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‘best interests in focus unless there is some ulterior angle to maintain a privilege as an edge one step ahead of the game played defending a droning atmosphere of dread and paranoia as better of the many evils pervasive in this world scenario estranged from a species in duress as the modern burden of conformity to bare as emotional weight constraining any social movement from place to place when there are so many unwanted offending swaggers… gestures as the codes we speak with driving us to try to understand what others are saying to us through their exaggerated symbols and syllables woven twisting meaning and the moments we spend trying to interpret what it means to being this human…’
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‘the forward progress boldly courageous as utility to explore the out there still unknown as like blood cells collectively searching for a consciousness in the circulation as that which contains us and our paths through this neural network still making leaps and bounds thinking of what this cosmic divinity is made of questing eternally remaining Mystery which binds inside all of our unique threads together both in the minds and bodies of this creative creature that we have called by many names but i have to officially dub ‘Humanity’, and it is Here a shared connective burden that brings us to tear each other apart on this playing field where we are either being played or killed or somehow just barely able to survive…’
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‘prestidigitation indubitably pronounced as a savior in wolf’s clothing as these days are bane to have the cheap and experienced for the New and an entourage of encouraging statements to bolster the ranks a bit more than needed to achieve a ulterior goal like this in marketing the image of a treasure and the treasured laments baring no proof of any mystically-derived decision to access a holy wisdom from the heavens locked into various cliches and tropes as a civilization of parrots and mimics are mocking the minds of their fellow citizen victims through quotidian tracts felt as voice for the voiceless as policies and laws are utilized to deceive those weak to the might and heft of perceived magic words…’
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‘as the cycle of life continues onwards to shift reality, as millennia coalesce into this who that we are in today trying our hands at perfecting the systemic defect pumping and circulating a corrupted blood as humanity attempts to purge a sickness from every limb as fingertips of the god in nature many symbolic triggers and archetypes arise from as these seemingly unrelated parts come together into any cohesive fabrication integral to the weaving of a cosmic tapestry creating a ‘fabrix’ if you will, and much like any other matrix model manufactured to manifest Here in reality as series of complex caverns and coves gyrating on the same wave forms drifting resonant and splashing against one another…’
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‘the epiphany of integration finally perceived almost religiously, swaying system as authority to put pressure where called forth by the contradictions that raise tension to a heated and sometimes violent level when the process of integration doesn’t hold and an estranged hope of control is outsourced to all those voices without sound whispering inside ones’ thoughts as the cells collect and divide having their versions of a say in how this thing is kept in motion by creatures so inept, but i digress this as yet another argument in the human denatured by their own pursuits for dominance being intelligent though flawed in the perception that humanity requires strong and yet conflicting governance…’
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‘to adapt to the raging inferno within our hearts which often contradict our minds and a logical thrust into reasoning our situation out amongst the other cattle charged to get slaughtered at random by some of a villainous underclass that create this disease we have all settled upon as the wager to meet as a greater good this civilized destination filled to the brim with all cravens and cowards as well as the best of us, but projected by and through this police state of deflection once the truth-seekers have come sniffing around is intimidation through loud insults and serious cruelty gone mainstream evident reflection of an everyday reality as the streets cloud with massive propulsions of people to protest the atrocious substance our system is addicted to…’
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‘truth from behind the ears that hear only a bullshit to be purged once we get sick of it taking up the real estate in our heads between those ears infested with then curious and insecure as thumbless and trying to work the gripping machines to achieve removing the prize from the bottom of a trivial task into my cache of treasured things, left stored like a severed heart taken away to relieve the pain of love and loss but transmogrified into mind obtuse in frustration and confusion as we shape art into a new form of compassion by acknowledging the artist within all of us…’
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‘trying to stay sensitive to the situation we have created collectively in this preservation of information reaching back along the living gears of the cosmos to meet Here… as repetition drives competition deeper into the wounds of culture like salt to assault in the fears and moods of the affected whose demons philter the essence of humanity on outward further into space as a dimension to hold all this stray effluvium before it fades away into clouds of mote and dust as chips on shoulders in burdensome memories of horrid trips taken in this flesh to live these lifetimes under the swaying hand of death as a release on life as yet, but i do say things which others doubt while keeping busy sorting out superstition from this reasoned smoothing…’
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’embrace an open mind in which to view things by a variable light… as it seems to me enlightenment is what we are all striving to shoot for through our dreams though not in a truly ideal civilization where today a drama of society gathers like a sinister momentum Now summoned up by political ticks and distorted by facial twitches with their cheap false politeness draining the guts out of this nation of saps dripping out purged energies and the victimized citizens whose consumerism changes them into the same vicious predators as the victors who pillage and conquer, we laugh at the jokes that are made in the expensive selling of others as sense of the objective this way a struggling and suffering that leaves us rude as we adjust our perspective filters to fit…’
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‘fearful suspension in a dimension of disbelief we barely perceive not able to crawl out from underneath displaced by our fates in Here chasing cosmic debris like thoughts into words remaining unseen until utilized properly, a series of disdainful measures taken against humanity throughout all the ages amassing like a wall of bricks and blocks placed ahead of us in our race to a finishing end alongside those paths we have been prevented from taking to circumvent these disasters in an imperfect heaven of monitored creatures as living beings though dissected once dead to scrape the genes from the inside of the head to study the many parts of this social anatomy…’