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the Critical Mass

Who are these people? The ones who drift in and out of people’s lives to warp another’s views for a lifetime. There are those who debate as to what meaning the identity of others applies to their own limited fascinations. Each unto their own wealth be it in knowledge, or of the physical matter, something limited by the almost-pointed obsession with a certain facet of ideal obstruction. The eyes have a limited sense of sight to be able to see things closely while the unknown cries out far away. They push our buttons whether it is to succeed or fail, but always in mind to advance the overall progress, the whole unlimited. I despise the ones who defy the interest of all the others in the place, who mock what it is to …

connected to the madness

you don’t think you’re crazy, but how do you know?…unlike rigorous tests of physical endurance to test physical prowess, there are no real tests for sanity’s sake, and chances are that those tests can be misleading…eye don’t fret over the wilds of science nor the fingers of chaos because both are beyond their mere restrictive behaviors, and all of it flows into me, whether it affects me or not…time has distinctive affectations that allow trauma to fester or heal, but no matter what, the mind is always affected…the organs which make up the mind are putty in the early stages of life, and it is a fragment of my soul that shines through that portal to your world, the world you stand within…your arms are useless against me, for my eyes see everything beyond the blind biases of other …

the creations of pain

bleeding is in…when last we left our heroes, they were troubleshooting world disasters for fun and profit, but now they feel the pain…munching upon pasty feelings of regret and guilt, we wait for our turns respectively upon the rollercoaster of the living thrills, and some of us idle at the static speed of dirt…for millions of tiny years…is there ever a time when we all can just be utterly honest in the brutal reality we create?…tormenting others minds and souls like it were a game of hide-and-seek…the freakshow bothers me, but not because of the geeks who bite the heads off chickens, it is because of the irredeemable passers-by who deserve nothing more subtle than a gun barrel between the jaws…a bullet passing through the freakish display of brain matter…eye do not speak without compassion, though, merely hatred for …

the Challenge explained.

I thought that I wasn’t going to make it, but Here I am nearing the end of my crusade, into a kind of mental and emotional haven…I set this challenge to myself to realize the capability that I could have if I just tried to make these blog entries happen every day for one month in a row, and have all the days filled…No doubt a challenge for a huge procrastinator like me…This month is also a birthday month for me….Twenty-seven, at first, seemed like one of the worst years to finish off with, but even with some pretty raw examples I have held my own so far…I mean all three of them, Jim and Janis and Jimi, were extinguished from this existence at the mere age of twenty-seven….so what chance did I have living the way I do?…I’d …

the Challenge…

“31 posts in thirty-one days without losing my sense of sanity through the madness”…This is the second installment of my comeback special, and a mighty one at that…I’m already down to twenty-six days now as I write this, but I can still accomplish the goal if I back track to previous days…This ‘challenge’ will test my mettle in the arena seeing if I can keep up with daily blogging at all…If I can’t keep up, I may just lose this blog, but if I accomplish the task set before me, I will have proved my abilities Here…No giving up now that the challenge has been acknowledged…Let the games begin, and the only rules are that each post needs to only be in the ‘khet’s coroner’ categories…Dark Thoughts; permitted…My Art & Dreams; permitted…Rants & Raves; permitted…Subdued Wisdom; permitted…World-At-Large; permitted…Wish me …

CMK – 1/07

we speak from inside
the mind’s eye
where we do not die
merely experience
the rest of all of this
one at a time
we create
worlds within ourselves
this way
a growth.