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‘need as a savage shaman bringing tales to the rest of the tribe in order to share the responsibility of experience as the information requires them to translate those ideas so others may practice understanding more fully developed over many lives… disposable and chronic dysfunctionally mass mentality degraded by leaps and bounds as futile set of faiths bind us to places we may not want to be forced to chastise ourselves while clinging to poor motivational tools warped to the status quo…’
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‘coexisting in the similar environment as the threats themselves backyard bombs and treasonous treacle poison a step away from blowing smoke up your ass, though a flavor for the espionage it takes to hammer home the mistaken of identities to the patriotic terror hidden by the handjobs abused nationwide suckling upon the indefinite essence of youth taken the wrong way as those prescribed doses down all the shitty days and nights that remake the human glue as it presses us all together deflowered by the disasters…’
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‘faceless saints losing to the larger games overlapping in ragged oblong orbits nailing closed this coffin door with sweeping statements of narcissistic calculations presumed the doom spelled out wanting something more careful when the world changes rapidly without your approval to prove you wrong though these are thoughts we work through over time, and not always with clear insights preferred to the make and model of one’s control to own responsibility…’
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‘we have blood amid thoughts that permit us commune with etheric realms to a startling level or degree of inherent shamanic aspects little regard to whatever the lurking ancestor spirits as angelic streams of enlightenment woven for our current paradigm to exist boldly tented against invisible pokes slow and deliberate which prod and probe attempting to assure mistakes…’
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‘the reasons for a magnanimous leader who really can perform as acts the figurehead task best represented by the fierce yes-men in their pockets who have no opinions except those coveted by the lazy hustle meters not too far from our own feats as bizarre self-aware creature whose ending awaits each individual even though the story never stops as everything is unfinished…’
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‘for as long as the proliferated lessons repeatedly rely on biased gossip and odd miscommunication percolating to the surface to act as information carriers providing currency worthwhile in sometimes viral amounts a villainous venomous compound structure commencing this grandiose commiseration considered…’
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‘all the moving parts used to sustain oneself in the life journey shared yet separate for us all, but now amplified when the mind has its representative in your ear as then that quietest unheard voice lending advice on what to do and how to do it the right way right away leads instead of procrastinating over the hodgepodge of rotten details that taints our fury with madness at the being of treated unfairly with all the same symptoms of people shitting in our mouths as telling you any truth…’
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‘twisting vibration as instability transmutes into the ways a person can create portals through timESPace to witness a beginning of what they want to see happen, and as thusly initiated these people mold chaos into pockets of disorder made more or less narrowed to form stability that one could feasibly ride upon once it is solidified and yet karmically abstract like a cloud gliding mentally high from the various thoughts and tangents of that vast intangible nest realm accessible only through the use of intelligence which may be considered to be an organic key unlocking further a life support system the mother nature provides all her creatures…’
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‘the rearranging meaning changing letter and number seeming to coalesce lessons that calculate the statements of intent to which we all allowed as a herd following, thought sold upon a superior edge even though this part of the dichotomy while not looking down upon anything that has not caught bought one time creating a fancy loathed vivid sectional seating from the moment an adulthood breached on into our idea of humanity with that ravenous thirst to understand us all more out of an insecure sense of curiosity than as a genuine spark of compassion that animates these deeper realities growing to be a supply of generators in power and life…’
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‘behind our eyes glowering is something one cannot visualize but surmises as there like the stalking killer or burglar is criminal running loose for the time spent relatively free an unknown alive aspect as terror reacting caged away from human interaction it is as if being borne into this romantic decadence with all these garlands hanging to our detriment upon trees in poisonous fruit so often overlooked by the denser senses of Mankind in the apex predator, but to utilize for the better as all nature’s gimmicks to defuse the bomb inside of our heads a jest that starts ticking down as soon as ideas of self-awareness filter in through the transmissions we get…’