my art & dreams Archives - All The Wrong Topics dot com

…the opsimathic, growing Quirks of art…

out of Context – ‘…in control of our businesses, meddling and peddling our wares housed and expressed serious whims that fancy wounds to dig into and exploit in order for there to be resolution of any sort available even if it causes lasting damage one cannot heal as the more rapacious qualities of humanity break loose and poison the well from which we stem and arise revived and surviving these tribal tribulations before expiring in hopes that spontaneous combustion strikes us all with our frozen ashes remaining just long enough the computer-verse can register this intense frailty that inhabits us as brief candle flicker our lives ever were Here, digging through the carcass of rust built upon kingdoms made out of faith alone sometimes lasting only single session yet assimilated into the greater whole of the next glorious society…’

…to what fLuxury is this…

‘…harnessed for energy covertly replacing the horsepower guided into place by pressure of your peers scat singing our way through liminal eschatology whose escalation as wielded into tools of ethnomethodology versus sociology, we are not worthy in our secreted excretions seized pleasingly sized to objectify as fetish holding certain mojo about it symbolic of particular peculiar sensitivities some would call mystical in this essence heaven’s lobotomy preaching at us how to live properly via interpretive temporal advocates playing devils wishing to be redeemed by whatever savior we have for the time being justifying our maleficent influences creating tensions between people as though social constructs to be toyed with in sights solipsistic amounting to who we decide to listen to with undivided attention accounting for little as pity party wallowing in psychic wounds…’ – out of Context

…Mogwai or the highway…

‘…though through distant fogs preventing us from being able to see more clearly as instances appear that any closeness to the name of death is difficult truth to confront especially when kicking and screaming for help and life revived somehow more genuine than our previous miscarriages of justice to others undeserving of abuse or punishment even as we occasionally coerce each other into doing stupid upset things whose snares serve the undeniably serious purpose of each instrumental lesson in gravity annihilating those unwary hopefully with painless celerity dissected, to which we cannot provide proof of assurance that we will survive this ride complete or in charge while having to submit to bringing ourselves for self-inspection through circumlocution to sell using that what seems authentic yet is mere gobbledygook taken shape and bought by bewildered masses…’ – out of Context

…tolerances from the pHarsickle…

out of Context – ‘…corrupting our youth when we were them accepting that gift jumped in by familial plugs doing favors for another customer in order to be favored by the company when the need arises shifting sides of the spectrum optimally deluded by systems within the machine having staked claim in prolonging our existence Here as much anywhere else with our track record archived and memorialized for each individual happening to get past this threshold, once seeing night skies turn into early rays of dawn it might be easy to have interpreted planets as people who cannot be loosed are tethered whole severed from clothes slightly covering our humility rampantly indisposed to our toxic humanity consistently guided by influences from outside as much within flagellating those deeper ideas of control stress and the pressures to perform as expected…’

…struggle of the Kerfuffle…

‘…when taken as antidotes in what we require to achieve full cognitive function believing ourselves somehow unaffected by warnings ceasing to sound off so alarming toxic talk sick of sick sad worlds colliding frequently enough to raise valid concern even though nervous about lifting any false flags amidst surveillance culture warfare so cold it recalls tensions of the near past now micromanaged to seem insignificant from the distance of passing cars quickly engaged with the surroundings as opposed to living inside of thoughts feeling better left unsaid when every utterance feels wrong, judged Here as inadequate descriptions falling out of the mouth manifesting as crucially sensing synchronous certitude of error and guilt admonishing by way of psychic link deciphered through the lenses as instinct intuition and intellect in currency crossing our organic circuitry…’ – out of Context

…t’Error dactylic hexameter…

out of Context – ‘…head heavy with thoughts unrelenting presented to an empty room worthy as an empty reading trying to collect enough personifications to fill it and even when sleeping just for dreaming to start happening affected by the definitions already established over time and further forcing its way through nonsense repetitive attempts kept deeply residing in the meat of our minds through tissues breaking loose more than marking territory to play some macabre song and dance routine for giggles… madness of horribly crass excuses used for doctoring them methods building somewhere within realms of plausibility if not found too long stretched strenuous action with these tactics skilled board-certified and ready extracting kernels of truth as though simply were teeth just open wide enough to scream ‘OW!’ before deviants come gorging on your visceral pieces tender and juicy…’

…poetic error dares Truth socially…

out of Context – ‘…conduits of myth communications trial and tribulation outsourced from larval layers unable to commune directly because of these strange intrinsic meanings with simple symbolism satisfying favored irregular mutations deep in memory patterns tending toward personal masks the kinds of social camouflage corresponding outward to our animal cousins imprinted by retained mention effectively digging into nature that allows for such without wasted moments and nothing to lose unlike our humanity lacking respect for the many things that can kill us pathogenic suspect whose silence stays relevant lingering through naturally recurring systemic golden ratios fluctuations sending out signals Here universal vibrations, tempering materials in this furnace as inspiration setting about to rekindle fiery excitation reiterated with curious sentiment weighing in what hope can be culled…’

…raising antiQuity out of pity…

‘…lessons not to shy away from frightened so quickly that it betrays our personal character and constitution so we must turn back to face the conflict ourselves as selfless as the wagers force us to be Here catalyzing what instincts we may have to survive the ordeals as they arrive then to taunt and deceive our senses just as words can distort the filters of individual perception leading us through tensions highly tenderized by the cavalcade of lies that happened to raise us all from thinking differently, when as the children we were imprinted for the future by incomplete adults who chose to doom everyone for the sake of their egos being trampled over but nay Here we are required to revivify what has been cursed to be forgotten in order providing amenable saviors…’ – out of Context

…tones lacking of pygmAlien timbre…

‘…false heroism used to justify ignorance that can turn deadly incompetent as motions reinforce the caliber of devotion and loyalty tempered to serve under disgusting dictatorial movements subjugated as all of our ancestors collected together in grandiose shame thrown to feed the fires to be as erased as can be from this mortal world of rotten material before then getting exiled from common thought… anathematized by official decree of demon liege interpreting through papal bullshit saying whatever all-seeing sky father believed there is unhappy and nasty requiring virgins blood and torment are to be donated to whatever cause in its name attempting to assert authority that is not rightfully theirs to make certain of the execution in all sacramental sentiment absorbed by one god forcing its loyal subjects to be instruments affected by its whim…’ – out of Context

…a greed in content, Oh-my…

out of Context – ‘…let loose into strange worlds of potential interpretation critical in affecting ideas as crops to harvest are yielded once the time comes and perhaps wrong is perceived as less wicked and interdependently incorporates into whatever the further process of this humanity is Here finding small strands of absolutes not truth conjoined loose to thread together healing the cosmic tapestry that created us and our little worldviews to move, data in jigsaw patterns of puzzle confusing sets of exclusive content from genuine reality closed captured for the hero impaired where villainy is rife in this berg becoming burger devoured by masses of hungry denizens ready to lay eggs en masse so rapacious in this natural order forcing others out of the way top breaking the other over under doesn’t matter when the stakes are so high…’