critical concepts Archives - All The Wrong Topics dot com

…a mutiny of Scrutiny…

…no one seems to care at all in this day and age of urgency gone critical so critically in a social way that betrays us every day we are awake and dreaming for a better future but never comes Here to stay only to play with itself through us as puppets organized as organically craving the intermission of our pleasures finally reaching detrimental tainted toxic impressions impersonating human made to mock social awareness while also exploiting its artificial abilities washing away things that do not feed the variance of this all-go-riddim its supply and demand diet of craved information carving, through personal data as though only binary code in numbers and letters of computing languages alone, achieving aspects until now stuck as dreams revealed to manifest later on beyond whatever psyche keyed to certain vibrations and frequencies to compel …

…converting agency by eliminating Urgency…

‘…mutilated out of place through whatever means necessary by missions of mercenaries each taking their shot at the prize having surmised what others lack in ability to advance the humanity critically, contradicting everyone else before this sudden need to change course midstream in the mainstream screaming for proper leadership to be found when no one steps up for themselves Here with some cruel bravado or masochistic machismo laced with golden silent poison godless warships worshiping mighty dollars earmarking finance and industry for victory beyond merely bread and circus peasants presented with pleasant options should they only obey the rules that were set for lab rats in mazes of manifestation to follow orders counterintuitively at times to define specific routes determining feasible alternates to this bizarre currency laid bare electric circuits snapping…’ – out of Context

…suspects unusual, as living Void, a planless we…

out of Context – ‘…of endless fighting amongst each other Here ringing in new years with bombs to undermine the function of what has already been established using people without any ideals to do the dirty work unaware that they are massacring fellow human beings in times of warfare because the image has distorted into one of the enemy only truly realized once the damage is done and the fires go out clearing battlefields now graveyards revealing levels of destruction solitary confinement correlating to social isolation in concert with entropy… creative processes often stunted cunning wit comes caustic too frequent to progress the needle past the vain to vinyl where it should be interjecting noise for heroes wrecking that music for zeroes whose crisis becoming laborious even when not brewed inside the laboratory properly as property of the mind…’

…the opsimathic, growing Quirks of art…

out of Context – ‘…in control of our businesses, meddling and peddling our wares housed and expressed serious whims that fancy wounds to dig into and exploit in order for there to be resolution of any sort available even if it causes lasting damage one cannot heal as the more rapacious qualities of humanity break loose and poison the well from which we stem and arise revived and surviving these tribal tribulations before expiring in hopes that spontaneous combustion strikes us all with our frozen ashes remaining just long enough the computer-verse can register this intense frailty that inhabits us as brief candle flicker our lives ever were Here, digging through the carcass of rust built upon kingdoms made out of faith alone sometimes lasting only single session yet assimilated into the greater whole of the next glorious society…’

…dumb-in-Hate, the dominating stupidity…

‘…each other somehow more complicated than it seems whether reading these words to your own satisfaction finding value in some charnel thing channeled and hurled against the page or not for the amusement of few special species as our own to sort gold from the lead in our heads causing further complications unprepared for extremities, attitudes of vanity ensorcell we of weak nature to contain the inanity that perforates our being sustaining volatile components to our character that only lingers for as long as we are Here to fulfill some destiny or goal we might have slight chances to set personally for ourselves before the bucket can be kicked out from under senseless lending expensive items to be broken by inadequate hands that cannot feel the substantial importance while defining oneself amongst such hate…’ – out of Context

…rise of the econoClysm…

out of Context – ‘…as the romance continues to fluctuate and die in some regards captivity of complacence and ignorance ensnaring us to stay this way as we always have seemed regardless of the reality to perfection and its corrective behaviors create critics judges and executioners distilled as thought police left wandering without regulation toying mortality out of our hands or minds by substituting with what it is they want you to believe and obey until you decide otherwise for once, collapsing new reasons out of the ether to inspire yourself to move forward though tragedy as poetry would describe to us in varying voices as villages of unheard words build static that can be heard in low frequencies reverberating and connecting to something beyond us yet we still remain part of the debatable fortune of existence believing ourselves…’

…you’re out of your element, Donnybrook…

‘…selectively benefiting shadow interests invested to ensure bad outcomes where there can only be their rules and regulations managed however they wish as long as fortune continues absolving those raping the earth and its children disassembling nature with destruction and assimilation for trinketed pleasure-seeking lifestyles while remnants upon this heathen earth, infested by invasive ways within most the core principle Here similar to others dissecting resources for exacting personal gains soon overfilled such decadent miscreants faith with vile sewage thrust forward hopefully others will process this garbage more so as servants than the humans being people required to fulfill tasks keeping the daily structures in motion or else they collapse the functional wave of endeavor back to primeval stages where we could be so easily provoked into killing each other…’ – out of Context

…That that…

out of Context – ‘…human generations more than expected penetrating into the next dimensions before they are even mentioned starting reduced as scenes and local communities underneath layers of time and effort to push movements forward Here hearsay heresies seeing what sticks it out able to progress and evolve energy constant and getting resolved in ways that counterpoint as contradict our arguments reinforcing mass debate over being missionaries necessary emissaries capable of turning mercenary, ninja motions at vital moments at a moments notice and without a moments hesitation becoming the embodied warrior in spirit amped up and already offsetting other missions than yours making available what personal time and energy can be devoted to this demoted specialty of labor driven by authoritative directors needing not to dirty their hands if they can convince enough of those people…’

…closed curves of the Lemnisocracy…

‘…perception… how we perceive thinking as wet networks of unseen and seen concepts as content connected together Here flipping doors open and closed constantly we are the ghosts haunting these machines into motion fluctuate plates of tectonic seismic shifting seizing us all by surprise as we defy our own preconceived notions in our actions under stress much as any other outside pressure put upon us singled out to take the brunt affecting our attitudes directly with consequence attached to curtail overt expenditures taking away more than is produced continuing the process of abuse looping for however many more generations to come, expressed in physical extremity translated into various distinct points of humanity leaving their marks echoing long after initial impact is felt progressively concerned with the meaning of this collapsing of trust in others…’ – out of Context


‘…spent on constructive criticism not destructive conducting symphonies of crass observation and calling it insightful is preposterous dreck from the mouths of lost babes bewildering those not professionally-trained to manage Here the more remote places caught where civilization doesn’t touch because literal dangers lurk trapped in the woods trying to eat you and digest the rest in the gut slowly churning dissolving worms before loosed underneath spilling bilious mass attaching at the roots bloody roots as the rest of this body conforms and conjoins to express itself through our personality walking in and out, modes of safest communication betrayed us submitting our civilization to villains Here trying to play the hero though failing miserably enough to spread the disease around having to deal with their decrepit deceit design and retreat into themselves helpless…’ – out of Context