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‘the hammering of gods inside our heads won’t relent on the progress that sketches itself out as it surges forward to hit all the relevant points in forging the correction necessary to put others in their place… the fascist ones we are working against are reflecting the same energy that lifts and can make of the unsound whatever creatures we claim ourselves to be as a stalking and lethal movement takes over the minds of the serious and static who hold to killing, that urge to push the rest of this flaming wreck off the edge of an almost real cliffside drifting lost…’
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‘there are always going to be many battles and confrontations that appreciate a focused attention for the gaining involvement to evolve as social reconstruction urgency in a system of varying agencies in place to solve the woes we face each day, but that is what we are told all along in the trailing lines that lay the tracks to eventually facing the pain as the train of thought hits us square in the ways that make us think… the stink of what we really are bleeds through the thinnest of membranes to this world as a deep gratitude is more difficult to maintain than a sour attitude…’
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‘i stand up to rant my heart out with words cultivated from the mental dirt we all dig into facing an audience without fear, it is a temporary catharsis against the backdropping sounds and dim atmosphere of the places we fit as the design or location may hint with its’ own symbols and grounds as foundation for the drama unfolding, but this is how we create art that seems as to pull right off the pages before these very eyes that decide to see it all scattered in the pattern-seeking brain informing…’
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‘before entering the human being phase of the training, and not all can hear the bells ringing as though school were utterly always in session to reach the next lesson on the syllabus planned as taught in holy words and jerks that spasm against the natural laws that Mankind so detrimentally needs to learn…’
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‘where the only access refrigerator is always locked closed with the cabinets and cupboards nailed shut as the room begins filling with gas from the stove left on high, but no one is getting anywhere in making a wistful final countdown admonishing a god any god that might listen to random pleas sent skyward as the reversal of fortunes makes the heavens fall to earth in impending doom raining blood upon the scourge of humanity killing itself… i am passed out yet again, my friends…’
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‘subtly haunting the bodies committing themselves to this nonsense as ever in motion… striving to hide the hive mind behind occulted rituals and subtle stinging words used to manipulate the population into subconscious fear games that push us all to compete in the great hunt as predator or prey, and as some of the more deluded prepare themselves to die in the struggle alone as wild beasts…’
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‘reckless after money and power in the face of oppression just to be looking right because no one wants to be caught dead and wrong in the same breath while breathing asleep from the heavy things that drop onto our heads everyday like masochist balloons weighing down the end before it ends like a curtain falling over our outlook on a reality that doesn’t believe in opportunity or happiness without suffering… A trick of the dicks who think they run this place to get anywhere you need to be tamed by shit as beginnings come so quickly before the sweet individuation truly occurs to the newly human guinea pig in training on this animal farm experiment where you are the dead to remain exactly where you are, make no move…’
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‘situation, and a result witnessed once the final decisions come to impart certainty that looks like wisdom and law to the collective of the species to share and utter amongst themselves as they work to challenge personally what the collective has come to assume as experienced second-hand which breaks direct communication to further analyze details indirectly applied to one’s own condition in the day-to-day confrontation with societal obligation and rituals to subdue the human energy into labor and production for the hierarchical order that has been grinding down real civilization down to its stumps while practicing to fool a world population into believing in debt crisis to distract away from the actual perils…’
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‘more than just purely the impulse of imagination, as it is the intricate and complex webbing of a layered acceptance of all those winding routes of knowledge and manifest experience to be intertwined as the “ultraquiot” accepts both life and death through the filter of reality… perceptual reality or “un-reality”, perhaps the word ‘Maya’ as interpreted into a whole culture called ‘Mayans’, but instead of prior ancient peoples we will refer to our ‘Mayans’ Here as the materialists enthralled by their materialism in play as masses obey to their sway… so let the great shit talking begin, i am a walking conscious disease as perhaps previous posts have stated or implied in all too many vague ways…’
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‘the victim gets better, if this were a spiritual toxin flowing through the system would it be so easily eradicated just by sucking on the right hole afflicting whatever the human thinks as truth getting deeply embedded in those personal neural networks that carry the signal far from the conscious struggle known nowadays as ‘reality’… a holographic trace that can link and store within this saturated brain of flesh and fluid locked inside our heads whatever we think bound with feeling and qualities of depth which are not so easily raced back to their sources, the tangents that drift between moment and memory…’