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pica-SO pig asshole

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‘the visceral missile warfare omniscience trying to condense our reality into a function that carve pieces out from those dark matters that be to shape them into sections of dark energy quantified by those powers that choose to be saint to our sinners faking their versions of a real winner to offset the real value of freedoms allowed as rights to the human contingent forced to choose limited options instead, and the betterment of a Mankind so cruel to the humanity in choosing not to follow these biased conclusions lost inside complexities of logic managed by such organic mechanisms pushing through the breach of a limited perspective with only a few pieces left to guide us each to an end as ourselves…’

reigning jesus writardando-si-does-it…

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‘in a direction that some might consider as ‘corrupted’, but is merely another stage in this evolving chrysalis of humanity trying to become more maybe where consciousness has set a particular genetic standard than we were always hoping would change us into our images of personal gods somehow appeasing a deeper spiritual imagination playing with symbols that leads us to friction in stubborn dimensions as though trying to fit our beliefs into a box that few will ever see for what it truly is while it lives and breathes… psychic hearts trapped inside clutching the embrace of fate as displayed with affection when the romantic urge sets future needs ahead of the present as a packaged commodity to be bought and sold without explanation and shat out like any other product assembled autonomously in dark places…’


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’embedded in this human drama vivisecting this substantial vital essence into hybrids and distillations of traits and taint passed along as well as out there among the masses as massive if not more so than they used to be considering the changes in both the climate and an atmosphere of fear influence spills out like oily residues of the past creeping forward among us, in a variable genetic context that cannot ever be tracked as exactly or is specific enough to be taught as fact to children lowered on the totemic poles of opposition further than anyone else as the potentials filter through the system’s infected weeping wounds as tragedy eats us devoutly devouring each and every piece savored by a complex array of humanities’ saints and sinners with knife and needle teeth equal in each bite…’

a thick epiphany…

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‘traits with another lost soul who wishes only the best for us and we for them in tapping a part of the ancestor hole filled with consequences from actions we have never made on our own, but it doesn’t stop us from being any more or less than we simply are while trapped Here mocking the irony of it all as Now is marching away to fight yet another battle with the shitty weapons of the worrisome as displayed like the scalps of previous soldiers and leaders who fought bravely though never knew that this is wherein their motions would lead while their comrades and other bodies were crumpling to the ground once struck down by a fire unbridled… as witness to the televised execution of things so that some kindnesses bare out the spoiled rotten fruits…’

homo ludens…

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‘impervious to mere rules or their agents gone in to retrieve those unchasened and unmanageable to pervert their energy into something a bit more constructive for the hive minds messing about in ivory towers trying to plan every little piece of a puzzle that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the map they laid out to view, and the strategy as applied to move the massive by tactics resorting to hostility and intimidation to subvert any personal sense of social safety and keep that consistent belief remaining within our heads that we as humans are plague-bearing creatures suffering out their fates based upon vaguely-implied ideals brutally reinforced by those fostered primal throwbacks planted as a neoanderthal set of guardian spirits with barely enough sapient cognizance to appear human while fooling most of the casual observers…’

soul of a demon, heart of a human…

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‘those great journeys that everyone has the freedom to participate within as it is the freedom of choice that is what creates the true and final who we are to become once the time has passed like sculptors carving at stone with grains of sand shacked up inside of the hourglass awaiting the ferry from one life to others along the way toward that finishing touch of gods made real by human zeal… the superstitious devils we are moving through the shadows of mental and emotional continuity as ghosts canned alive in the machine of an organic origin foolish for the mind control working on our confused memories forgotten and mysterious as programmed autonomous reflex pushing our buttons to blank the human computer enlightened by this new technology plague waving hello to the obsolete creatures backside goodbyes…’

meddling in the midden…

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‘doctrines doctored by the hands and minds of unworthy Man as next step of the evolutionary rung clearly as the bell tolls for thee that finds confidence in these words lacking any three-dimensional depth as much the quantification of emotional value becoming unwieldy as the defining measure on which to base our lives, and to then be tossed into the refuse with those unsavory wolves who choose damage and mayhem to solutions and safety where and when given the options whether to stop or continue in the present state of hate fascinated with the order it creates stacking dysfunctions blindly upon one another until the bloated corpse floats to the surface in deranged mockery of citizens united…’

scrotingler’s shat.

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‘the rigors of humanity as curiosity a vessel to explore and conquer this material plane that some say is a floating too far out of control that can and does happen when speculating yet nothing shows to reveal what stays and what goes away, and then to be reabsorbed into the greater mass as another supernova fades into the visual sense of history twisting logic and reason out of season with the rest of this a cosmolytic converter exchanging our spatial awareness for a spiritual gravity that holds us to our words and the screaming that commands the attention of more than just us i’m sure though not certain as the curtain curtails our view of an odd universe like ours to precise angles that hang this limp in our faces with the smell of feces…’

vie de boheme

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‘realizing that this humanity is not a failed experiment for the nazi pigs alive and well and feeding on our fears shared throughout the collective strive forward to the Mystery of heaven or bliss whichever comes first as i suppose taking the routes that we chose as the better for each our own personal continuity, and the myths are merely stories or parables used to attain some righteous footing in the slippery bullshit of the empirical fortunes of Mankind made master of the hive mind further reason why everyone should take their powers upon themselves and escape the horrid chains that bind us to shatter ourselves for these higher appeals to human nature from jerking puppets tamed by the screw now quickly quoted widely whose falsely righteous ass-rending is used as a flag-waving patriotism gimmick spurting out…’

scotching the guard…

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‘dream go to waste with no patience left to give only to take as we pay our way into the pain machine once again what with a little blood and rage shed at the time, tainting the escape with hatred and anger as violence enters into your picture of how the raging alcoholic will beat and abuse the people who appear as mere puppets now projected from within their heads as the idiot flesh yields to demonic and perverted demands in a pursuit of Dionysian pleasures vague and blurry through lenses of the guilt and betrayal created when the substance used dominates the host whose guest has refused to respect the remains of those who would die because of its’ power, and it seems once tainted there is only oneself left to guard against a binge…’