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‘again through the back door of the mind into that subtle entrance by your divine lifeline gathered Here for the moment while taking you away from your fears, or perhaps to guide you straight through harm into the abyss from which you first came shooting as shards of splintered sperm oblivious to any direction transferring the energy into a mechanical surging… either way we are allured by a sexual distinction locked in the act looking for and wishing for anything to permeate the shell unforgiven for cracking under this lustful pressure pushing the boundaries much closer together edging us to forward a loving poisonous passion throbbing with horror for those human ways we can be so cruel yet so kind at the worse of times it seems, fucking up the party with our conditions…’
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‘whether you realize it or not humanity does not exist at the point of a sword demanding the victim to yield by force, but this cannot lead to a valuable outcome as those odd officials we have already seen on the latest news programs can attest to scandal in the midst of service to others as the more selfish and unavoidably sour in this culture choose to maniacally subvert positive attention to exalt the extreme negative as a secret authority masked from people they are chosen to convince they serve at all costs… casualties of the violent wages paid by all who were drafted to play in the last war to be revealed in this way as the figureheads have fallen after the fact of their utility has passed and so trust cannot be manufactured…’
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‘these disastrous desires as a concentrated conscience bears the burden recalled of now as discipline, the magician’s wand as fisted phallic symbol waving ‘abracadabra’ all over those magical things creating offshoots with some unique signature partially aware of the service for which they are conceived as to the burden of waste placed upon the rest of a wasted negative age washed away by corrosive behaviors surging forward into the darkness to try understanding why it is there to begin with, but soon even these ideal goals are to be cast aside in the cold and brilliant analytic lights as senses…’
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‘base material transmuted into goals into which this conscious world takes its shapes and cues to create… the majority of us are confused by the variable complexities that seem to betray whatever humanity appears to be at first glance whether conscious animal or instinctual alien drawn into worlds within worlds of drama and consequence, the grand scheme as epic as it seems is really quite simple when one considers that humanity is the source of all these dreams becoming reality…’
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‘addictions of whose choice is it to choose what it is to be right or wrong down this long corridor to a truth that this junk builds blues up from the depth of an unfathomed wasteland to which truth and youth are but fallen idols, standing totems buried in the sandy gossamer fringe that dreams are made of with visible patrons paying for the experience however they can when they can afford it as the games won’t play themselves without a mouse in the maze somewhere, but this is why our parents abort us because the world we live in is so disgusting and cruel…’
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‘the best and worst of who we are from both sets of genes to be both before and after today… not a whole lot of change to loose from an ego-rich economy boosting a consistent currency for which we might slave away for a wage perhaps that bridges the gap to barter for our shiniest trinkets yet, more to be produced always coming through like hard rain for which there are no umbrellas to aid in shedding the watery waves that drain the living will of its’ essence in caging matter to a bounded finite lifetime…’
‘we become as the machines willingly reaching to another rung on the ladder of material artifice called by some achievement hanging like the carrot strung up over our heads to affect our decisions in ways yet more agreeable with our forsaken authorities holding all of the dealer’s keys in their hands… the cataract of capable acts is slowly opening and closing as the stars sway in a strange motion in overlay of the vegetable mindset…’
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‘we are struggling to hang onto our own versions of reality in ways that tangle with and engage other glorious wave-phases in the out there held in for the potential surging that the living crave to savor, and manifest into dreamy creative reflections of what they would choose to believe whether multiple lives all at once stormy with its own mad eye in the center sweeping over genealogical lines born from the tides of trust and lust in the strange simplicity so scary when it strikes the steps to light the path into the fray, this struggle living conflicting lightning as kinetic description or scarification ritual written in this space as a timely visual with rotating appeal from various audiences…’
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‘in the life of artforms, or what may be called a variation in technique and mediums as the movements inspire waves of ideas to materialize as representation of the particular symbolism taking root in the reality from the seeds of imagination into alternate conclusions between those visceral realities which manifest the procreative animals who fornicate and conceive a new organic portal, then from there the cloning occurs in such a way as to recombine the multitude of traits that differ among primary parental models who themselves are as imperfect clones of the system as well…’
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‘that damage and blood that lies distilled by time in tension’s grip weighted by the sequential aspect seeking out harmony while then also pushing others to trip and fall disarmed from doing anything that will seem pure or clean… the hosted myth laying in wait to crack out of the shells in our mind’s eye moving with a face-hugging urgency to overtake the jerks with a citizens’ arrest revealing the truth in our self-police state where the equalization of pressure is a necessary step in the right direction instead of the swill of needing to spill the blood of the infidel that resembles the you in me as well as the figures manipulating the economic rules in their juxtaposition of the natural truth, still serving…’