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…more plastic Bastards…

out of Context – ‘…defeat innovation by default we assume what the cause or interactions between the multiplicity of elemental forces comprising and compressing us into place for as long as we are convinced of the long con taking effect affecting our demeanor feeling demeaned to be Here in reflection of the son in whose god becomes this undying myth complicating arrangements whether cordial or formal or casual are not necessarily ordained by the orthodoxy in power finding their authority by consensus to shape whatever doctrines they are wishing to change to plunder advantage for themselves as well as proteges, towing the line conforming when the needs arise to defend the institution over individuals who may claim restitution for their ancestral devotion to pay off in this immediate stance looking ahead toward the future in attempting to prepare…’

…decisive imPerilyzing…

‘…yield like a venom in our brains to create these imaginary fields fed through emotional impulses that many think encroach upon their multiple thoughts as though parasites infesting infecting the mind to dissolve the mystery unsolved because there is a righteous veil imposed not by oneself but of the external shapes of humanity taking on manifestations within negative, zoning reverse psychology concepts housing brain bombs that make weaker minds collapse spraying brain spatter scanners styled probably not so epic internalized explosion of purely just a steady flow of brain matter through to ear and eye crimson fluid drip-drip-drip gets to pooling somewhere if it cannot get anywhere Here as worst case scenario barely making sense of the various violent visions people are born with and cannot help leaking from what their minds call a brain…’ – out of Context

…adversarial $upposition…

out of Context – ‘…Here clearly marked for some purpose from the past since perhaps antiquity became reinterpreted as times of total iniquity still sending signals through the noise we have accepted come to conclusions inclusive of only a few who were chosen by the gods as we now worship them and give respect where it is due to shine the karmic chrome that brightly covers our asses blinding those who assume too much taking advantage of a golden touch not rationed out amongst the people but only invested parties, pumping up the volume while contorting the physical to please what vital demons one can concede as primal reason becoming beings that further extend the reach of future glad-handing wizards that seek fortunes siphoned from those very persons they supposedly represent yet deny ever having to play the villain…’

…dur Foireux cerveau pet…

‘…inhabiting our brains as that vital flashing point subdues finishing off our tainted deceptions observed, ritual excuse used exceptions to the rules jealously oblivious to the inner workings of subconscious yearnings percolating rancid revision allowing our darkest parts to survive upon whatever residence they can find inside of our heads confined that prevent escape stirring ferocious feeling from pits obsessed with retribution reviving the certainty that something is vitally wrong Here accepting very little as factual information as rather only sordid opinions confused weapons composed of words by those insensitive and are motives to match their ballistic all-too enlightened reasons to pervade all the realms in violence as though these are meaningful hold onto traditions… used to destroy ourselves insidious to the rectal sleeve and the flatulence that fabricates…’ – out of Context

…erstWhile nihilist…

out of Context – ‘…overlooking what collected visions we have Here as though anything like us has that command various elementary forces attached to conventional supervisory puppet strings contrary to what imagination can conceive because there is nothing cool or badass about standing out like we think drunk on thinking convinced we should be something new more novel than we are still larval and hatching out of the trap others have made for us seeing wave functions, magical reality perhaps before they may even appear to collapse surpassed by the collective disbelief that enchants all other reality to stay banal something conforming to ideas that work against us and our progress beyond the awareness of infants instead barely the quaint antiquity we thought it would be in the room of elephants alarming but to remove the glass ceiling…’

…meGrims dark…

out of Context – ‘…clearly triggering repercussions more than simply noise distracting from real issues larger than local as we collectively tolerate this abuse because do not know what else to do with ourselves being in circuits and patterns that previously served those personal gods, now we destroy each other making excuses as we always have understanding these slight variations in the cosmic tapestry from what we can read into its massive ferocious beauty undulating and shaping us as we can be capable of somehow learning observing and recording this phenomena we experience as separate yet combined creatures unable to tap into our natural hive mind except rarity accepted as confidence trick side show shit gimmick blending truth with lies on purpose depending upon persons doing such ornery chicanery to defile and disgrace disturb the human race…’

…signs of the Cruciflux…

‘…instead of tools meant to reduce our larger than life views to match our technology motivating our meat machines to attempt their best at making things that can be changed for the better but greed and other likewise aspects drawn closely to our personal senses of self-righteous superiority and ego coercing others to conform in order to create that systemic green manure as an ideological manifestation of my reproductions caught unable to reduce the questionable urge to binge at some interval reasonably inconvenient to confine us in our own unstable composure as if witnessing something different, and complete for now confusion knows no bounds connecting various disparate elements fashioned into some kind of human machine Here this displayed feeling so territorial as though someone is pulling one over on your god no slight ever accepted…’ – out of Context

…wAnchors away…

out of Context – ‘…who know what they are looking for considering the sources of this animal flesh that bears witness and attacks tries to adapt boundaries without leaping before thinking through completely wired differently scattering of lives living through this manure heap that values only higher and larger amounts of force each finding their own ways to the top fighting against the funk transfer of the zombie eaters relying upon the wells of knowledge planted to grow deeply ingrained impressive seeds laying groundwork, assumptions climbing the most fruitful trees disarming us with dysthanasia or a bad death when haste falling from grace exploiting the ignorant though savage dance through damage introducing lessons back into the mixture hot mozel tov cocktail left shattering displaced glass and shards of fire in the paths of others walking over burning coals…’

…gleaming the Pube…

out of Context – ‘…emotional insecurity leading from fun to fighting in one fell swoop turned whoop whoop bottles broken, as classic gauntlet of the barroom brawl that spills out onto the streets but imagined as a city-wide riot where the pugilists are drunken and laughing messes massive writhing timing this conflict to finished when the animals are ready to run away trying to fix their reputation among the other thugs cursing and insulting the ones too weak to keep up with the real monsters taking lives as well as wallets growing up reckless and willing to stand up regardless of whether it happens to be right and wanting no other individual to take advantage of their position in authority, after all the beatings and undetermined privilege finally recognized the kid gets it running with a pack of wolves…’


out of Context – ‘…driving coffins on wheels a rare breed hoping not to die as it crisscrosses the highways and frontage roads weaving maps into existence that never existed before the journey creating stories to be recounted by those who were there are the most genuine and emotional pulling us in to depict life juxtaposed from memory into immediate company relating experiences to one another this way bonding and coming to a mutual agreement which depending on persons may remain unspoken as long as it remains Here energy converted into an ephemeral concept connected to various impediments of perspective from our singular viewpoints, collected at precarious moments when straying away from nonsense makes the most sense even if the massive might disagree with your lone point of observation lacking respect for what prospects in what context remain unmolested…’