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out of Context;
‘plot twists become more apparent or transparent as the case may be sooner than we think as the destroyed pieces left charred creating itself anew remains untouched by human frailties to subsume again by authority of nature’s grasp held highly above the heads of the Mankind who has force fed the mother on His poisons distilled from Her beauties borne each children of the surrounding territories as shepherds and friendly families of farming as communities respecting the inherent beliefs instilled by godless signals communicated directly from one source toward any of the one’s who would listen though few are true to the response the consensus godhead would allow reality to form into, but the Now takes shape anyway no matter the differences as created awkwardly distressed by this life or the next ones…’


out of Context;
‘manifest as parts of the earned nuance of being being Here where none few spirits have dared, but still there a Mystery at every turn that may turn out lethal as a twist of the story beyond the literal perhaps occurs to change all of our fates by waves by chance and cracks the covers that hover just before a beginning and just after end…’

states of the feArt

out of Context;
‘lost in an ignorant ablyss sinister as any imagined death that traps us and our dreaming sanctity idle with privilege and weighed down by those obligations supporting the stability of c!aim that floating with beasts far more dangerous a predator than a mere man-eating shark could be as cannibals one and all told we are exiled from the world stage whether a discovery or recovery to escape from the tormented DNA chain that binds our feet right Here with the other wreckage…”

Fascism and the capitalist cess-pyre…

out of Context;
‘we have blood amid thoughts that permit us commune with etheric realms to a startling level or degree of inherent shamanic aspects little regard to whatever the lurking ancestor spirits as angelic streams of enlightenment woven for our current paradigm to exist boldly tented against invisible pokes slow and deliberate which prod and probe attempting to assure mistakes…’

slacker of Fortune

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‘these are words written for you to see though not as a voice brought back to life from the dead souls now long lost detritus whose caustic breeze causes disease of the mind and the eyes and other senses locked into orifices in whose reach is limited by tragic obstacles that keep us ever under the close watchful devices that would soon assume to clear out all wonder and amazement for the gesture of journey as learned from the televised signals as opposed to any sensory interaction worth digging, dragons are trapped under the ice a glassy stare gloomy barreling through those surface impressions uniquely unaware as a soul is laid bare…’


out of Context;
‘pyramid schemes that are worthless to those of us at the bottom scraping the barrel for more when what we get is less then becomes the least common denominator dominating impression amongst the people shone hologram passes to other worlds only ever dreamed because they lie dormant inside of us where body as mind has fused with the concept of mind as a body… sage advice only works for so long before irrelevance kicks in and exiles the remaining pockets of these ideas ascertained as fact while gigantic computers and monitors housed in secretive facilities have their say in this country’s protection through networks of a kind no mere human can fathom alone as information swarms all around us…’

ride the Frightening..!

out of Context;
‘we are nothing if not gifted with natural ways to adapt around these feats of leisure class learning limited by our psyche and the emotional body/ self that as passenger to these misadventures culminating into what we would call a ‘life’ takes on a whole new series of weird meanings when we pass on whether to those greater rewards promised for the services we have rendered or perhaps lost forever as a dickless piece of fuck…’

Fodder’s decay

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‘as salesman, a rusting hustler still mining the opportunism where the dream once stood before subversion became the hunt and the sport over a ridiculously condensed amount of time with the game being the massive of people we are as much a part of as the rest lost in the dire shuffle thinking money is the solution as financial systems collapse for those not at the top of the heap reaping the rewarding and benefits yet a claim that no one else is responsible for the accumulation of that wealth, but this is of course false as a flag burning defiles our national integrity in flaming retribution in lifetimes of filth and hopelessness…’

you FACH so loudly

out of Context;
‘as the top flows fluidly into the bottom throes of a loaded cosmic barrel without the notice of more than a few individual visions made to fit the mainstreaming as powerful functional meaning into the solid words we say so casually, i see with the eyes of god in the voice of this man within who is me trying to move so carefully amid these entrapping things that sting and burn and enmesh with reality and my perceptions of what is real, and dealing with askew a dichotomy of phobic intent searching as like a wailing banshee to free the demon quirk afflicting our sights as they meld with the rest…’

MANIfold FESTschrifts

out of Context;
‘within the same timeline for us to perceive whether by glitch in the programming or through supreme intelligent design, if these windows can allow us an insight into worlds perhaps never realized in our lifetimes it is even though there may be vast amounts of these random ‘feast-scripts’ recorded inundating everyone as the sum of the expressions furnished by sense before they have been unified into the synthesis of understanding, and the thoughts and feelings attached to modes of particulars as perception filters and stains our personal experiences…’