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god is in the feces…

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‘reigns held by the turd reich distortions, ignoring compassion and subjecting us all to their dark advantage taken this mixture of heavens and hells a fixture on the conscious circuit charged with energy swirling digesting brewing the manifested glories and mistakes made meaty with weight and mighty decisions to yield truths that the majority will swallow without problem like pharmacological substances which induce those moments manufactured and manipulated by their creators, and then pumped out efficiently by distributors who do no wrong by admission of third-party bureaucracy taking hold as the newest middle class sold out and co-opted by the claimed functions of the consumer age whose dread is of being penniless in this material world of empty fanaticism and fashionable violence…’

a punkture in the cyst ’em…

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‘random vapid excuses all stitched together as quilted mistakes in personal responsibility gone astray, but the realizations we are forced to learn merely make us resentful deeper down in our soul if the pressure was put upon us by people believing themselves better or truly more aware than we who are roaming the streets ready to tear off a chunk of some fecal-breathing machine that tries to act the tough human even though it is not too wise to push other humans around like you own the place unless you accept responsibility for your actions… patience or a lack thereof slows a progress down to a snail’s crawl as drama flares up in spurts that force us to act out of turn with the rest making spastic dancers of a few among the restless…’

the role of a paradise

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‘being tossed around like debris caught and launched in rag doll circles shaken to ever more confused traces of this conditional presence residing Here lost among the other zombie drones moving in time with the biologic clock of terror ticking down the moments as they flux and waver not always assured of what is really going on, but we are free to choose and make choices as we see fit even if these quasi-retarded fits become crucial fixes to retain some personal semblance of control that ideally will never be disposable like the things we consume so easily with what remains left a sodden mass for generations to come swimming through the consequential waste as collateral to the finite chase of childish sport pushing others to force their hands to abort this cycle of menace…’

a parasite lost…

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‘against the strength of collective say swaying opinion and our ideas of ourselves so out of proportion with the general law crushing out our instincts from those it chooses to use intellect instead though at the expense of compassion either way as babies fed onto the conveyor belt whims of society left to fend through those mentors and friends until these loathsome mires and pits of inviting the degradation and depravity open up as we have had enough of their obnoxious facets… but we are the real fascists set on making everything more than it seems to be if only for our own gratification selfish in the long run as plans for maintaining control further as this humane illusion Now threatening the suspect agents of fortune who maybe can work with our collected best interests in mind…’

clitical mass

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‘complicated by obligations to the larger circles of society and tightening further within as close friends and family held together unlike co-workers and acquaintances who flit in and out like ghosts at the periphery, and yet deeper thought requires delving into the soul resembling as spirits whose voices radiate with encoded information all surging through the weft and warp of this cosmic tapestry woven perhaps as a blanket or a safety net held out by those invisible gods and goddesses always in motion making things this way or that as lineareality bends the projected image when enlightenment shines through personal lenses set to view the visions as they are… freed to choose words we use for ourselves and letting others in some way figure out their own missions through this human refuse revolting as much a revolution…’

the vanity of a sanity…

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‘reinforcement of our dreams as visions of the future we have chosen to blossom into a state of reality reserved for those that can make it happen unless that requires the destructive likenesses on par with the gods and monsters one and the same who jerk around these ancestral shenanigans a tailspin at a time as modern forces collide like waves both under and over the surface of this mighty a collective sea as it ripples and drifts through those dreaming schemes related as many others buried fathoms deep in the godlike unconscious expanding further than our physical lives could ever deny, in a spastic tribe of dancers macabre like this makes the whirling seem worth it before the magic scares away any holy dervishes from their temple slaves as we move on climbing…’

in worship of a got…

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‘feeling absolutely helpless and yet aggressive about it, craving to take from other people what they have as a source of selfish exploits that often times lead to nonsense conclusions for the ones trying to cover their tracks with steaming piles of bullshit thinking this is the way it has got to be as we were all falsely made to believe rising up from primordial sensations to self-awareness while in further complications to assert which of these various lines leads to your desires as when queued up and jammed against other parties that bring the noise as much a light pollution degrading us all to cling to an ideal of balance as the truest of factors absorbing one’s ambitions for better things, but on a trail of tears that never seems to stop in the tight traffic…’

rapt in the raw meat…

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‘tactics sour to a humanity that birthed them from chaotic swirling sea of human activity translated into multiple directions of attention brittle at once as they seem supportive to these different ideas of a self pulled out from the womb where the tiniest microcosms of life have the chance to evolve beyond cold material awareness lodged in the bowels of animal existence shifting and quaking constantly, panic is attacking loudly without a reach to calm or curious affectation once all of the dust settles clear finding victory with whosoever steps forward first from clashing energies as witnessed by only those whose eyes can see the images lingering after invisible waves reactive have distorted enough of the pictures biased minds choose to be revealed as the harmony of creatures in which life and living is the magic…’


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‘like a feather in our caps, but the merry games we play are nothing in a comparison with the sick and grotesque people we become when we are allowing this overconfidence to overtake our will to live trying to survive while still others are assured their crowning glory thanks to the few that push the levels of risk toward the product of inevitable conclusions the proportions of fear and manipulation all the rage as errorists will repossess your mind and actions dragging all puffed-up ideas of yourself into the realm of mistakes, making you attack yourself and those things that make up your uniquity as a person and the entity you are truly though you must try to remember that what you came in with is all the material you will leave to those living long after…’


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‘gathered Here dancing threatening advances away as bass sounds pound the flesh soaked in sweat trying to writhe gracefully, but winding down so slowly to persuade and manipulate the money out of wallets and into the digital coffers that grip and stroke the remedy out of the sexual stupidity throttled for yet more money and favors than can be bought though the servicing provided needs to be fully compensated well by whoever can afford it as immediately as is possible when the stability hinges on this often gradual build up of tension created when two or more humans seem to be unable to collaborate or compromise on any of preconceived standards easily agreed upon by most of a populace at large…’