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‘a jagged circuit that signals around in an idiot loop of perpetual dissatisfaction and dismissal of all these easy signs that we are bending enlightenment away from truth to take advantage of the crisp clear cues that pop up when one is doing something wrong or untrue to themselves, but Here we are aren’t we just cattle fodder for the slaughtering blasts of the cannon and country alike in their wages to conquer this living sin made manifest by the limbs and loins of this Mankind as possessed by the animal urgency to breed in order to further the blood impulse as it burns through centuries and aeons without number or name…’
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‘fetishistic idea of a lifestyle where one’s sleepy solid comfort is the standard bearer to which all others become shit, we the inferior are littered everywhere that no one wants to try looking because the grime clinging to our bodies is a social crime in these parts of the civility that hates us for who we are trying to be… nightmare of our life to think we are going no where or to a place that doesn’t want us as used and thrown down a waded piece of living trash outliving the abuse, with or without the crutches makes no real difference only in the eyes of a judgmental authority of whose dead soul only manifests in hateful intent to purge the system of its dreck…’
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‘a sphincter holding back the shitty for the stale and uncomplicated sheltering us all through youth, and a dark tide rising with the breaking conformity as leashing agent to keep the fear in check mated with the ritual wage kept by enslaved hands whose own energy moves the larger cyst’emic infection intact like a creeping death who plans to rule the earth someday… blistering the senses cultivated over too many those of the previous lifetimes to count accurately any more as the vibrations can get denser and denser…’
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‘i propose the terms “cowardly” and “courageous” to now signify negative and positive in human speech respectively, and more so reflectively to allow our conscious minds to breathe when there is already more than enough of these cluttered points gathered together at this razor’s edge of thought space, it is where anything and everything can foment a reality from the ethers of nothing as we might perceive to “know” them with our scholarly senses at work…’
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‘even as the perils of stardom and idolization come with their own price tag though it is nothing to suffer as a human only to be exalted into myth unlike those who are continuously suffering to serve the fragmented body of what IT is going on… the people scared of being thoughtful are the same people scarred by the hateful that lurks as intimidation through mental distortion, we have yet to reach a vision of the future because we have so much emotional turmoil to work upon…’
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‘deceived by all the right words placed before the ears and eyes of that individual’s intake of information, and thus a strong clutter of emotional static can affect the rational person like a psychic attack minus the warning as a surge of the callous general law flooding through and channeling its way into our stream of speech as tensions rise… i took the role and never planned ahead the slightest, except to buy a microphone for my bass amplifier that would have come in handy and still will no doubt though it was my own lack of any forethought that subdued my participation in the occasion…’
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‘subtly haunting the bodies committing themselves to this nonsense as ever in motion… striving to hide the hive mind behind occulted rituals and subtle stinging words used to manipulate the population into subconscious fear games that push us all to compete in the great hunt as predator or prey, and as some of the more deluded prepare themselves to die in the struggle alone as wild beasts…’
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‘the appropriate victim to fall into the trap when the hazy line blurs between that which can be true and which is objective absolute truth… you pull me down with your insecurities, i witness you struggle, but you can turn an oblivious eye toward what you desire settling for what is there instead…’
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‘pushed onto the mass mind by a general authority’s idle wandering sights devised and fronted by the public face of opinion believed justified to lie, but where is the dignity acted out as preached by the hypocrite humble instincts that cow down to and cater to the whims of the wealth and its dirty money hands as the strings whip about the limbs to yank and distort to fear machine manipulated Mankind mentality to terrorize a dysfunctional mirror that humanity has become for now…’
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‘the system and its members seeking out perceived justices that have nothing to do with the agenda of being human and preserving ourselves against the onslaught of bureaucracy that would choke us to death with amounts of the appropriate paperwork to fill out, and it is that we have blindness for minds as we allow a futile jump to conclusions occuring inside of our heads where worth and value become two separate flavors to idealize among the herd as the pasture grows thick with bodies over time as time comes… the degenerates play their last bets as safely as can be for the careless trying desperately to beat all fatal odds that dispense with the favors, going straight to the dark heart of social engineering and opportunism that trumps all other ideas of the big win…’