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‘swallowing this mess is next to impossible as the strain forces us to choke up and out as darknesses swirl in to greet our conscious labors that were currently as awake until met by this present arrangement seething through our teeth when trying to speak though all that is left is the refuse as dark matters are fading away into nightmare sequence hidden except for the feeling of fright that exudes from this bare hole in which we now sleep filled with swirling dreams each leading us to our density Here…’
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‘intentions of sometimes efficient activity to promote this speeding vessel toward inevitable conclusions unfathomable until the destination is reached, that we think we can prescribe in what we believe is best for others as simple but unnecessary to satisfying that cryptic urge to make unhappiness as real and palpable thing too just as potent a truth as it is for you or i to conceive of so easily while these crazy demons crawl the surface of this heathen earth in whose decadent spinning can appear further from whatever it is we merely assume to be truth, but is disguised behind disgusting mockery awareness that the clues are there sorting out in ethers as a primordial chthosis has made for us like ants inside this ant farm of the cosmic godhead as it tries reaching enlightenment…’
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‘values bold in penetrating like the ready girth of a baby’s soft fist thoroughly punching the guts of a status quorum with some lustful expectorance coughing up forth this and its vital juvenile embrace of a youthful vigor to figure thoughtful the sexual things as senectitude descends to slow upon this vital rage, boasting of attacks and encroachment into enemy territories unheard of by any but a handful of others who knew you back before these edges of awareness might have hit you to try sharpening your animal senses into being a rugged killing machine as we have idolized to life in this as bereft consumer atrophy as boldest of the many hold still in their place on the shelf while warriors primp and strut…’
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‘a cruel world like this is not diseased or tainted by the affects of those tools abused for selfish purposes when the few that are capable have become corrupted by a limited view of any truth that serves only self-interest to purge the rest of the system of supposed false beliefs lying in wait to ensnare and deceive converting us into a group of liars whose lore makes prophet of the winning opportunist, and Here i am typing in tongues speaking as if the world were some solid state of order instead aware of the tiny shifting sands constantly keeping us upon our toes even when obligated to tow the line in the epic tugs of war ringing bells and dangling puppet rulers momentously strung along though accords to be pulled to get ejected out of planes…’
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‘the tongue fattens as the words begin to try speaking out forcefully through the mouth and jagged teeth as the mucus and drool leaks out a thousand times over again mocking the attempt each time until loss of breath has catapulted the consciousness outside of one’s immediate senses trying to reduce the feelings and thoughts into words creating their own meanings as neural pathways open and close, Here imparting an action and reaction to whosoever as beings made to move are alive and living for this moment to arrive compelling anticipation dripping with sweat and the racing heartbeats as the thrill of endorphins rise to meet the need for accepted means to an end sending the fireworks of signals sparking…’
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‘imposing great hardship or strain as a stain or memory upon the brain as electric sensation shocks off the layers of threatening glamour that steals our attention paid to the dealer whose hand lies hidden a few inches from our faces while the tricks are in action startling the light from our eyes to ask why and how these things did appear true when obviously they were merely illusions holding captive to logic in a way estranged from that a mob mentality whose fingers rest upon perception as tool…’
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‘complicated by obligations to the larger circles of society and tightening further within as close friends and family held together unlike co-workers and acquaintances who flit in and out like ghosts at the periphery, and yet deeper thought requires delving into the soul resembling as spirits whose voices radiate with encoded information all surging through the weft and warp of this cosmic tapestry woven perhaps as a blanket or a safety net held out by those invisible gods and goddesses always in motion making things this way or that as lineareality bends the projected image when enlightenment shines through personal lenses set to view the visions as they are… freed to choose words we use for ourselves and letting others in some way figure out their own missions through this human refuse revolting as much a revolution…’
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‘a reluctant donor to risk when fear is allowed to rule over our lives keeping us from the full experiences of living, and we push the buttons and are stepping upon nerves crackling the eggshells glued together as amended by the wayward uses that people have for each other in this messy existence pining for credibility sometimes when least expected because of the surprise disguised inside the kinds of creatures we can be to see fragments of the surging cosmic filament warp and weft those uniting our collaborative depths and dissected from a whole by some of us that view control as a defining pieces and the parts from the rest… to wed a fervor for science as base to a zealous will of religious imperiousness as emotional alchemy to span the remains of these aeons left…’
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‘reinforcement of our dreams as visions of the future we have chosen to blossom into a state of reality reserved for those that can make it happen unless that requires the destructive likenesses on par with the gods and monsters one and the same who jerk around these ancestral shenanigans a tailspin at a time as modern forces collide like waves both under and over the surface of this mighty a collective sea as it ripples and drifts through those dreaming schemes related as many others buried fathoms deep in the godlike unconscious expanding further than our physical lives could ever deny, in a spastic tribe of dancers macabre like this makes the whirling seem worth it before the magic scares away any holy dervishes from their temple slaves as we move on climbing…’
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‘the confusion and chaos rejecting orders tenaciously used to a fault to translate intellectual energy into that which becomes a cliche and is dismissed for not remaining up-to-date with the rest of this spinning cohesive camouflage that this cosmos will not allow us to be a witness to in the full range of that universe keeping us in cheque with all this pressure crushing us to the ground gearing us up for death and that tragic wasted youth that fuels this plunge forward, and yet the cannibals will not relent in their restless assaulting upon the senses attempting to take control of our brains from the inside as insidious viral tines poking through the mental layers to peel back social filters and the personality traits in order to subdue the soul within while scraping the human meat…’