‘…your feet keep on walking urging to live but asking to die louder than hoped while doped up and choking on your own cock auto-erotic asphyxiation killed the rooster controlling the horizontal and vertical tickling the balls of eye to get climaxing out the cards for necessary goods and servicing from local escorts resorting last perhaps there are sex parlor or parkour workers on poles that strip themselves willingly of dignity obsessed with getting it on like everybody else, that is armageddon roof of the world until heaven or your guts my friends heave out everything chunky comes as capable of resolutions the only organ supporting this nuclear vitriol and whatever knots the stomach robbing us of life the vomit of gods at that vital freezing moment in time and place Here suddenly tragic…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…whimsically dancing puppet of impulse the agency of urges microbial and utterly autonomic functioning automatic meaning need no thinking to casually achieve Here what other professional intellectuals much pained being paid their worth over years, especially when it seems easy to contradict the systems you resist finding methods to automatically write parts of the brain out allowed to shart onto the page with reflex technical wisdom not wizardly behavior emulated by modern scholars who swoon over their loved tomes of lore alluring to that specially nerdy someone searching forever to acquire the skills and knowledge to tap those opening vast portals as we speak flooding us with feedback loops and noise patterns constantly anchor one to oneself located on multiple frequencies whether body or senses does not matter because of corrective offenses defenestration window…’
‘…in magical realism to some extent that tries to coexist with impotent though awkwardly still highly offensive tactics triggering disgust in hosts of organisms Here transcending their animal urgency, over time we succeed though while inside our cocoon state molting mutating and manifesting differently than when we first arrived to vulnerability dying off into instances of shambolic sham shamanism credited to imaginary characters pulled out from our own psyches Here effectively interpreting for ourselves whatever materials we have at hand attempting to achieve some lasting impression upon this convoluted circulation decrepit in maintaining items of its necessity producing concepts into artifacts dropped into the markets causing crippling ripples through the systems attached to the information passed around shifting meaning as it passes hands minding its business…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…gatekeepers and key masters but forgetting the locksmith knows best fair prices for necessary features upon boxes and cages required to hold objects as much subjects objectified by those who own them, tensions high sticking random forks in it offensive weight swaggers because fuhk this white noise projecting out scaring those strung taut enough with hatred and resentment illegitimate static cling attaching harbingers of destruction to such demure and unassuming aspects ready to trigger the catalytic act of cataclysm redeeming everyone with the same fate timing out expressions of length and clockwork efficiency channeling something other than this through our words and actions running parallel to abstractions interpreted this way made for the sake of argument presenting enough fuel for mass debate to obscure the intentions or reasons for searching out truth… trite…’
out of Context – ‘…we know so well that no manners customs or habits in this usage matter above our own personal optimal delusions inflicted upon others whose work becomes distracted by the impulsive and reckless troubles that gather energies as the storm in nature, supplanting the fear and dread once finding solace within the tempestuous eyes of calm behind which reveals itself organic avatars coercing destruction to curb stomp digests as damaging fate that grips and throttles us ruthlessly attempting out of selfish distinction exclusive tincturing to those that will pay the rent for industry to manufacture and fabricate what may end up in landfills as soon as the products drop on the market found unacceptable by the masses this dark informal weight that drags us down these awful levels where we are doomed to trip over ourselves…’
‘…with anything devoured as such reincorporating all detritus they consume and convert into gathering symbols found on surging forward assuming the pieces left for dead things to be recycled verily into potential constituents of what comes next as we reassemble in further mutations than where we were prior to scientific revolutions, technical soliloquy without the poetry romancing blood from the stone much to the dismay of the scholars confessing their professional academia to the masses falling short of the standards espoused for sophisticated prices few can afford as more aspects become privatized games of subscription models considering this vital viral continuum we are continuing to live through today coveting the power to harness potential energies into actions predictably wagered to fit the gaps between moments left unhinged awaiting the sequence of events to proceed…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…mass produced goods that serve as rewards for a job well done unlike our staked claim which is rare in finding value that isn’t expressed measures, defining the vastness of dark matters we have no room in which to judge Here critical in our own vanity contributing to the view on shared standards to which have been agreed upon in some eras past analyzing the variable structures of society struggling to define itself in utility for more professional or formal matters dictating the flow of civilized evolution critiques every unique approach trying to balance intensity with banality progressing the process of this mutating massive mess to behold in its grandiose essence taking down everyone and everything to stumble in its path of destined destruction promoting rebirth, Here a desert of the real before the oasis…’
out of Context – ‘…social distortion promoting a series of bad religions conflated undermining humanity for classical valuables as we know it buried beneath the rubble and ruin of past attempts to be civilized channeling obnoxious traits… pluralized pathos or pathetic genetic qualities that betray us at vital moments where our anatomy would have helped us achieve results bathing in and taking the admiration inspired by passion for succeeding without sucking the seeds of the damned down our throats exposing what hands raised are voting against us to deem what they cannot observe as unworthy of being Here is absurd abstracted dementia everyone and their mother accepts as general law process unspoken except missing persons proceeding from whom chooses to use our lawful behaviors for evil instead of goods and services generally supplying those demands around us…’
out of Context – ‘…quietly enough for the world stage not to pay any attention because some visits occasionally atrocities happen to victims because the system yearns for a worthy sacrifice to reduce to screaming ash professing their loyalty to the state as fire contaminates us with their pain, bacchanalian subjectivity sensitive to the nuances that change us so easily compelling us to say or admit our actions are too intense for anyone to let reason or logic shine through even among the most stridently unscientific folk coming to vote for their televised political figures formulating dramatic aspects and persons of interest within a celebrity den of iniquity located in many cities worldwide and international incompetence weaponized by the best in their fields following orders to catch that rye in the eye if thy lords demand your sacrifice next…’
out of Context – ‘…defeat innovation by default we assume what the cause or interactions between the multiplicity of elemental forces comprising and compressing us into place for as long as we are convinced of the long con taking effect affecting our demeanor feeling demeaned to be Here in reflection of the son in whose god becomes this undying myth complicating arrangements whether cordial or formal or casual are not necessarily ordained by the orthodoxy in power finding their authority by consensus to shape whatever doctrines they are wishing to change to plunder advantage for themselves as well as proteges, towing the line conforming when the needs arise to defend the institution over individuals who may claim restitution for their ancestral devotion to pay off in this immediate stance looking ahead toward the future in attempting to prepare…’