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romancing the stoned…

out of Context;
‘under the wrong circumstances, using the implied obligations as a law to force us into Man’s stiff ligatures of society tightened at the joints to squeeze and pressure the bones and the people to break subjugating the entirety of civilization into a crumpled labor class petri dish soon testing and distorting us into blocks and corners of information alive but writhing with time’s imperious tick drawing in the blood from all resources that can infuse it with space while manifesting this gossamer into the material basement of all realms, but it is rare that we see any of these inertias for what they happen to be when we happen to be too assaulted by the truth to stand up for anything when it feels like a killing blow to this soul as a wound…’

finger garden of god.

out of Context;
‘waiting and searching through the floating cosmic debris as constantly these systems of delivery which surround our paradigm without our noticing most of the time as we are kept focused upon our own purposes while Here suffering through the worst of it to learn, but it is noted that as passengers we do not need to only confine our time and energy into the abusive modes of the others who act as doppelgängers of our shadow souls projecting onto us the dismal reflection a few of us are still developing through as a ‘devil’s gauntlet’ perhaps lodged somewhere permanent in the ‘dark night of the soul’ in the out there vacant though more than half full… woe be to whosoever feels that gauntlet striking them hard…’

hieronymous like a bosch…

out of Context;
‘the easel pondered upon by the artist as clarity syphons mind toward the material where this interpreter is idly aware of art as something outside of the Self less perceived, a caricature cut from ideas left to be fused together into a pastiche that reveals little to the lurking tainted eyes of the observers perverted in their dreams and a horrid fantasy of what reality can be by their obnoxious greeds agreed to between each other that this vision is a glorious one despite the vanity in captivating the world at large suspended in disbelief as solution to conceive of the mutilating grotesque in humanity growing fetid, and clenching the tools that no small minds can achieve…’

the day the internet died…

out of Context;
‘under superstitious constraints as conflicted between an antagonistic faith and untethered curiosity in evolving from these electro-magnetic states to a greater understanding beyond mere flesh, coming home to that Other within ourselves that somehow separates from us when we reach all these new spiritual plateaus as each a different set of rules and rhythms to adapt and to metadapt (cellular adaptation) to as well when everything seems at odds before the evens… the rules can collapse just like the body in moments of deterioration collaborating to the mosaic we call ‘history’ maybe a bit too frequently nasty in the collective cesspool of a tragedy sadly pronouncing most of us ‘doomed’ prior to being born…’

satan’s vacancy

out of Context;
‘history as failed experiment infecting tired broken systems that have spent most of the “good times” aligned with a most horrid collection of imbeciles at beck and call to be summoned like the aforementioned demons… the lure of lore can paralyze the witness with dreams and fantasies in rendering some of these surreal ideas for real in the manifest density confused with the abstracted urge of symbols and signals in an attempting of a mutual understanding with the world about what it means to exist as the being and the concept bound together immutable and interminable as many a question that seeps through the warped dynamic glimmer all around us, as the terrain goes out from under our feet when feigning the defeat can keep a person from being utterly debased by the scythe of fate…’

a harpy’s bazaar

out of Context;
‘pretending to believe a skewed idea of greater good that means so much more than qualities of human kindness universally reinforced with a positive reinforcement to endorse that anyone can do it through their own freedom of choice as much as believing in oneself more than those disparaging remarks made by the jealous, as we have the choice to turn our attentions away from that atrophy and decay devoured by the birds of prey that flock together tearing out pieces that can never be replaced as they were in order to sort out the weak from the strong when we all stand equal to each other after the fact of past tense inside of this ephemeral existence as a ghost searching for meaning in all the systems we are seeking…’

not a peer amid us…

out of Context;
‘a humanity have spilled forth like from out the damned Pandora’s box teased at in myth… the Mystery includes us no matter who we are today as it is this time travel transition from ideas to animals to personas of interest throughout the annals of a vague history filling pages that virtually no one will read as the digital bubble subsumes our paradigm of living sigils born each with an agenda to complete once the concepts make themselves a known to people, selves themed with any type of mood or ideal made real and fleshed out as humans swept up into the consequences of action as some of us are prone to being caught up within others’ schemes taken to the dramatic extremes in exposing a vulnerability inside of ourselves personally…’

a set of psychopompous circumstances…

out of Context;
‘metempsychosis as the mentality vitally demotes us a farce throwing villainous sparks out to ignite those rampant wildfires purging of what meaning lies there in pretend and the pretensions that admit without hesitation as sum by-product lain on the slab by human hands altering reality upon an altar that stands firm against the opposed traffic and travails of the herd mentality mating and fingering many escapees unscrupulously…’

an acidic soul

out of Context;
‘agent of sour sources and bitter emotional scars as they raise up razed and scarred stinging with pain as the healing takes over the nerve fibers gathered at each point along their way to your brain trying to escape these dismal offensive thoughts that scatter and spur those totally vicious of vision on to appear strong as their volatile strength thrown around like a weight attempting to strike someone down unaware of the venom in irony and sarcasm as abused trusting with thrusting stabs the righteous swings of courage while a chilling divorce between body and mind disturbs those of uncertain choices, the emotional scars chilling a scare down the spine…’

war saw was raw

out of Context;
‘the ideas of incredulous brainwashing to subdue our souls into place for the cosmic race game that appears to keep all of our attentions most neatly focused on the pain and loss emitted from these hosts born and dead without even knowing the joys of travel or chasing the dreams that will never materialize because we get caught in the net webbed over our minds in the haze of realizing our purposes each their own, much as how we connect these reality streams together not unlike attempting to stay in contact with people who have touched that soul in its burning heart lodged deep within our separate kingdoms we attempt to keep intact all throughout our lives in this place even through the stress and dense difficulties that seem to work their magic on this mortality…’