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‘lesion in the minds of a reinforced conformity with a bigger contingent of the populace moving in a uniform fashion than we may think similar to villi squeezing and pushing us through as though autonomous mob mentality digesting the future while from the present time periods in motion are sorting pieces within this cosmic transit system pushing along, a finger of doom pressing those buttons both of the chemical brain and the nervous character polarized by this awkward attack to understand this physical presence taking on new details as they appear and are relevant to the rest of the current message always muttered under breaths in words untethered to any source of the material, and the mind transmits alternate patterns to create dimensions from this beast as resides in the flows and eddies of potential energy…’
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‘this basic digital alchemy to resurrect some facsimile of any former time signature inside the universal holographic representation of itself, the god mind displayed to the analysis of this human dimension questing and acted upon as a host is broken down and figured out by curious versions of this same creature residing as smaller units outside of our range of perception until we reach such a level in our own existence as only then might we seem to begin the journey of understanding a very real part of who we are collectively as much individually, but that is soon left for then appropriate parties whom have arrived long after these facts have been supposedly written into evidence that of the lingering primal self as cellular motor mind moving many human avatars…’
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‘traits with another lost soul who wishes only the best for us and we for them in tapping a part of the ancestor hole filled with consequences from actions we have never made on our own, but it doesn’t stop us from being any more or less than we simply are while trapped Here mocking the irony of it all as Now is marching away to fight yet another battle with the shitty weapons of the worrisome as displayed like the scalps of previous soldiers and leaders who fought bravely though never knew that this is wherein their motions would lead while their comrades and other bodies were crumpling to the ground once struck down by a fire unbridled… as witness to the televised execution of things so that some kindnesses bare out the spoiled rotten fruits…’
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‘losses building a frenzy for distraction that alienates us from ourselves attempting to be better than that Other within us that takes its cues from the dead romantic endeavors that inspire us in legend and myth to epic high arts as yet to be undone amidst these mysteries of a humanity sorting itself from the insight out, assimilating all of the lessons to be gleaned from these all-too human dramas carrying themselves to the surface minus comfort or support which always occurs after the fact during traumatic periods like molten earth to boil up shifting what once was cold and solid into a fiery fluid broth that scalds the calm out of silent stony fringes of a dense sea of dirt and magma rising like a tide to wash those patented certainties out onto a crumbling assurance…’
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‘all we do while Here through a focus upon the integration of information becoming the next part of the process digesting us and all we have made out of nothing but aspiration and the material requiring us… Man impresses his subjects against the truth with false claims fashioned as perfect to push a fascist agenda seeking only to control us without release in a biased iron grip of extremity made flesh and bone reality to the world population now marching to this single beating rhythm bleeding all compassion out of these creatures trying to learn for themselves what right and wrong are about to discover a personal rationale making this passionate journey worthwhile, aching to be aware that we are each a performance living though not always aware of the art we contribute to the overall picture…’
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‘the other residents who are perfectly fine left to their own devices in a partial retreat from the bulk of these fettered layers weighing down heavily upon humanity’s choices at large even up to demanding we give up on our various freedoms in order to feel as though we are so much safer than life generally can be as reality is nitty-gritty, and to leave even a fraction of that at the doorstep to worship in the comfort-cooled zone as a temple of the rationalized holy inside of our heads gutted contains the programmed fiction that we seem keyed to as the patriotic and pestilent vessels sent to dance on bloodied foreign soils until it pops somewhere in-between the ears in making sense or triggering states of digesting the disgust at participating…’
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‘those great journeys that everyone has the freedom to participate within as it is the freedom of choice that is what creates the true and final who we are to become once the time has passed like sculptors carving at stone with grains of sand shacked up inside of the hourglass awaiting the ferry from one life to others along the way toward that finishing touch of gods made real by human zeal… the superstitious devils we are moving through the shadows of mental and emotional continuity as ghosts canned alive in the machine of an organic origin foolish for the mind control working on our confused memories forgotten and mysterious as programmed autonomous reflex pushing our buttons to blank the human computer enlightened by this new technology plague waving hello to the obsolete creatures backside goodbyes…’
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‘the rigors of humanity as curiosity a vessel to explore and conquer this material plane that some say is a floating too far out of control that can and does happen when speculating yet nothing shows to reveal what stays and what goes away, and then to be reabsorbed into the greater mass as another supernova fades into the visual sense of history twisting logic and reason out of season with the rest of this a cosmolytic converter exchanging our spatial awareness for a spiritual gravity that holds us to our words and the screaming that commands the attention of more than just us i’m sure though not certain as the curtain curtails our view of an odd universe like ours to precise angles that hang this limp in our faces with the smell of feces…’
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‘freedoms we might say that we are entitled to without asking who fought for those aspects that are now tainted for granted in systems of laconic explanations even when necessary for forward progress to condense Here, but a fatal fetal dream has popped where the bubble breaks open to show living proof of the lessons we are to learn as a series of truths by rote flying through all land sea and sky left curious why things are this way as path ever-changing the perception of what we are trying to understand with understated expanding of mind whether the bodies become that of a human or horse or dragon makes no difference with exceptions being that this subjective first-person perspective we must live through is only ours and ours alone…’
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‘realizing that this humanity is not a failed experiment for the nazi pigs alive and well and feeding on our fears shared throughout the collective strive forward to the Mystery of heaven or bliss whichever comes first as i suppose taking the routes that we chose as the better for each our own personal continuity, and the myths are merely stories or parables used to attain some righteous footing in the slippery bullshit of the empirical fortunes of Mankind made master of the hive mind further reason why everyone should take their powers upon themselves and escape the horrid chains that bind us to shatter ourselves for these higher appeals to human nature from jerking puppets tamed by the screw now quickly quoted widely whose falsely righteous ass-rending is used as a flag-waving patriotism gimmick spurting out…’