dimension of disbelief we barely perceive not able to crawl out from underneath displaced by our fates in Here chasing cosmic debris like thoughts into words remaining unseen until utilized properly, a series of disdainful measures taken against humanity throughout all the ages amassing like a wall of bricks and blocks placed ahead of us in our race to a finishing end alongside those paths we have been prevented from taking to circumvent these disasters in an imperfect heaven of monitored creatures as living beings though dissected once dead to scrape the genes from the inside of the head to study the many parts of this social anatomy…’


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‘as smoking can be one of those outcast habits taken for granted Here in this day and age as decay and slave wages leading the dreams of another day astray addicted to a pain as a need that will not relent for anything but curious for the new as it estranges the old as popular intrusive trends move through societies like sickness trying in vain to redeem those qualities thought lost or useless and toxic as a cosmic recycling program denoted by sages passed, out and over with the immortal of vernacular in words become as coins dripping from the golden lips of the goosed flesh of national debt creating a tension in our midst with heads full of ideas and no one to listen without the filter of a judgment to really listen…’