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‘this oppressive idea of oblivion used in eliminating oblivion from thinking as the heart gets lost in its’ own twitching spells disposed to making one think endlessly of those fucked up instances where if only a bestial side of ourselves could awaken and eliminate the creeping distortions inherent in trying to live a life free of those killing obligations from which others seem to suffer, what loses me is how much i want to suffer as the martyr set upon as a person deserving of this instrument of torture for their people like sacrificial scapegoat sent into oblivion just as easily with a knife or noose yet that is how cruel we have to be in order to kind of get anything what we want done or the corpse gets left unidentifiable to authorities…’
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‘conceptions molded into a truth becoming brittle as the ages past have drained and withered it from a graceless shaking bait… it is this trap of expression to be trapped and expressed in quantified breath as captured from the litter of literal thoughts centering around shroud of a humane convenience wrapped about in hasty ignorance for a future predicted born of multiple protrusions of influence by neither reason or logic as it is the fusion of this duality that confuses those general people just attempting to live some kind of ideal family life that is never easy nor is it simple as growth flows without bothering to warn anyone these days, the common education has become stagnant trying to adapt as an entity with humans as its’ brain…’
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‘whether you realize it or not humanity does not exist at the point of a sword demanding the victim to yield by force, but this cannot lead to a valuable outcome as those odd officials we have already seen on the latest news programs can attest to scandal in the midst of service to others as the more selfish and unavoidably sour in this culture choose to maniacally subvert positive attention to exalt the extreme negative as a secret authority masked from people they are chosen to convince they serve at all costs… casualties of the violent wages paid by all who were drafted to play in the last war to be revealed in this way as the figureheads have fallen after the fact of their utility has passed and so trust cannot be manufactured…’
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‘a trail of thoughtful dots following my ransack of head trauma as witnessed in the human condition Here… realizing that my work is difficult to say the least to strain through in one sitting especially for one not used to all of the zigs and the zags my pretty nous likes to toss like caltrops under your feet sometimes creating a yelp of pain before the motion and the reaction settles granting the swift occurrence of knowledge if the individual is wary of the prize opposite to the frustration of seeing all the words…’
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‘this response to the ‘love everybody’ cliche that has permeated the vague threshold of old humanity where everyone and their grandmother knows the various lessons as they have turned into rhyme beyond reason used as a turnaround on fair play for those that have any such ideals, my people are the ones who ‘hate everybody’ in a sense that opposes the overwhelmed by love excuse that makes threadbare the simple human urge for some meaningful attraction instead of rejection… changing by subverting my sense of humility just a little bit so as to appear misanthropic while not fully giving in…’
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‘a caustic vibration as stating clearly that it does not want us as friends or enemies though certainly that is what we will become when the polite mask comes loose revealing the beast beneath, as it is armored against the petty as it might seem to be that there a coward’s heart beating is deep inside like an inner child screaming mad at being held captive in this soul as it grows and calcifies claustrophobic until decay, and this freedom breaks the mold a shell wide open to let move the inner universe…’
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‘jagged juxtaposition of particles sticking out and off-setting needs for better placement of parts, throwing all rules down the stares of a petty judgment and sudden thoughtless jerking emotions to tumble and break themselves as a glass all fragile and ready to be destroyed, and impudent minions trying to guard the appalling way that people treat each other like the unwanted shit clinging to the bottom of the shoe as their stinking opinion wafts over and through the nice neighborhoods…’
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‘no proof is easily produced as assembly line quality searching out in some refined state that allows even the most brazenly stupid and unaware no matter how wealthy one appears to be able to understand, why should i be one to have those cues common to confusion after eating the words of your saviors like turds for scatological needs in order to study a reverse engineering the patterns of demon logic that seize the people who seem to lose faith in their idling profits a lot of nervous energy that cannot be consumed without questioning in the masters’ ways…’
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‘the essence of what we truly ever wanted in these individual chases for some better conclusions, my multiple meaning phrases summon themselves through me as though i were channelling electric spirits like a radio or television or logging into a vast majesty inside the digital universe discovered behind these cold flat screens as they filter our wishes through to be visible in this reality, and the windows makes for a good moniker in branding 100th monkeys out of all of us as we wait in line to buy the software and all of its updates rabid with enthusiasm at this modern wonder…’
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‘deceived by all the right words placed before the ears and eyes of that individual’s intake of information, and thus a strong clutter of emotional static can affect the rational person like a psychic attack minus the warning as a surge of the callous general law flooding through and channeling its way into our stream of speech as tensions rise… i took the role and never planned ahead the slightest, except to buy a microphone for my bass amplifier that would have come in handy and still will no doubt though it was my own lack of any forethought that subdued my participation in the occasion…’