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Boom!… or shoot…?

out of Context;
‘circumstance betraying of one’s own worth, trampled for the vapid jerking machines tragically aligned under the mystique of values set off like bombs a few paces from where parental figures dropped you in last when rules that were made in no sense as child raised can seed these things even a fatality sensing fanaticism some cannot be shied away from as violence draws blood from us stoned drones mumbled jumble that like a magic enchanting we quickly get intoxicated and attached to the carcass…’

i don’t Believe in the mind games, do you?…

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‘doctors and scientists alike continually process and reassess through reminders of what it was going to be along objective states of neutral circumstances with tribal trials and separations as one mind realizes inherent validity in another, and so it goes as the stutter of ignorance engrains and trains us to be domesticated citizens fully inundated with the mutually exclusive protocols of government and spirituality that guide us on in the directions that perhaps make no sense at first sight when feeling those winds of change blow apart of the situation into follies that evoke only serious perspectives experienced through the scripts of law writing trial and error to the current aeon in flux… crows pigeons and even the human creature stands at a cosmic threshold…’

Obstinate Bass

out of Context;
‘a steady droning rhythm coalesces from the air observing the odd moods enchanting as a stubborn object implemented into this muscular tapestry displaying a harmony of synchronization moving from the subtle station to shroud through our substance, and resonating so deeply in its penetrations of spiritual ebb and flow through cosmic wave gyrating slowly by our standards as like a glacier causing a change too personal yet to command a better mental shield that should appear and protect those unaware of this as a perception switching movement occurring between us because of this, in a distinct tension created by the mere mention of any sensitive subjects…’

Smitten with the Bitten

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‘dealing with barbaric habits and traits as too close to breaking these odd chains connecting us through love without question though not altogether unconditional, a feeble attempt to coerce that oneself idealized truly into kickstarting this dormant understanding somehow to foolishly acquire our lives Here as holy psychic artifact left obtuse for all to use, and the demon semen are left to coagulate on the lips and in the wounds of those handful getting the brunt of the abuse from the careless and brutal whose torturous methods are satisfying only in a momentary eclipse of emotions euphoric for a brief interlude subsumed…’

Life as a letter Bomb

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‘symbols and signs littered in every aspect of the human travail building up to aspects which vent the pressures of this human motile machine as animal coming to terms with itself as much as the states of awareness and ego either housed or sheltered within, a body moves in mysterious ways that can only be defined once the act is done and the intellect is left reacting to a force of whatever the collaboration between intuition and instinct to which ends our mind may use reason and logic no matter how ill-conceived to justify any and all of the actions made…’

Benthos and the Ablyssal Deep

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‘at the bottom of this gravity pulling us Here from a panopticon into which we do not know where what concepts like these are to represent throughout the great cosmic mystery of this holographic universe constantly working its’ magic on us all, driving some of us in the discovery of and curiosity for happiness as both a selfish image and for bettering the whole of civilization into surviving further this future than even we cannot foresee in unsure pursuit of whatever might seem special…’

a Roaring, Boring Phallacy

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‘within moments of achievement even these symptoms of a greater problem can still linger with people who might go so far as to make every argument about themselves unsound with an irrational basis in true understanding for human compassion, details describing just how bad we have it when we are somehow taken advantage of with all the aspects that make us trivialized and taken for granted that we are alive today moving inside a maze of fear… an enchanting Jimi Hendrix-phrased conundrum ‘if p was q’ when confronting the fallacy within logical argument using the nonsense eyes…’

benediction affliction…

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‘whacked-out fiends, proliferating this ablyss without enough sense to rub together to create solid thoughts or valid schemes that might in this lifetime resemble dreams to look forward to without intruding onto others’ feet to do so, but even if this isn’t a trick used to catch us gasping as we grasp for some reason and logic like air in a breath caught reeling in our fears all in one second of reflection as though it were all destined for us to suffer through hell in each other… consequence in the nothing…’


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‘lost to all these other forces at work as their truths come first amongst this more studious tedium steady as some stronger than average bonds are created between those various selves inside people… the shaman of shame have spread their servicing disease far and wide with the fellow peddlers of a mystery too trivial and specific to be mistaken for wisdom bought and sold to whoever is randomly willing to fall for the tricks and the gimmicks, anchored to the decisions we make by the drugs we take as the fools we become stay kids all along in our lives trying by force to control this ideal “growing-up” hole we are buried into…’

to Boon Doggle

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‘you don’t trust them with their flim-flam personal displays swaggering to take control if you don’t watch out for your whole, knots you cannot see linked though by invisible thread tied like the rest of us tied together for better or words that decide to sever their relationship forever with our essence in the which where we credit the winner with the glory of the massive a collection of souls weighing heavily upon the face of this earth as heathen as it may seem to be with regard to a killing deity dispatching without mercy, and it is we who become trapped in our own definitions needing to be broken in at least a house-broken way so that we are not responsible for cleaning the mess made after we have left…’