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the 13th century…

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‘wanting features of one’s owned self launches into a rancid fit of disapproval for the centuries never to have lived as current crusades visible seem to lack in comparison with the epic validations that few of us nowadays have the will to achieve as originally attentive study perhaps, but this i can only surmise as true to assume as our world is still epically spinning even as we choose to dehumanize and compress and pull all passion out of a very real history for the general gratification in self-possessed “greater good” ideal broken by wealth and greed unleashed in a system that would embrace all stances with at least some respect for individuality as now a modern plague…’

Chuck Palahniuk

out of Context;
‘i became another lunatic like the rest… even though no one really noticed this change but me as the alcohol worked its way into my system without any more register than the tossing back of this poisonous urge as the surge of human debris swirls tighter, pressed like ritual slayings in other countries to happen because of this distinctive lack of compassion which leads us all further down the rabbit hole that society seems impressed to keep taking as route to some kind of oblivion chilling at the doorstep…’

Crossing the line

out of Context;
‘the deranged sits cranked up with volumes of visions intent in their separate planned schisms manifesting division between all of the senses as they flux and flow with the tensions affixed naturally within people, the sole inhabitant of the head once death has pulled the spirit from this vessel now spent from the voyage from this previous life living casually as though nothing else were going on in the cosmos except for themselves, but not necessarily a world as inhabited by the curious opportunist even though there are many scrambling for survival in taking all the pieces of the pie-eyed dream for their individual hoards…’

by choice, clowns strike wit.

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‘through this emotional vessel as the night drags day out of its cold cocoon to reignite in the mourning ritual as the phoenix rising from the ashes whether bird of prey or sent flying as the withering egg finally leaves nothing but rich growth in the flaming wake, and society made of stone and steel remains as a skeletal wasteland to turn into tomb transformed into a womb for the rest of the world and its next denizens crawling inside the space betwixt as the swirling orbit comes to rest bounded at all ends by the gods’ suture which fails to mend…’

Touched by a chaos.

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‘the deviant in nature is not necessarily the villain to be quashed and condemned by the majority of simple minds as humanity in charge of security even though very few are capable to see the about-face that the greater governing authority tells us is right, but to glimpse through the glaze of subterfuge is a keen skill to possess in the nights and days of surviving this game that resembles living free but is truthfully a disguise of mind to hide us from enlightenment from inside, where the wild things are…’

chin snaggle truth

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‘at one point i was considering myself ‘amniscient’ (a strange portmanteau of the terms Amish and omniscient) as the “weird” started to grow, and the ideas began fomenting with haste as to what honor i would bestow upon this unique path to visual extremes which became a gauge for what the year brought out in me and from my environment as pieces falling into place… today, i understand what it was that i was trying to do with my appearance besides modify it into a different shape…’


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‘some few who gauge the functions in an authoritative manner as a trusted doctor or scientist might, authority who cannot be corrupted even though it is based within the hands of Man on whose declarations of certainty in ancient lore are faulty and out-dated in contrast with the modern humanity as it has changed in the centuries since sovereignty made its’ lasting impression on imperialist culture, and the hive mind is working strong and furiously inside the living brain of society…’

Chemical Innocence

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‘base material transmuted into goals into which this conscious world takes its shapes and cues to create… the majority of us are confused by the variable complexities that seem to betray whatever humanity appears to be at first glance whether conscious animal or instinctual alien drawn into worlds within worlds of drama and consequence, the grand scheme as epic as it seems is really quite simple when one considers that humanity is the source of all these dreams becoming reality…’

Chemical Ignorance

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‘addictions of whose choice is it to choose what it is to be right or wrong down this long corridor to a truth that this junk builds blues up from the depth of an unfathomed wasteland to which truth and youth are but fallen idols, standing totems buried in the sandy gossamer fringe that dreams are made of with visible patrons paying for the experience however they can when they can afford it as the games won’t play themselves without a mouse in the maze somewhere, but this is why our parents abort us because the world we live in is so disgusting and cruel…’

Comments & Considerations.

out of Context;
‘we are not embittered alone by the swing of a diseased monkey wrench tossed into gears and cogs that have since damaged and sprung loose of their roles within the system further sending spiral plagues of dysfunction into this ever-corrupted modernity as decadent display… the wealth that builds a cold concrete forest of smooth sheer cliffside as rungless ladder to be climbed from the inside like a roach or a spider getting higher inside the web of intrigue…’