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…fisting the Vista…

‘…all the big boys in the yard who wear their psychopathy on their sleeves this being a warning that there is not necessarily a reflex action for compassionate display unless bargaining for something as ulterior motive Here amusing to interlopers scarred elements detached yet observing through the views provided in this old bureaucracy crass to those degrees affecting progress, rarely can intelligent diligence lamenting the old fashioned in its antiquated ways get our civilization anywhere other than nostalgia stalling out over idealized remnants displaced remains from fabrication in factories to final resting once minus requisite working parts selected for completing the circuit Here underestimated when considered absolutely obsolete with no exceptions for rape or incest outdated and misogynistic artillery of hatred generally directed at women for no good reason…’ – out of Context

…dilemmatic apoCatastrophe…

out of Context – ‘…disappeared by the efforts of civilized wagers labored through twined states of manic and depressive behaviors channeling energy rubbed raw into eventual vindication evocatively pronounced as though simplified condensing not condescending of terms and phrases razed from the ground up by a few whom do not know any better than acting enslaved to consumerist qualities shaping our politics religion and industry in parallel disenchantment, further pursuing happiness whatever that means and by whatever means necessary to secure something out of the nothing we normally receive Here flipping doubt like a house we imagine living in darkest before the dormant always seeking a silver lining to these near-constant shadowy clouds reigning overhead and over land paradigmatic phlegm flung from distant stars and galaxies to cling to this space of heathen earth catalyzed by killers…’


‘…Here interminably linked to everything else bridging gaps and chasms as long as there are appropriate resources from which to draw upon for visceral diversion such as repurposing lake water to satisfy necessities of cities and homes miles away so do words motivate, technically serving the selfish ostensible and obstinate as charlatans making predatory movements as if their apparent ugly character isn’t moved advancing toward victims of messianic attraction which calls for a response following the volumes of pages now memorizing to keep the devil at bay as though voice of god reiterating verses from within such terribly haunted places Here born excessively taught that we receive demonic forces because we’re so filthy from birth while some people are leading lives of efficient sadism hurting the only ones they truly love themselves…’ – out of Context

…growntesque Messianism…

out of Context – ‘…innocence and ignorance to counterbalance precarious circumstances wherever humans can be found locally engaging in wrong attitudes on sex being surely distorted, allowing abandoned people lodged in their beliefs as those in sects to die because of shitty neopopulist politics denying acknowledged layers of significant spiritual relevance inherent in everybody as common people to promote that ideally utilitarian perspective acting as jurisdictional authority set to convince others of a gods honest truth that their weaknesses are permanent Here there is no other option left but to submit to these imposed rules in order to stay afloat upon this biased rulership sailing on through rough liquid doldrums of stagnant stillness fluctuating in transitional states as bodies wrestling with these aims torn between arguments, sacrificing superficial opinion for learned experience…’


‘…mythic of proportions that leaks from the material inspired by the relatively unremarkable features defining us as simplest of creatures when it comes to recovering our purpose from the depths of multiple different directives working on us at once producing the pressures we grow weary though used to as time progresses away from and through us to finishing steps at entombed by forcing decisive death urge upon us each indiscriminately because appearing to deserve some level of punishment Here salting wounded experience to reach wisdom sometimes agonized movement parallel to the ease at which these beings come and go, ebb and flow tidal impetus with certain viral form one cannot quantify constituent parts whose temperament is not always in favor of where and how they are summoned to suffer Here mystically through living portals…’ – out of Context


out of Context – ‘…barely visible at the surface level casually glimpsing the human in its grotesque glories as though alarmed at being caught doing awful things to others that humiliation and anger sets in changing an attitude that might have been placid and calm prior is now irate as an infantile adult who has breached, blood-brain barrier to reach autonomic cognizant dissonance birthing emotional tumult scaring children of the atom whose lives were planned as cells grown in labs that attack social cancers we deal with in many ways that cancel out our dysfunction being undesired ego trip dominating remains the trait from accumulated generations before the us that lives through whatever now has to offer as regarding the damage already done and preventative measures for futile symptoms of cataclysmic seismic shifts in gossip and reality…’


‘…wavelengths and pathways of which we have most familiarity threaded within a cosmic digital tapestry such as this recreating what was previously thought or taught always in motion to define what remains leaving more questions, Here are few answers universal in their application though people will try coveting ideas by any means necessary to them to siphon what actually an idea can evolve into actively acting on various points and principles to reference and experience a larger picture than what may have first appeared barring logic from the sensations until such a time that analysis is detrimental to the magic but instrumental in discovering the layers that science can readily inhabit taking original sources to splice ends by twisting them woven tightly fashioning as ties that bind their stories together no matter how disparate separately…’ – out of Context

…ingest my Imagination…

out of Context – ‘…seeking refuge within our systems of management putting bureaucracy forward while damage done and shifting attention away Here catching humans contradicting themselves purposefully aware of the lies they tell themselves and each other to cope with this natural mechanism within us that this body uses to reference other systems outside, classifying official records to play out a different saga conflicting the general narrative assumed to be real and true though oftentimes baited to click the only mass debate construed as contrary commentary when rage has become a commodity and been wagered as warfare when there are embattled sides to be taken seriously when carving up sizeable chunks of land that aren’t yours amidst armed conflict spreading over countries left clinging to what is believed are the objects of life as reward for our individual diligence…’


‘…awareness tricked into thankless tasks that are not a remedy but a trophy of bad growth seen day by day wandering by a faraway look in the little eye contact made seemingly distant actions crippled by tame compulsion compared to lame dysfunction turned resentful and apprehensive riddled by doubts near constant stresses trying to impress upon any common philosophy student how language languished that it engages youths told to look away from proof… changing the labels does not deter from knowing that the most dangerous monsters are really people thought trustworthy enough but as we have learned becomes lamented twisting misstep still walking forward through whatever needling nerves sharp agony attacks again stabbing the brain senseless into not thinking only acting as puppet dancing dangling hoping for relief from dark emotions traumatically triggering turmoil…’ – out of Context


‘…may not be treated in the same ways with similar intentions hurting us and leaving more than physical wounds left to heal while our minds cannot so easily shrug off imprints that warp condition the time and space we exist in made to wait in anticipation for another round to commence whenever at leisure of an abuser who takes their time stealing ours, token reinforcement becoming common for our culture those conscious and bestial to the point of gratuitous feral machismo perils taken for embracing muscle-headed goons edging on dangerous commodity for those few who wish brutality to continue age after age blood spilling relentlessly but no equality as we might idealize and strive for it now today whenever that may be the reader sees this because writing it Here does not necessarily indicate intelligence…’ – out of Context