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saprosyne of the times

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‘values set forth by revered ancestors… now dead gone far beyond the altered states of perception that we adore in this kingdom of the bored so jammed as a unit together into a realm of pure ennui or indifference filled with discontents who honor no authorities offering very few items of solace when confronted with this stagnation that brews and ferments mood as though the likeliest of suspects affected by this off-kilter synchronization managed by hosts and those parasitical fools that feed from off their chosen suscept when found…’


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‘sorting saints who hang back unseen tinted darker than they first seem when traits get handed down to those who require them in an engaging of the system that files us down to the barest details, but we are currently the beings for whom this adventure was made whether as serpent attempting to change the universe or as damsel in distress pushed to the edges of sanity by the forces that push this wily and manipulative by genial polite society hiding within the dirty edges of nonsense spinning us in some directions we ought not take too lightly as we go to fight the enemy…’


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‘great conflict attempting to find resolution in random pieces assuming a relevance puzzling the parts already found in play, but fear fits its’ roles very much so using the power displayed to sway people in such tight circles that the revolutions run into each other sometimes crashing and clashing philosophies together as to make not only new viewpoints manifest but also creating a cacophonous dialogue which seeks out any conclusion that can be satisfactory for all parties even those not thrown for fun or devoted to mindless self-indulgent entertainment where displacement is purely cold and professional… the exchanging of money moaning subtly under the breath as befits these puerile characters we have today become…’

shamanic panic

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‘subdued by a sad sac of tricks in this trade whose new age has dawned upon strange commercial uses for our spirituality that were always there though would have been previously attained to make bargains with the gods in the form of sacrifices that usually had the bloodiest elements involved into a grotesque madness that has and would end up leaving the people we are now wounded and confused by all those rituals and rites done before we made it to this life Now swimming through the ethers, as savages we have been mad at our inferiority inasmuch as it seems the anger comes from frustration whose dead end is either an eventual resolution or an escalation of tension and perhaps violence…’

stink of the ink

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‘conventions we attain through this limited sight seen from a thousand senses when it comes to the scale of this cosmic force, but what is this corollary drawn from the source of miracles and manacles all used to captivate and silently begin eliminating those so-called ‘undesirables’ that grow up inside of a society that cares not for them but a choking constraint like that is only the fabrication of propagandist keening and a screaming for an infidel loyal to an opposing cause with which to vilify and exile as though it were truly a natural act exercised to perform a just management of dead spirits and the groups of people who worship these memories through pictures obscene abstracted from the once wholesome idealisms of print…’

the pharaoh moans…

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‘our idea of politeness mixed-up with genteel suppression opposing questions, we talk and share the stories that thrust a weight into our living belief as it crosses the tiniest threshold which our soul enters free of this forming that was born into this casual surface decided by those great general established quotas whose status quo requires us to uphold the proof that this system works while mystery drops out of this mapping as we create it absorbing this virtual reality as it stings and it hangs in the err sometimes provoking our reactions as it wishes autonomously like a body, but when it comes to rulership there is no measurement for this vessel expressly exceptional toting silver lines as thread at time like a cosmic harp imagining our lives inside of this puzzle that looks like us…’

pheceus or fecetus..?

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‘this awkward sense of homing in that we all seem to have derived from a certainty of our familiar surroundings much like the memories we indulge in for nostalgia’s sake taken as a temporary time warp into the frequencies of the past overlaid upon our own current time stream lined with personal extremes soon floating in dream as in utero… sometimes we are chased out of this sleeping incubating status by the nightmare that wields us like a weapon against the phases of cyclical turning that steadily makes us out to be as criminals embedded in the system to be burned out by inane acts attributed to our own stupidity unable to adapt to the facts as they are replaced by fictions that digest a humanity into singularities of purpose and position…’

my fodders clone… ( I AM )

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‘distraction as trend set mental to disburse the consumer edge bending over backwards to stay up-to-date with the Now as temporal wave flowing linearly through the cosmos registering upon this collective consciousness, but the impressions we get as much as the ones we imply that are created from our imagination as a grasping guarded secret remains hidden even when revealed by the interpreters of our future and the many dimensions unmentionable by anyone other than the artist who acts as a transmitter for these signals in expressions of an actualized humanity living through the credos of reason and logic analyzed for uses beyond the mind to gain access to accuracy… a secular illusion elusive in its’ behavior to function and stay functional all throughout the periphery of timESPace engorged on contemplation as a self-elation…’

alixe alive inside of a clockwork wonderland…

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‘Do you Here me?’ the rabbit said. The fascists had surrounded them all with their weapons of war as an art of domination drawn and aching to fight, but the delight of the moment was in that secret space where Alixe and the rabbit sat discussing the currency of this scenario playing out before them both in a simple uncomplicated way. ‘Where are we and why these agents of the general law now, sir rabbit?’…

neoanderthal & the bromagnon

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‘these mean creatures in high enough esteem to be utilized to brutalize the denizens of this land and others worldwide to defeat the peace with blows from the empire arresting the state of its’ positive change that only these mind’s eyes can see regrettably with the most clear sense of what is there though it cannot be overemphasized that these visions are left interpreted personally, and as when one of us tries to vocalize these concerns there is a momentary lapse of reason as the energy and exertion can overcomplicate the ideas and the words used create a vortex of communication which does nothing to resolve the matters discussed Here much as the selling of sex and violence in order to further vex and silence the masses from honoring their place in the cosmic tapestry…’