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‘the English monarchy had it this way and the corporate scum have followed suit in the new ages since the industrial revolution last, but sometimes a fifth of scotch given out to couriers since those long lost olden days where people thought that gatherings would be pleasant through the bitter reunions as the “day of goodwill” commences among the holiday crushed Here in a human side to reality’s cold sting… still a part of the unholy shopping fury that comes in the season of Grummet afterward in which people seem to reconcile between the materialistic and spiritual aspects within their own true nature, in the aftermath of an annual mass consumption of goods and services where gods are praised but in which few are very relevant to a modern situation these days…’
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‘they kick and scream their way into an orderly fashion for this mad all-consuming drama as it moves minus any obvious human masterminds as it has since inception of this “sales holiday” in particular, but it was due to the guidance of the earlier wealth-mongers of this timeline that had put the organic machinery into motion once it was realized a massive profit could be made via the sheepish traits of the herd… we strain and stress against the waves of mind-numbing boredom that will strike without warning once the decision has been made to seriously relax with some random acts of thoughtless recreation…’
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‘out of the ideas of family and tradition as we have spawned monsters in order to create gods in our twisted visage where we now perhaps place the celebrity whose status rides upon the easy whims of an all-too fickle populace, but spinning out of control has been all the rage since humanity has needed to purge the containment we inflict upon each other like tags and collars to keep the satisfied mind out of place in this reality as mandated by the state in secretive meetings that few were ever apart of even as many aware of the proceedings each time the debates were made and finished without one acceptable representative of the actual system… we only witness publicly the few that chanced to make it through mostly because of a privileged beginning with money…’
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‘a minimum wage to keep the fat cats floating high on their ideas of untouchable glory as they fail to realize that the labor force has become a tougher grouping than one could ever just slip further away from without any notice from an angry juxtaposition of human forces becoming real enough to damage the current of sedative consensus at work within corrosive conformity begging for a corrosion to conformity in this example, today we meet the barriers facing that full frontal direction to bear the brunt of the inescapable destiny condensing right before our very eyes awake as the scenery finally begins to change revealing an acceptable forum for leadership and plain-spoken community adapted to this crazy insecurity jerking around the regular people like you or me into place by our unquantified potential…’
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‘shedding the tyranny at the outside world lives locked away in the dark spiral universe of cruelty, and a sun bathed red in the blood of the men as they would die fighting as slaves against the sudden and hard-wrought conclusions betrayed by fierce selves as zombies sway in the spacey golden sunlight haze… the culture eats its dead in cyclic recycled machine flares that roar and rumble through humble instinct trans-interpreted again from alternate scripts of binary numeric codes and cryptic glyphs, the fluid etheric emotion in troubled confrontation of complicated equations…’
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‘nervous and self-consciously aware before we fall to sleep in this dreamy anti-wake state… where the words contort into the springboard from which all this anti-matter spits is the wealth of a collective area of consciousness residing above where the heart sits, the visceral mind wishes to know the means to the end by moving as may pieces of the clueless fauna left wandering around with their plans, but at any time the summons can be made and the voices of gods will be loud and pleading for a new kind of change in the world… one that perhaps takes us back into the distance of the past from a very real point of vantage that will remain undisturbed in light of humanity’s dramatic twists and turns…’
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‘the changing of time and space for everyone involved… what remains of this flower’s power once the petals have all wilted to the floor out of a deathly bloom inspired by paranoia and gloom as the world goes dark and dim with the light that it had from within, the people are jaded and tightening their loads against their beds to prepare for the burning that will take place then, and the fires will not stop until the useless are cut off from the rest of those sorry examples reinforcing the lessons humanity has spent to learn for itself truth in its human words… liars in their livelihood sociopathic of intent exclaim grand gestures of perilous moral flavor to gather the distraught and disturbed to their feet, with the talk becoming that of esteem for the creeps…’
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‘this satisfying plunge into a torrential wind swept with scents of any other way than what is known, the mind is sensitive and rises up to greet these olfactory memes with spicy essence transfiguring the time and space in-between the spaces, but the time has come to wander on in… as i just turned on the whirlpool, and your bath for the brainwashing was prepared long before i got Here… i am merely an afterthought in some giant’s dream, but you and i still interact together in this virtual world of blank verse and pictographic words depicting urges you have never heard before, these voices that pulse with the wired feeling for fate… that deja vu was just great… somehow i don’t believe you…’
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‘the dragging feeling tries to harvest our stinking atrophied energies, or rather what is left afterward to be harvested properly is what the energies we mingle with brings to the surface, like sweat through our pores in fits of fear or ecstasy as we release the beast within our cells of the divided and conquered… we race to find cures to things only the wealthy are trying to fund as part of their plans in prophecy to wrack havoc with the real patrons of the movements in this place, in all its flawed appeal and production of commodified trysts tightening the woven fabric of this cosmic thing…’
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‘not enough answers, more like too many of varying diameters of contradictory opinion founded upon opinion, and used as a moral leash by the “chosen” few made up of inbred sons of mad single thread family trees… the involved betraying fundamentalist quotient of ‘let’s fuck this shit up right’ makes me quiver with spite at the attempt even made, a shotgun blast of a metaphor pushing a belief currently possessing the future from the puppet strings of an evocation that invited something smitten with our reality, and how our energies can so easily be diverted for their function and purpose of proposed ideals… the verge of something that we try to breach understanding as it tries to understand us in all our diversity and depth…’