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foul vowels rhyming in the bowels…

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‘a linear construct shunts our choices away from any openminded appeals of the heart whose certainty is always in question by the impulses of one’s mind and preferences to be used a maintained cycle of behaviors in order to suck the seed of the gods and become golden as well this raw pantheon of ritual torment proliferated by the established ways of a masochistic masculine tyranny cruel for the sake of its cruelty, maybe to appease some cold dead gods of whose old patterns are integral and so needed as the newer systems require the updated versions these older formats of previous paradigms as like a shed skin when the world births itself anew to a crack loose from the chrysalis haze that has warped sight of our visions…’

a therianthropy.

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‘redefined sets of variables as reused lessons to be deemed therapeutic under the certain curtain of circumstance, as volatile as valid in this brutally continuous social deconstruction experiment cementing all of our personas together ungrateful for the ways in which we get caught in our own affairs of the heart and of longing to have when others are in a struggle for not having at all even though it appears we seem to have these seemingly trivial things in common while wanting for a therapy for our theories that will relax to commiserate with our pointed personal views, but the rough intercourse is strewn with clues that will lead one back to their proof for life when all other zens and yens fail to appease…’

knocked up on wood…

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‘running off-street into vast absent voids act as persistent personal social demons provoking fear before respect out of the oblivious horde whose whim means nothing one-by-one as a massive beast it outgrows its constraints rather quickly it would appear vile instincts to survive that never were acknowledged prior to this warped running of bulls and their shit stimulated for our proposed benefit inside of a sprawling machine of industry with an evil finger deep everywhere, lodged in the cesspools floating with obnoxious hooligans valuing only the juvenile mirth of the bully tormenting perceived lesser minions leading to the doomed existence for little to none of a real reason being Here trapped in the dirt…’

hieronymous like a bosch…

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‘the easel pondered upon by the artist as clarity syphons mind toward the material where this interpreter is idly aware of art as something outside of the Self less perceived, a caricature cut from ideas left to be fused together into a pastiche that reveals little to the lurking tainted eyes of the observers perverted in their dreams and a horrid fantasy of what reality can be by their obnoxious greeds agreed to between each other that this vision is a glorious one despite the vanity in captivating the world at large suspended in disbelief as solution to conceive of the mutilating grotesque in humanity growing fetid, and clenching the tools that no small minds can achieve…’

a simple ectomorph ism.

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‘very few things which go to waste energetically as it is this transient currency which there is not certainty within a substance except for the always-shifting nature in its flows as like the liquid becomes a solid or gas if the conditions for this to occur are right not necessarily needing stars to align but it helps… but this does not mean light cannot bend like rules to our favor once we have learned all needed complex formula to translate intention into a reflex memory which will serve the magician throughout in the term of their lives much as algebra serves as a ‘reunion of broken parts’ when there are pieces of debris lying as much as scattered manifolds hiding many universes inside on site unseen by the naked eye alone, meaning like seeds are deep inside…’

the day the internet died…

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‘under superstitious constraints as conflicted between an antagonistic faith and untethered curiosity in evolving from these electro-magnetic states to a greater understanding beyond mere flesh, coming home to that Other within ourselves that somehow separates from us when we reach all these new spiritual plateaus as each a different set of rules and rhythms to adapt and to metadapt (cellular adaptation) to as well when everything seems at odds before the evens… the rules can collapse just like the body in moments of deterioration collaborating to the mosaic we call ‘history’ maybe a bit too frequently nasty in the collective cesspool of a tragedy sadly pronouncing most of us ‘doomed’ prior to being born…’

satan’s vacancy

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‘history as failed experiment infecting tired broken systems that have spent most of the “good times” aligned with a most horrid collection of imbeciles at beck and call to be summoned like the aforementioned demons… the lure of lore can paralyze the witness with dreams and fantasies in rendering some of these surreal ideas for real in the manifest density confused with the abstracted urge of symbols and signals in an attempting of a mutual understanding with the world about what it means to exist as the being and the concept bound together immutable and interminable as many a question that seeps through the warped dynamic glimmer all around us, as the terrain goes out from under our feet when feigning the defeat can keep a person from being utterly debased by the scythe of fate…’

taking the terrible, making it spiritual…

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‘dramatically… we all require the ability to adapt to our surroundings in order to strive instead of dying out in minor stints before the extincts kick in triggering our synapses to end in death like a sociological tsunami dragging this old world of certainty into debris and danger as falling objections commence to commiserate with the rest finding that nothing makes sense Here where humanity lives as both a slave and a master tormenting each one of us who resists this ignorant bliss fisting us from the abyss we avoid like the plague as if most of us ever know what that means, most of us cannot afford to try understanding when the weight of others obliges us to move in directions without thinking…’

monadic nomadic

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‘a privileged effect of ego consciousness to want constantly winning out against whatever the lesser traits of a designed human individuation destined with dualistic subroutines to utilize all of the urges the animal can glean from itself and all of its’ peoples whether as isolated and astray from the herd of human contact in reflective periods of emotional feedback, or somehow a remembering the memories and experiences from gathered lives as an ever-expanding tree of life grows beyond those dreams and fetters of materialism now substituting a maternal instinct to care for each other as parts of the greater unit relying on the group to create a sensation of gathered loving attention…’


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‘a complacency that compels no one any further than the where they are Now… as time passes me i realize i ain’t no tourist in this place that eats children by sucking their souls into the material to test and retrain those who might refrain from participating as everyone sooner or later becomes a participant occupying to reconfigure their smallest cells as the DNA and RNA rival and ripple the information in various states of acceptance as a microcosmic bartering exchange that you would miss if you blinked, a peace of ourselves…’