out of Context;
‘…I hate money with its serious bullshit attached, but Here it has become a necessary supplement for happiness, everyone seems to set the focus to creating a system for raking it in…Everyone but me it seems, I work for money, but I have troubles making money work for me…’
out of Context;
‘…Pandora is Gaea, and the earth is that box slowly opening before our eyes…If we are not careful enough, this box will condemn us with beasties we have only nightmares about, and the mind will become a playground for reckless creatures who have no point for dreaming…’
out of Context;
‘My interest is divided between the relevant and the irrelevant, but not too often am I able to resolve the infrequency that the two cohere, that the two ideologies would collide into a single straight frame of mind…Getting tired of all the self-serving skulduggery that betrays this skin…I am selfish’