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…nemetic Quiddity…

out of Context – ‘…this sense of essence being not wholly of some substantial creation yet undeniable that we are living spectres of deviant behaviors attempting better lives, in magical processions of spirit through their ancestors colluding in quivering flesh repressed by the moral standard whose aptitude lies in reinforcing suffering we all feel obligated to the swoon under auspice of guilt and shame blundering on into soft parades of whimsical decadence whose passions remain furiously stroking out those whom cannot take the unrestrained ablyss inviting itself to be contained within one who dares think they are capable creatures on the actual brink of notions toward nervous breakthroughs in spite of the pathway being littered with multiple fundamental lessons of nervous breakdown instead left passing time to examine, whatness or what it is as considered essential Here quiddity…’

…Mogwai or the highway…

‘…though through distant fogs preventing us from being able to see more clearly as instances appear that any closeness to the name of death is difficult truth to confront especially when kicking and screaming for help and life revived somehow more genuine than our previous miscarriages of justice to others undeserving of abuse or punishment even as we occasionally coerce each other into doing stupid upset things whose snares serve the undeniably serious purpose of each instrumental lesson in gravity annihilating those unwary hopefully with painless celerity dissected, to which we cannot provide proof of assurance that we will survive this ride complete or in charge while having to submit to bringing ourselves for self-inspection through circumlocution to sell using that what seems authentic yet is mere gobbledygook taken shape and bought by bewildered masses…’ – out of Context

…magically fRictitious…

out of Context – ‘…wage-enslaved and obsessed what may trigger us soon preemptive before calamity has what details are necessary to happen that even secular professionals and scholars cannot foresee what mighty waves are challenging our survival opposed to imaginative actions which would promote growth across the spectrum in humanity’s purview simply perverted by propositional suspense appearing to exclude any wavering stages set asunder and surrendering under anxious tension to perform as narrow-minded society we are Here conflicting much as contradicting ourselves and weighing in against what is said with what is being done, a tragic revolution resisting ourselves shattering our own expectations for what we believe as solid stable and above all sensible while in the comfort of the strangulating safety net sheltering us all to death through empty platitudes and offense taken…’

…what jest in digesting hezBiloba…

out of Context – ‘…to perceive on the social horizon vertically rising rhizomes searching for light instinctively can be reached breaching states of ignorance-held endarkenment which defines backwards progress to that assured enlightenment of possibilities feeling it without eyes, something better to see instead of this constant thread of critical analysis threatening what is already Here to be judged by maladaptive individuals difficult eccentric voices to track though worthy enough to speak up which all of us should ideally be appropriate for peace being there when necessary not getting lost in fantastic implications that have no bearing except on individual sanity and stress reduction skipped by in resolving cursory glances to discern definitive proof with canonical clarity to which all people must yield to information in its ever-changing phrases as faces of life not death…’

…Vomiting out antagonism…

‘…when things go our way blindsided to suddenly see for ourselves decrepitude behind whatever masks conceal the individual truths bent to human will masquerading as manifest destiny localized so finite as to be imperceptible with naked eyes witnessing the atrocity and havoc occurring damaged collateral include manipulation to take as much advantage as possible draining vital resources from others justified through monied powers washing their hands clean utilizing outside forces pent up and trained to reign hell over their targets under extreme prejudice and discrimination when we are the enemies Here, ourselves forced into harm to savor the sadism present in our simplest actions methodically mutating what we cannot believe as real or our fault taking responsibility to make sense of situations finding reasons to accept some renaissance of resistance serving itself…’ – out of Context

…time is Not divinity but our time is…

out of Context – ‘…described as being hypocritically apocryphal or an unsound pontoon trash raft of news, constantly making our fragility known when we are feeling most certain that things will go correctly one more time around on the life lesson wheels of fate spinning us faster as we understand better further secrets aphorise becoming mystic enlightenment paid for when the dervishes whirring whirled starts stopping completely leaving us all to question our guiding structures of logic and reason in pursuit of survival re-calibrating what was once there before apocalyptic armaments and dystopian dreams filled the streams live with people reiterating the same garbage to each other until one of many lies sticks or makes an impact, as it used to be with breaking reports on nightly network programs then programming the chosen viewer with critical impairments…’

…everything S’okay proposition…

out of Context – ‘…to grasp at stellar voyages yet to come synchysis can proceed pulling from what fatalistic meanings are yielded scattering the words around… so many theories of conspiracy substantially stringing everyone along unknowing toward true piracy through allusions with unsavory parties and deception of the plagiarized self as it journeys this desert of the real serving desserts stressed processed fillers cold calculated revenge in trauma growth every one of us for being born when applied and supplied by every trade forcing indigenous people by now we are diverse lines of genetic code constantly blended together enough there is no partial removal while this world continues to straddle lines between innovation or martial justice setting guiding principles on descent into hell perceived by the naysayers, not soothsayers Here whose compulsory nerve twitches the liars tic…’

…jealous circuitry of Zealotry…

‘…solace while Here complexities growing complicated as connections become stagnant debris fallen by the wayside reinterpreted having dire consequence to the people in question focused on forward momentum searching to urgently release through routine and ritual attaining personal experience with peculiar catharsis between differing discrepancies because subtle interplay quickly departs becoming tensions unsettled, humans induce chaos through explosive mayhem and messy antics in general loosing frenetic forms of mob mentality as people try looking for answers leading some of us to settle for whatever guidelines are available even if the ideology is jarring and disturbs in the conversion process that takes place Here caustic vibrations radioactive yet silent at the same time camouflaged by white noise sharing frequencies though not necessarily bandwidth and wavelength…’ – out of Context

…to evoke the Ewoke…

out of Context – ‘…with same effect all throughout are manifesting without question until under the auspices of intelligence evolving itself, Here taking whatever means to progress as needed to correct the endless sagas of societal vanity and violence ascertaining severing the heads from some guiding spark of leadership what dread vampiric bloodlines siphoning souls for their pleasure and longevity as manifested evils already among us searching for easy glories plucked whole from the tree of life that only grows in this place in this vacuum of space time being relative though not related to that sacramental holy light praised and worshiped by devoted zealots whose mission seems to be derailing the extracurricular affairs of automatic secular realism bringing everything through, thresholds we have only dreamed of looking for proof in our hopes bringing good instead of more zeal…’

…myth-construed Myth construction…

‘…manage solutions in localized puzzles that represent larger diverse ideas repealed for the benefit of no one but the butcher who takes them away hoarding that which can be taken forcing others to yield to versions of truth subverted for terrible social manipulations without compare even after the build-up of such energies creates these creatures causing more suffering than their predecessors only counting the wins felt for certain obliged to beyond recognizing any ideas of fair play everyone else seems to ascribe to while having to survive these games Here, putting up with so much static it surprises me always how little we can manage at any one time wondering while wandering this anonymous plateau lost amongst the societal machinery of statistical analysis looked to as divine apparatus solidifying our place in the paradigm…’ – out of Context