…no one seems to care at all in this day and age of urgency gone critical so critically in a social way that betrays us every day we are awake and dreaming for a better future but never comes Here to stay only to play with itself through us as puppets organized as organically craving the intermission of our pleasures finally reaching detrimental tainted toxic impressions impersonating human made to mock social awareness while also exploiting its artificial abilities washing away things that do not feed the variance of this all-go-riddim its supply and demand diet of craved information carving, through personal data as though only binary code in numbers and letters of computing languages alone, achieving aspects until now stuck as dreams revealed to manifest later on beyond whatever psyche keyed to certain vibrations and frequencies to compel …
out of Context – ‘…marginalized by the systems programmed bias as waves of automatic adapts to the manual transmission… feeding these diseases to each other in seasonal viral catastrophe while culling the herd mentality as much immunity against the fickle fingered fate of nature versus community if one could ever find any that suits them personally perusing through stored glimpses stolen through windows of the soul eyes glittering alluringly suspending disbelief in the inevitable tragedy that arrives Here without much fanfare only gawking and stares glaring in horror at what may appear likened to trainwreck in slow motion or accident waiting to happen standing off to the side until timing is right citing past calamity to frenzy our appetites, accumulated disposable continuum built for destruction pressurized by peers constructively creative with our nastiness…’
‘…contrast and contradiction most take place fundamentally argued over throughout the various civilizations we have ever had the honors of getting through unharmed by karma amid multiples of generations taking up slackened gaps between distinct realizations making differences in the overall consciousness conversely conversing with or without us to represent ourselves up until that threshold when those archives of people whose loss is great can be reconstructed, written and printed works after hundreds of years using integral oral tradition gets lost when things further progress into an audio-visual aspect ratio of graphic states in hologram at first while eventually the digital capacity increases to levels only dreamed of in science fiction sentience creating effective sentences for us all to live by while still aware of indebted usurial burial under these waves…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…relating to how we might perceive these details, objects subjects and situations that are what is actually there though seen from many angles referring to slightest variation attempting to prove the provided definitions truly asserting command by moving forward to utilize a ‘by any means necessary’ attitude vying for control of as much as can be acquired passed back and forth between competitive not necessarily competent players seeking the best strategy leaving them undefeatable to everyone else assuring their dominance as strongest straw men on backs of broken people having to continue on through this replica of decent society more hidden mirror image compelling us to react predictably… weaponizing deceptions with blunt stupidity engaging in their quests for interpreting violence used as that narrative Here that puts stresses and strains upon everyone else…’
‘…textual unconscious as what manifests into culture Here covert conversion of qualities shifting blame shame and power with varied aspects passing through us as we transition beyond that localized form of ourselves legally obligated to collaborate and corroborate in our society observed rituals and rites of passage embodied as vicious animals growing into subliminal forms more consciousness when further humans are shed as though skin cells of greater beings altogether unaware much as is the case with us when these things are falling away from this less dense organism, moving forward through destiny as density collecting fragments of specimen caught curious of interest Here capacity is never reached because there are continually more creatures whether in this world for moments or lifetimes interwoven hybrid-sized theories displacing trust in systems known flowing…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…having enough wits to promote survival in grotesque conditioning environments that can never let up or go but allowed only to be getting worse as rashes of moments misinformed and hastily defined get dismissed stashing incredible substance behind what is judged as merely gossamer or aesthetic dressings to make something look better or disguised as different things to denote transition, of seasonal debris and distort perception detritus collected in great heaping grasps of ritual devotion as failed to pass but what comes through true is another sadistic demarcation of annual annulment before cycles refresh getting more real within the parameters of change from doubt into hope somehow sanctified in this process achieving through naive perceptions inside the lonely individuals housing duties of duality within oneself to personal detriment those ends without entropy…’
‘…to navigate ways around because judging minds always want to know the details of what is truly going on searching for divinity though lacking the ability to sense the abstract and esoteric without fearing for sanity as concepts are believed to reshape our perceptions together and as separate individuals assumed lost and wandering at times requiring guidance whether this helping hand could be deception means the doubts flash through our eyes when time comes to question this corrective authority maintaining aggressive ideals for sake of appearances while manipulations of all sorts run rampant, scamming us of the earned dignity of independence we are made to look forward to in our pursuits toward contentment as mediocre as that may be it also helps to assure the more cautious of us ways to camouflage whatever darker parts…’ – out of Context
‘…mutilated out of place through whatever means necessary by missions of mercenaries each taking their shot at the prize having surmised what others lack in ability to advance the humanity critically, contradicting everyone else before this sudden need to change course midstream in the mainstream screaming for proper leadership to be found when no one steps up for themselves Here with some cruel bravado or masochistic machismo laced with golden silent poison godless warships worshiping mighty dollars earmarking finance and industry for victory beyond merely bread and circus peasants presented with pleasant options should they only obey the rules that were set for lab rats in mazes of manifestation to follow orders counterintuitively at times to define specific routes determining feasible alternates to this bizarre currency laid bare electric circuits snapping…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…of endless fighting amongst each other Here ringing in new years with bombs to undermine the function of what has already been established using people without any ideals to do the dirty work unaware that they are massacring fellow human beings in times of warfare because the image has distorted into one of the enemy only truly realized once the damage is done and the fires go out clearing battlefields now graveyards revealing levels of destruction solitary confinement correlating to social isolation in concert with entropy… creative processes often stunted cunning wit comes caustic too frequent to progress the needle past the vain to vinyl where it should be interjecting noise for heroes wrecking that music for zeroes whose crisis becoming laborious even when not brewed inside the laboratory properly as property of the mind…’
out of Context – ‘…in control of our businesses, meddling and peddling our wares housed and expressed serious whims that fancy wounds to dig into and exploit in order for there to be resolution of any sort available even if it causes lasting damage one cannot heal as the more rapacious qualities of humanity break loose and poison the well from which we stem and arise revived and surviving these tribal tribulations before expiring in hopes that spontaneous combustion strikes us all with our frozen ashes remaining just long enough the computer-verse can register this intense frailty that inhabits us as brief candle flicker our lives ever were Here, digging through the carcass of rust built upon kingdoms made out of faith alone sometimes lasting only single session yet assimilated into the greater whole of the next glorious society…’