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…sine Qua non…

‘…such gone government and connected ruling classes as all-encompassing state of entrapment, trying to find some ships the shape of which ruler needs to measure our stability against upheaval carried over from periods medieval to our more modern aspects of evil that continue for such actions Here to set our paths against each other without questioning the motives accentuating a negative tendency commanding the chance to release into the world with dead set savage certainty on real mayhem to bend the curve to fit any agenda as agreed upon by calculated statements…’ – out of Context

…land of subterFugitives…

out of Context – ‘…what other cankerous chances have we got while Here waiting too much then anticipating some kind of substantial trust in humanity even when perceived as the enemy on some days more than others that might affect as happiness but without the hassle of hot pursuits through loosed turned goose chase or leper-conned gold to be culled out of the ends of rainbows broken by rancid machine in flux spitting acid and dry acrid flame on to err in ways that currently reign down enough damage to soon make us all crypto-zoological levels of incubated mutation over time to be harvested once our individual uses within a localized paradigm gets deprived and timed out…’

…pandigenous Oblivin’…

‘…absolution rests somewhere within these bottled charges of lightning, perhaps the laying on of hands to type and contextualize these thoughts ranging from obscenity and extremity to a mediocrity or mundane space that resides inside that dark core between our ears and eyes reflecting whatever dark matter lies outside as well conquering our fears and the darkness that captures our attentions so readily made to make us enslaved to the wizened world weary warriors who made it out alive or so it is said in order that we put ourselves willingly in cages out of dread for what we are capable of doing as torment which we inflict upon others by our mere existence…’ – out of Context

…Unsanity, a think void left…

out of Context – ‘…an unwillingness to set us free out of fear for what we could do now that we are angry and stubborn boiling at all edges at having the psychic black hole between our ears and eyes as we might define the singularity inside for ourselves, little do we know how our cosmos interacts with us on such a primeval wavelength that our minds cannot even keep up as we advance light years from where we were a few decades ago now and to where given a few decades more we can viably speculate such technologies will be when our carcinization is complete conquering some metastasized frontier in our bodies cesspools one at a time…’

…Vanquishing fascination distraction…

‘…in the common magic of the everyday signals and symbols that used to lose us now project a sense of danger in the wake of strangers being able to have their way with you as me exploiting our states of vulnerability by taking it upon themselves that possess such twisted wills to power to inflict as much manipulation as a social structure can take before it breaks as bad as the people whom make up this series of systems all interconnected yet never quite interdependent of each other because of a reliance of human beings doing whatever they have acting in order to receive anything they can from the inner workings of a competitive nature built by human though not always a humane ideal…’ – out of Context

…a Reptile dysfunction…

out of Context – ‘…kill the innocence while trying to retain the solidarity of the species among masses going full tilt into invested infestation of violence turning subtle vines of friendship into intimate conflicts that erupt minus a humanity for thy neighbor and petty in all situations that vacillate between grief and goodness… a vain orgy of the atrocious ways people manipulate each other for the greatest cult which will not have a name until the sentient creatures are yet to give it that it chooses then will have to deal with the various blasphememes as arise from such disposable culture clues…’

…cause moss…

‘…installing virtue into humanity as one might try to command electricity from the very air obsessing over the valid traits that move with us as we create another generation used to reinforce whatever situations of the past have built to this point carved by hand with pen and ink to then be engineered words and other tools to trade effectiveness when a set of peculiarities have been stressed beyond stability, taking the ease of least resistance to heart while endearing oneself to masses misconstrued a bit too far into ignorance…’ – out of Context

…ill Logic of a damned confounding…

out of Context – ‘…the trip of a lifetime for each of us as a mandatory participation at birth anticipating at worst a case of mistaken clarity as opposed to a responsibility for one’s own actions distracting from what serious issues are at hand investigating the anatomy autonomic ally to the thought process navigating throughout fading scans of an immediate scene disordered by the so random movements of drama Here, and glimpsing unsure sights taken in from variable routes to reckoning getting where we wish to be one with an all-knowing force assuring stable lives for those who readily submit themselves without question when it occurs…’

…Gimme some context…

‘…bias-wizened appeals to learn some reason to stay the same old fascist facade soft parade marching as regularly through school halls as hold up in the streets silently confessing that this is the way it needs to stay for order to work, to be atavistic and extemporaneous is not an easy thing because one must be willing to sacrifice their very lives to something else in order that the commitment is utterly binding this is why we work all our lives to establish some posthumous quality of ourselves to remain when no more attached than the stone or plaque to a memorial fatalism…’ – out of Context

…idle, the Idols blindly…

out of Context – ‘…trapped in the survival game while taking note of the practices that we can manage for our own health and sanity, young ones never knowing to start where directed as the units gather to hear their orders given from the ones whom they worship put upon high pedestals awaiting for a call to arms worth dying for… something to inspire us is where we begin to see that there are points of reference and reverence in the stars whose illumination stares at us connected from distant sockets in darkness set adrift to appease whatever vicious gods or subtle monsters we discover deeper inside of ourselves…’