out of Context;
‘straining in attempt to see what others might consider a veiled truth lurking in the cosmic underbrush as it is hidden by so much distracting matter… whether it is far nobler to give in to the mighty truths of others, giving their systems the upper hand for your own learned intelligence which by proxy gives them the power to state ugly words and terms of hateful hidden gestures over your life’s work for decades to come, but the rebellion comes in so many forms capable to shatter the current mode of deranged stasis to which we have become all-too accustomed as the rage in our hearts builds to greater and greater extents as the rebels begin to overpopulate those wishing to maintain this thing the way it is… oh, the precious interpretations are out there, dear reader…’
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‘our forms of mastery come in the recognition of respect and power within those patterns of influence, to be wary and give honor to the forces beyond one’s own authority which is surpassed only by the inquisitive dreams of the miraculous herd, and there are also many other ways to break the idea of control that we allow many things outside of ourselves to constrain our perceptions…’
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‘pushing ourselves beyond the constraints of a normal civilization by reaching for the fringes of ritual behavior, mechanisms of coping qualities that subdue for a time the actual urge to run away, but what we label as obligation or ethic to live up to even as we are condemned for what we do… this indistinct wanting within us all, this perceived war on terror boils down to the individual’s right to perceive all aspects without judgment, and letting this go only if that has satisfactory support for an argument… how does this subjective self get along at the snail’s pace normally accustomed the world its natural lethargic state?…’
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‘even as these words drop out, there are so many areas behind the vision our eyes see, and we become distracted by these details unless we stay focused and forth-right in our own questing struggle…’
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‘there is no way to pass through this particular chapter of the devil’s gauntlet unharmed in some way, but the idea is not to let the fear be the only trigger, thinking decisively needs to be a priority when least expected… in the tumult of daily experiences…’
out of Context;
‘thoughts and things are taking their excessive toll on me, and everyone else that seems to feel the paint peeling back to reveal a true reality, the next wave comes… ages have passed since we came to understand anything true that was not just some other regurgitation, a “new” tangent on which so much without necessity rests, and frail board breaks as there are more to walk the plank overboard and off the ship… the tripping off the short pier mode of awareness, i see…’
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‘the resistance does seem futile, both to observe from this outside perspective, and to involve and cross that imaginary line drawn inside the mind… the choice to direct oneself through the din of narrow voices…’
‘into the infinite…displayed…distracting…’
‘whose…to deter…the sleeping becomes…’
**author’s note– this is a story submitted to a literary magazine. the title was about a certain bizarro author, that is why the name has been omitted. however, after reviewing the publication, i believe the only reason this wasn’t chosen was because it wasn’t a vocabulary assualt and was an actual disgusting story about why _____ _____ is a dick. obviously i know him better than those other fucks do. thank you for your time. ARW**