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‘dying scream of doubt to be betrayed by the doctors and their cold stinging err, or the warriors who come out to play and decide they want to kill a man and rob him in the streets crazy from the trip to hell and back attacking another person whether needed or not creates knots in the system cannot untie even as unified and united their might seems to be some good guys some bad guys though the test of casualties becomes the surprising rise in the tidal wave goodbye to eclectic electric gaps far scarier charismas of delicious gravity ahead severing the knots with swirling blades like cyclones whirling a winding wind blown beyond those winsome memory lanes a bit farther than a disciplined Mankind can travel even though from Here you can get very far indeed..’
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‘the rooster or peacock whose job is to play alpha while praising jah when wobbling on our morals and ethics while in the midst of managing to raise the stakes a little bit higher as though this were something to bet upon… the precise demonic prods culling the queues to an unusual excuse used to abuse the forced of their good behavior projected out onto others to create a mythological message that fulfills a self-manifesting prophecy pushed along by that ambiguous consciousness that sometimes lack a minds’ eye for conscience the science perhaps of conscious pursuit of caring and compassion as solipsistic trial by effort returning those curious elements animating the corpses-to-be we are Here becoming more than animal or aliens trying to perceive what human means…’
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‘the purpose to pose as victims of that deathly taste the faceless true god we have all submitted to gracelessly slipping from this conscious consensus bequeathed to us to hem and hum and hah overtly over and over again, or are we faithfully faceless merely as anyones forgotten the centuries drift dripping by as these sands we have convinced ourselves is all Here short supplies on these heathen islands called ‘planets’ by a contrived concept of historical frayed ends left questioning what this is exactly whether really as the scene was specified comes around to our way or not in resolving the personally bitter end increments of any endless wanderings meandering towards those vaulted spaces taken when granted we tried to grunt as specific syllables in the form of fragile bridges that we do eventually abridge…’
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‘dysfunction fashioned by some as being hip… these people are idiots and in the long run we all die anyway so what other conclusion does one need except nihilism and love when the crass and embittered sides of our thoughts require that fuel surging triumphant fury through the furnace a soul becomes channeled properly though never with the programs one sees upon the tv screens causing bewildering patterns to emerge when no one else yet is to look in timed harmony with the rest as humanity stacks its invisible odds on the worst bets, surrender was never words talked about when heavy doubts are revealed exposing the trends for any possible mends for that cosmic tapestry we are caught lounging on as seen by some perhaps as a still life from afar on islands of free will…’
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‘proof of instinctual voices kept at bay for one’s own reasons and troubled consciences in convincing any other in debates of declarative statements subtly promoting the ego to controlling status, and dominating by threats of debt and holding future generations form for this bureaucrat and more than likely his bureau-crass-crazy ass scheme to curse the Other’s family with a stigma so unrelenting that nothing but those intermissions of these personal agents of the general law inserting themselves as deeply into the situation as possible while infecting all with the same kind of govern-us-mental spew toxified up to the waste in fresh err burning rivers of drinkable water, but it never stops there either when the transference of power warps us so dramatically as if the elixir were only the material component manifested to allow the spirits…’
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‘motion digesting the moves as frugal centrifuge refusing to die with everything that can be spent its states of being lucid dreaming at rest at best questions unanswered confessing consequence by obliterating witness can dead or alive sometimes comes back to die again demanding the fall of corrupted elders in whose just was jest at best an arrest through answers too heavy to fathom to full content queasy even to nauseous revolt as the eye divine sees in vivisecting sways of color with this system’s use of words scratching wounds that don’t bleed but never heal to be the only thing revealing latter day half-truths as proof of whose dead eyes seeing the believing in full fruit dropping it once the bitter juice bleeds through condemning the natural witches’ brew underneath as cycles of demons disguised…’
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‘inside mothers’ tomb of roiling sloughing skein of fluid disengaging us from stage one of the experimental foray into birth as primal humanity borne of happenstance and causality blending in formulaic brew the distinctive parts and traits of ancestry involved, the peak of human civilization attempting everything there is to cross thresholds bounded only by spirits that have lost their flavor for helping handouts in missionary position postulating the end of this perspective pushing boundaries tempting taboos lifting witnessed only by a few shagging on the carpet scraping enough to gather burns and fleas from dicks in pussies naked asses swaying exempted from by square few too tightly wound to prepare for orgiastic proportions of blood sweat and tears grinding pelvises through years of experiential exchange drifting between partners parting company…’
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‘gathered opinion gone awry, but why wait for a why when sometimes the want is enough to start a reaction chaining some same such minds together at the concept alone as individual features become tangential angelic elements blessing lower forms of life living now with generations of alien consciousness locking up our systems with instinctual data casually foregoing that brains grey matter batters against the whipping winds of conformity domesticating as society dictates a person should be, though the trigger finger always rings true with shots fired shat-wise through the chaotic crowd in a haze of uncertainly valued self-sustaining attitude depicting a selfless abandon…’
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‘as butcher chop in twain animal calamity whose sudden and starkly strange contrasts are between a cursing and blessing sped by gravity insanity magma hot hand-eye coordination stationed in a few roles of performance metaphorically spoken for when animal distracted as aren’t we all some tragedy waiting to strike happening dumbstruck as if not accidentally on purpose enough for some of us depicting deviant sides of nature… the truly graceless face taking on the human miracle…’
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‘positions making sense to a select assembly of parts harmonizing in conflict, as a broken vision shattering the mirror about to cast the fairest to the floor as a gutter whore gone insane from the burden of the game crazy as it is cunning wild animal adapting to loose but difficult constrictions nonetheless, flapping furiously toward that bright morticians’ flame burning the mortal out of both ends as machine that fails soon after collapse cutting creatures down…’