out of Context;
‘more magical of quaint slight connections between artist-music-audience… i feel like we will meet again with the like of these two Kevins in the near phuture, even if it does require the power evoked by new Nny Ppy music roused from the deep, but for now i look forward to the Killing Joke concert in the close-by in the city farther away than Here… maybe fifty dollars will get me a chance to meet them on top of tickets and driving there, and i better have my custom flag ready to give…’
out of Context;
‘goddamn, first surgery ever, maybe i am afraid of getting used to it… then going out and getting that tattoo i meant to get to signify the commemoration of my first live gig with Livid Archaic like i always said i would… had i gotten the tattoo back then perhaps surgery wouldn’t seem that big a deal even if does involve the region of my nethers…’
out of Context;
‘colors and symbols and sounds, all of these things blend together in my soul, and resonate deeply with my true self as through all my potential selves… holographically to some degree… a projected copy that “lives” as solid material in a space/ time continuum…’
the lunatic fringe and their collected impossible things…
we speak from inside
the mind’s eye
where we do not die
merely experience
the rest of all of this
one at a time
we create
worlds within ourselves
this way
a growth.