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Rubber Souls

out of Context;
‘the people pining for a truth that makes sense amidst all those wholly bankrupt and deteriorated taking their cues from the wasted who feel no one else worthy enough to have faith unless invested in material gain, a Midas and Judas myth made one and the same by the blurring lines affixed by the expert opinions of an idiot misogynistic patriarchy shooting us into oblivion if we stick to their traditions of hate that cast the women aside… this sickness from within as the insects of psychology infect us with doubt…’

to Have or Dash…

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‘long trailing off into the man-made horizon now a sea as each person is a pilgrim in life’s pilgrimage toward true glories unknown until the journey ends for those heroes involved who had taken the steps with a courageous sight beyond even faith as resort of support quietly moving eye of the storm when struggle sunders all around like pendulous blades grinding the meat through the machine… we all want the good dreams at our feet to whatever whim there is at a beck and call waiting to perceive something real beyond the shitty feelings…’

in Heaven’s Crate

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‘atrophy of soul expressed by the opportunists striking out and lashing down the pieces of dream that got them where they are now in the first place, and thinking as though we are the first last and always of this dimension even when working this beast is the creepiest ride ever wrapped in soft wet leather as the blood washes through our veins flooding again and again, and warping the “wood” that has made up this fragile shipping crate, meant for more destinations than even we can explain…’

to Heal a Monster

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‘essentially determined to affect the world, and our dreams from inside this forever lived as experiential information save condemned to flesh out this dimension comparable to the stray ant farm metaphor so true as we anthropomorphize on into the sunset-lit horizons that mark the end of days gone by looking out and forward… sometimes sunshine blind by the customs that do bury our human tribe alive as we take on these traits further than death will measure…’


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‘all our reasons to stay sane and prim and proper to our disdain plainer than the grimace used to replace a genuine smile the mask of the opportunist to get in close as can be to whisper in ears foreshadowing thoughts of infamy… no politically corrected version of the truth can be abused so perversely by the loose mad fiends whose choice is made discouraging the youth from seeing a future any better…’

the Whore Moans

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‘to whims of those barbarian hordes who would rather stick their dick in your cheek instead of hearing what you have to say… rape and plunder attempting to maneuver into positions of power where no one should be seated for long enough to become the villain of their own story as glory and prosperity would naturally follow the traces of a better person, whereas the villain has nothing left that isn’t of a material property fought hard to be possessed in an act as status quo standard to define the indifference with value that cannot be valued except by the most vile whose whimsy has edges too sharp not to draw the precious blood dripping as perilous killing joke…’


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‘the symbols and signals that garner respect for those that know how to play these vindictive little games that mute more than one or two voices to exorcise the random ghosts of rebellion out of the system… i cannot stand this rage at an impotent stance neutralized by a credible opinion from out of ivory towers gilded in a shroud of oblivion as a humanity staggering out from underneath the shadow tries as many keys as possible to unlock this doorway as an exit, in some kind of path through all the collected works and versions of this station earth…’

Be It Shit

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‘the house is empty of its contents, but ready to be filled with whatever the imagination can place there to be held until such a time as it is needed by the owner of the manse in question, a place hidden behind the inhabitant’s eyes inside the head as questionable visions sharpen the screaming nerve within each little thought to drive itself outside as though a demon-ridden assortment of clues used to gather evidence contrary to the idea that nothing had ever occurred… an ignorance taken too far to be of anything other than obnoxious detention of the truth tethered by the urgent hypocrisy that evades anything but some vague subjective definition on objectivity…’

Hard to believe…

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‘defying the hasty compressed and panicked reality that distorts this picture of sanity into looking like shit most days out of the week before trying to cross over out from after this life on into some other that i alone cannot certainly define to be true, and glimpsing serious spills over into our dysfunctional forms of fun that cater to our caterwauling as howling hooligans who do not repent as this ain’t like no church y’all been in since Dionysis reigned as the given god of the moment… revelry taken to the hilt…’

Ennui & the Piss injures

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‘whether you realize it or not humanity does not exist at the point of a sword demanding the victim to yield by force, but this cannot lead to a valuable outcome as those odd officials we have already seen on the latest news programs can attest to scandal in the midst of service to others as the more selfish and unavoidably sour in this culture choose to maniacally subvert positive attention to exalt the extreme negative as a secret authority masked from people they are chosen to convince they serve at all costs… casualties of the violent wages paid by all who were drafted to play in the last war to be revealed in this way as the figureheads have fallen after the fact of their utility has passed and so trust cannot be manufactured…’